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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by faaaaaaq

  1. Word!
  2. Hey, it was fun watching Ward almost cry (again). Welcome back ExtremeRavens!!! We really missed you.
  3. I don't think that's obvious at all. Like it's been said already, Ozzie's motto is "right player, right price" and they may well decide it's worth keeping Kyle. Especially if Smith keeps making noise like he wants to be the starter.
  4. Oh man, Debbie Downer. Come on Dee!!! Can't you feel it just a little. Give us that warm fuzzy feeling like only you can.
  5. Oggie, come back and eat that Raven, urr crow, that you promised. I guess once a troll always a troll, but you can prove you're a man and come back to take your whoopin'.
  6. Ok, so I'm down here in Orlando on vacation and they're broadcasting the Ravens game on CBS instead of the Miami game. Two minutes ago, in the middle of the play, they switch to the Miami game. WTF. Does anybody have a link for the Ravens game. Or at least keep me updated on the game. Thanks.
  7. Alright, let me try. Jump in, jump out Turn yourself about Jump in, jump out My name is Gary (Yeah) And I live and die Ravens football (Yeah) Just like Y'all Every day of my life (Everyday of his life) Jump in, jump out Turn yourself about Jump in, jump out Say it with a shout!
  8. Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year to everyone. I hope Santa treats you all well.
  9. Ravens Get Screwed Florio is a Pittsburgh fan so you know if he's saying we got screwed, we got screwed!
  10. Ménage à trois
  11. I think sitting a guy on a wet field is a prudent thing. Why put him out there if he's not 100% and chance a hammy pull or something worse. I don't have a problem with saving Willis for the home stretch.
  12. They talk about that very question in this article from the Sun. The best compliment an offense can receive is being described as unpredictable. And that's what makes the Ravens' running game so dangerous. Every week, any given running back can get the nod to carry the load. Even the coaching staff can't truly predict who it will be entering a game. Will it be Willis McGahee? Ray Rice? Le'Ron McClain? Ravens coach John Harbaugh said the team wanted to give each back about 10 carries in the Philadelphia Eagles game. But McClain was the hottest back and finished with 88 yards on 18 carries. "The best laid plans change oftentimes," Harbaugh said. More...
  13. Crav, here's what your boy MM wants. Leftwing filmmaker Michael Moore suggested that the financial difficulties of the Big Three US automakers be ended by government expropriation of the firms. “Investors in these companies have already lost 90 percent of the money they put in,” Moore asserted. “Government expropriation would be a ‘mercy killing.’” In addition to relieving investors of their last 10 percent of value, Moore contended that government ownership and operation would “help unify the nation’s highway transportation system, since government already owns the roads. We could put an end to traffic congestion like they have in Cuba.” Moore also argued that “government could ensure that drivers get the cars that they need rather than the cars the advertisers tell them they should want.”
  14. That is why Canadians come to the US to get procedures done that they would have to wait months for in Canada. Socialized medicine is a myth. Read this.
  15. faaaaaaq


    "SUPER WEDGIE" BTW, That has got to be one of the funniest tackles I have ever seen.
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