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If the Ravens signed Richie InC.....


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We don't want the Miami guy in any way, shape, or form. He is nothing but a bully on steroids and was abusing his own teammate. There is no room for a guy of his type in the league.


And I would also say that many incidents that have happened in the past with other players were tolerated too much by the NFL and, yes, I'd include the Ray Lewis murder incident in that.


I think the League is trying very hard to clean up it's image. It is a violent game. Enough injuries occur just through normal contact. I'd like to see a complete ban on leading with the head on tackling. There's just way too many players paying a heavy price for delivering and receiving 'hard hits' just a dozen years or so after they quit playing.

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Except he also assaulted a woman that had only been trying to work a golf event. The team swept that away. He didn't keep it confined to the team. If he does something wrong again the team will be so on the hook for a huge lawsuit after this time.

Was that as bad as Mike Tyson who went to jail for raping a girl and was known for beating his women as per his wife, biting Holyfield's ear off....Yet he was let back in the ring and considered one of the greatest of all times.....Or Ben for raping a college girl in a bathroom and still Pitts beloved qb.....Along with the numerous DUI's that could kill an innocent bystander yet it's all quickly forgotten....

Richie is a choir boy compared to some of these other thugs in the league.....But he's being singled out because of the fear of being tagged as a racist....Plain and simple...

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Boxers are private contractors. Football players work for the franchise.

True but they still have to meet the boxing associations requirements to be approved to box and it is mainstream pro sports but I gave more examples than him....It's up for interpretation I guess and they will do what they want, it's up to us if we accept it or not......

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How does that work that the team could handle it?


He has been suspended already. It can't happen twice.

History shows the Ravens handling these situations. When a player has problems, the Ravens work with players that they deem worth the risk. They are usually right. If a player isn't worthy, they let them go without fan fare and move on . Just watch how this Ray Rice thing plays out. Go back to Ray Lewis and everything in between. Also this is a locker room thing and the ravens don't do the hazing out of control thing. Hey that's how I see it. It's easy to disagree but as far as I know there's never been a locker room implosion in Bmore.

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History shows the Ravens handling these situations. When a player has problems, the Ravens work with players that they deem worth the risk. They are usually right. If a player isn't worthy, they let them go without fan fare and move on . Just watch how this Ray Rice thing plays out. Go back to Ray Lewis and everything in between. Also this is a locker room thing and the ravens don't do the hazing out of control thing. Hey that's how I see it. It's easy to disagree but as far as I know there's never been a locker room implosion in Bmore.

Well said; and I don't think there's anyone in our LR that wouldn't pop him in the mouth if he bullied them, including little Ray....

What you allow people to do to you will increase....So you have to set some boundaries and fight for the right, if need be....

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True but they still have to meet the boxing associations requirements to be approved to box and it is mainstream pro sports but I gave more examples than him....It's up for interpretation I guess and they will do what they want, it's up to us if we accept it or not......

But commissions do not pay the fighters. The promoter does.

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Commissions can't withhold a licence for being a bad guy. They can only keep it away for health and safety reasons.

They can when they bite an opponents ear off and are a convicted felon.....Ali was turned down for refusing the draft and I'm sure there are others but the point is not boxing rules versus NFL rules.....It's that much worse things than bullying has been overlooked in pro sports, and this one is more who he bullied than anything else....Unjust, just like Goodell's erratic fines.....

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So Ali did not win in a court of law that his banning was illegal. The NFL is a private business and an athletic commission is the govt. The govt cannot discriminate.

Here is Colorado's


Office of Boxing and the Boxing Commission

Ofelia Duran, Program Director

Josef Mason, Director

Consumer Protection is our Mission.

The Office of Boxing and the Boxing Commission are responsible for all rules to regulate the conduct, promotion and performance of boxing, kickboxing, and mixed martial arts in the state. The Office licenses participants, seconds, officials, and promoters. Licensure is mandatory in Colorado. The Office’s activities include licensing, bout approvals, determination of discipline, and enforcement of discipline for those who violate the Colorado Statutes and the Office of Boxing Rules. The purpose of the Office is to protect the safety of participants and promote the public trust and confidence in the conduct of professional boxing, kickboxing, and mixed martial arts by regulating four professions that relate to the operation of live professional events, performances, and contests held in Colorado. The seven-member Commission is comprised of three members that are appointed by the Governor, one member appointed by the Senate President, and one member appointed by the Speaker of the House in addition there are two non-voting members that are licensed physicians who serve as advisors to the commission and the office.



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Here is Colorado's


Office of Boxing and the Boxing Commission

Ofelia Duran, Program Director

Josef Mason, Director

Consumer Protection is our Mission.

The Office of Boxing and the Boxing Commission are responsible for all rules to regulate the conduct, promotion and performance of boxing, kickboxing, and mixed martial arts in the state. The Office licenses participants, seconds, officials, and promoters. Licensure is mandatory in Colorado. The Office’s activities include licensing, bout approvals, determination of discipline, and enforcement of discipline for those who violate the Colorado Statutes and the Office of Boxing Rules. The purpose of the Office is to protect the safety of participants and promote the public trust and confidence in the conduct of professional boxing, kickboxing, and mixed martial arts by regulating four professions that relate to the operation of live professional events, performances, and contests held in Colorado. The seven-member Commission is comprised of three members that are appointed by the Governor, one member appointed by the Senate President, and one member appointed by the Speaker of the House in addition there are two non-voting members that are licensed physicians who serve as advisors to the commission and the office.



So you took 1 state that has about 3 pro fights a yr. Well done.




Wrong again.

So any player will not aim for a bad ankle or ribs to knock a guy out of the game? Since when.

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As a Raven fan, I would just prefer that the Ravens organization, NOT have anything to do with this guy. Personally, I think he's crazy and phsycho. Really.

It's ok to think that, but that don't mean it's correct T.....If you've ever dealt with problem people you'll find that many have been hurt or rejected at a crucial point in their life and their actions are a result of the defense they've built to protect themselves....It's actually a survival method to an extent....And if they get some guidance, it can be assessed and corrected....Now we know he can play football at a high level, if you knew he could help get us back to the SB, would you feel differently about him ?....

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Papa- to answer your question -NO. Any player who would intentionally go for the knees, ankles, etc of an opposing player should be banned from this league. Your job as a pro is to be in top physical condition, know the playbook and give 110% each play. Not to intentionally hurt the guy on the other team.


O.S.- Incognito would be horrible for this locker room. I doubt that many players would accept him as a teammate after the crap he pulled over the years and his behavior the last six or so months. No he is not worth it in my opinion.

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Papa- to answer your question -NO. Any player who would intentionally go for the knees, ankles, etc of an opposing player should be banned from this league. Your job as a pro is to be in top physical condition, know the playbook and give 110% each play. Not to intentionally hurt the guy on the other team.


O.S.- Incognito would be horrible for this locker room. I doubt that many players would accept him as a teammate after the crap he pulled over the years and his behavior the last six or so months. No he is not worth it in my opinion.

I don't think so......I believe that everyone in our LR would pop him in the mouth if he tried to bully them and that would be the end of that....

Any grown man with an ounce of testosterone in their body would not let another man bully them without a fight....That's why I have NO PITY on Martin at all....

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That depends. Some people are raised passive. They just try to roll with the punches. Sometimes they are pushed to far and the explode.

Those people don't make it in pro sports , it's built in a man's DNA and unnatural to be otherwise....Granted some men are braver than others and it takes more to provoke some than others, but all normal healthy men will stand up when their line is crossed....Tissues are for sniffling babies and emotional women.....Not NFL football players....IMO

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