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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Undrafted Free Agent

Undrafted Free Agent (1/7)



  1. Extremely well said. I unfortunately go to school in New Hampshire, but I'm born and raised in Baltimore, and I loved this year's team. Joe & Co. did much better than ANYONE thought they would this year, definitely including me. Harbs and Joe Cool make me optimistic for the future, which is something I haven't felt for some years now in regards to our Ravens. I'm wacko for Flacco, and it feels good knowing we have a young, mature QB we can put so much faith in. 2008 was a great season for Ravens football, no matter what way you slice it!
  2. Ah, fancy that. Shittsburgh fans clapping. Classier than I thought they'd be. Probably only because they're winning, though.
  3. Cards have a good defense, and Warner + Boldin + Fitzgerald =/= Flacco + Mason + Clayton. Also, there's Edgerrin James. Shittsburgh will have its cheap-shotting hands full.
  4. I think the Cardinals are capable of mopping the floor with the Stealers. That is the only good thought of any of this.
  5. I felt that pick coming.
  6. WOAH HEAP!!!
  7. Stone, you are a fucking dumbass.
  8. GREAT STOP, D!!! They lost yards on that drive.
  9. Alright, boys! We ain't dead yet. Not by far. With the way we're stopping their O now we are still in this thing. They probably counted they never had to score again.
  10. The worst part about all of this is that the Ravens were playing for many teams today. You always hear how nobody likes the Ravens - well, that's only true when the Stealers aren't in the discussion. Our monumental offensive failure has doomed millions to listening to BSPN swing on Stealer balls for two weeks. Sigh...
  11. I don't think I want to watch this game anymore. It's just too...
  12. Good first down play. Nice start to the drive. GIVE US SOMETHING, O!
  13. You suck, Walker.
  14. I was hoping for a reverse-jinx, i.e., the fact I say it makes it true. God, our defense sometimes is just infuriating.
  15. :angry: :angry:
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