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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by RavensFanNC

  1. Way to go Ray....first career TD?
  2. Time to put Quady Brinn back in!
  3. I just picked up Washington in my fantasy league. Joe seems to be targeting him more.
  4. Option was MONEY!
  5. No first down dance for Washington?
  6. Frank Walker gets a special teams penalty?!?!? Shocking.
  7. QB sneak...on 1st and 10? LMAO
  8. I was bored, and I sorted the Offensive stats, and found that we are in the top 5 in some of the most important categories. 2nd -- Points scored (69) 2nd -- Points per game (34.5) 1st -- Plays from scrimmage (145) 3rd -- Yards per game (406) 1st -- First Downs per game (27) 4th -- Third Down percentage (50%) 3rd -- Time of possession (34:15) Not too shabby. edit: We also are #2 in TD's scored with 9...4 rushing and 5 receiving.
  9. I predict a final score of 27-10, so....under. BTW, Ravens 27, Browns 10, in case you were wondering, LOL
  10. This has "Trap Game" written all over it. We are 2-0, and feeling good. The boys may be looking ahead to the Pats, seeing how the Jets beat them. They are 0-2, and feeling desperate. They need a win to salvage their season. I still think the Ravens win by 10 though.
  11. Not good. I like the respect, but we do much better as an underdog role. Harbs better not let this go to their heads. I have faith in Harbs.
  12. I agree with the part about trading the guy to the team we play in 1.5 weeks...don't like that at all.
  13. I think everyone can see the Defensive gameplan against pitt now...everyone knows the Titans blew it with the 3 to 4 man rush giving big jen 15 seconds to pick apart the simple zone. They have nearly no running game, and if you blitz and play bump coverage, you should be straight. However...squealers have a super cake schedule, and might win 13+ games this year, but we should be able to beat them twice, hopefully 3 times.
  14. Here, Here. Gotta go get me a #27 jersey! Too bad they don't sell them here, and I'm not paying $80 plus shipping.
  15. Jason Brown is our best OL-man. He is pretty nice at both pass blocking and run blocking. He was the leader of our line this year (a line which wasn't to shabby). They better sign him, or i'm moving to pitt and becoming a steeler fan....just kidding (okay, i just punched myself in the face...damn that hurt). But seriously, Brown is definitely the "unsung hero" of the offense, and he needs to stick around if we plan on improving on Offense. Just my $0.02...
  16. That's the spirit! Now if we can only get Ray to read this thread, that should convince him to stay.
  17. Just a thought... For all these cats with 52 in their user name, will you still roll with that if Ray goes? Hopefully nobody has to make that decision.
  18. I always liked C-Mac, but the dude just couldn't stay healthy these past 2 years. With him being out, it exposed a HUGE weakness on Defense. I'd like for us to draft a stud who can come in and start right away. Sucks we can't get that elite corner at #26 in the draft. C-Mac, It's been fun. Two words, Keep it real.
  19. He almost signed with the Browns, but later said he was just trying to get a "free steak". I'm not confident that Scott will take less money this time. Teams will overpay, and Scott will walk.
  20. I know Suggs said he wants to go to hollywood when he's done with the Game... I have been saying this for years. When Ray is too old, let him coach us. Although, I really don't think he is too old yet.
  21. Yeah, I'll be warm and toasty too.....in the stands I'll look like Ralphie's little bother in 'Christmas Story' up there.
  22. Sunday after the stlrs game ended, stubhub tickets were coming off the board like crazy. My buddy emailed and said upper nosebleeds for 220-250 before the game was over. So we said ok, lets get like 4 tickets, and we'll find 2 more people to go. So i was looking around the different sections, scoping out prices, and when i hit refresh, like half of those tickets were gone, and a minute later, same story. So i went ahead and got some 5 yard line (Ravens side) nosebleeds, row K for 300 each, and that was the best deal, so i could only get two. I know my buddy hollered Hunt Valley motor coach round trip for $75, and I saw those buses in Nashville, so I would imagine they are doing something. We ended up going thru someone else for bus(not sure who), but it was like $79, and leaves from from Carney/Parkville, which is closer to my buddy's house. The buses tailgate too, and you can bring a carry on cooler, or bring a big one, and store it underneath the bus. I'll try to find out the name of the bus line we are taking, and post it up.
  23. I'll second that...it was crazy loud. I'd have to say it was as loud as M&T... Funny thing was, they were getting loud as crap on a commercial breaks, LOL.
  24. And how about the classic: 'When you go in the lion's den, you don't tippy toe in — you carry a spear, you go in screaming like a banshee, you kick whatever doors in, and say, "Where's the SOB?" If you go in any other way you're gonna lose.' Forget the Guy's name who said that
  25. Don't know if anyone has seen this yet, but everyone who was there knows how awesome this was... Rocking cars, banging on cars passing by, packing the street. This is their most happening spot in the whole city, and we totally took it over. I wasn't at the Graham Central Station party, as when i got there i saw some folks i was hanging out with on friday night, and they said there wasn't even elbow room in there, and it was hot as a mug. So, we all went to the Irish bar next to it (MacGreggor's???), and got pretty rowdy... We had the usual, What time is it? Game Time! What time is it? Game time! Any dogs in the house... And the newcomer, What's our name? Ravens! And the always popular, Let's go Rav-ens! clap clap clap-clap clap (also the Let's go Flac-co variant). Good times.
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