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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by RavensFanNC

  1. Hunt Valley Motor Coach, $75 round trip. My game tickets are coming probably on Tuesday! Two LONG road trips in 2 weeks, sheesh (8 hours to Tenn through the mountains and I have to drive to B-more 5-6 hours, then take a bus trip to pitt). Come on folks, we gotta show up strong... Seeing 65,000+ heartbroken squeeler fans is once in a lifetime....don't we all want a piece of that? Follow me, Ravens Brethren, on this Journey of Destiny!
  2. Wow. Just a few thoughts. I JUST got back from the game. Let me just say that the Ravens Fans turnout was freaking huge. I don't know who all went, but what an amazing sight to see 10,000 Ravens fans walking down 2nd Avenue to the stadium. I'll have to post some of the pictures as soon as I get them uploaded. There were purple jerseys as far as you could see both ways (I was in the middle of the pack). Game was sooo sloppy, but AWESOME!! Damn I was cold. Dude behind me was all pissed about something, and he said "Why don't you go catch a Lobster!" LOL. Oh, I took some pictures of a bunch of angry, heart-broken Titans fans leaving my section, and they didn't like it too much. We had a celebration in the stands after the final whistle. Don't worry, I was a good sport I know there is some hardcore partying going on at 2nd Avenue right now, but Mom and I were/are super beat, and we're leaving at 6 am, so no parties for us tonight. I can't wait to watch the game tomorrow!! If the roommate somehow messed up the DVR, and didn't record it...it's curtains!
  3. Heading out from Raleigh right now...Whoever is going, I hope to see you there, be safe. Flying the Ravens flags with pride the whole trip. GO RAVENS!!!
  4. I'm going, but I'm driving from NC, so no help here. I will probably be attending the WNST parties. Check the WNST website for details.. I think there is an Indoor tailgate party as well Saturday before the game, and there will be a coordinated walk to the stadium 2 hours before the game...kinda like "Hey! We're here in full force!" So the friday night and saturday morning/afternoon WNST parties seems to be the hot tickets.
  5. Wow, even $300 for lower level is awesome, but for $200, damn. I'm definitely going, and I'm sooo excited! Making the 8 Hour drive from Raleigh thru the Smokey Mountains in to Nashville on Friday morning/afternoon, so I'm hoping for good weather, but it sounds like it might be less than ideal travel conditions. Nothing is stopping me though! I got my tickets off craigslist, 2 for $290 section 332 around the 15 yard line. Had a friend in Nashville pick the tickets up from the PSL owner, so the tickets are secured! Whoever else is going, we should start up a thread about where we can all meet up on Friday night and Saturday before the game. It would be awesome if we could get a good turnout and really represent.
  6. Dear Oggie, Thanks for coming back and taking it like a man. You stayed true to your word, and that is respectable. Good luck next year. Your Pal, rfNC
  7. Nah, That's him in the Middle...the one holding the towel, and it looks like he's about to "throw it in". Muahahaha
  8. Hey Bro's... I'm going (99% sure)!!! Just got 2 tickets...a Nashville friend is picking them up for me at 6:30 (I got connections!)....will be a nervous wreck till she gets the tickets in hand though.
  9. Oggie, Come Back....Oggieeeee!!!!
  10. Whew....Talking to guy about 2 tickets right now....sweet deal too!
  11. whew...Nearly a meltdown. Good Job D!!!
  12. Reed was hurt though :'(
  13. If they get a TD here, I'm buying some Titans tickets!
  14. Awww, come on. He was perfectly reasonable with his concrete stats, and comments about our supposed lack of intelligence.
  15. What a Throw and Catch by Flacco/Mason! Matt Stover came through, but a little shaky.
  16. lol, no but that guy is cool... Me and him churned out like 29 Haiku's before the Last playoff game... Anyways this is the former Johnny-Johnson. Good to be back posting....was reading you guys a bunch though. Lets get this stop, and score another TD before the Half!
  17. Ed Reed is the shizzle!!! If he isn't DPOY than who is?
  18. DAm. Troy smith needs to run OUTSIDE...not up the gut. Nice Punt by Koch!!! Keep pressuring Chad Penn...he can't handle it.
  19. You can't run Wildcat on US!!!
  20. Nice stand D. Nice marching O, lets finish next time (Heap...). D, let's get this Pick-6!!!
  21. Hi Everyone...This is the Poster formerly known as Johnny-Johnson...Good to be back. And no, I don't want my old name back, cuz I like this one, thanks though. Incredible season, I have been reading all the time, but not posting Here is to a Glorious Playoff ride. This is a "Team of Destiny".
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