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Everything posted by thundercleetz

  1. As probably the board's only Republican, here's my take on the governor's race: If Mizeur or Gansler were the nominee instead of Brown, they win no doubt. And probably by a good margin. Gansler and Hogan really weren't that different outside of Gansler making a few educational promises that would have been difficult to deliver on. Mizuer was and is geniune, and would have run a positive campaign that would have connected with the individual voter. I know Brown has been working the past four plus years to be governor, but the Maryland Democratic party took an unneccessary risk having their nominee associated with O'Malley. Mizuer or Gansler would have been seen as fresh candidates by the public. If Brown was truly a team player, he would have stepped aside. However, he's been so preoccupied the past four years plus smoozing the right people and groups for endorsements, he lost track of connecting with the individual voter. Voters absolutely picked up on this, and protested as a result. Congressman Dutch pretty much said as much: @JamesEBriggs: Rep. @Call_Me_Dutch is at Anthony Brown's HQ, where he just jabbed Brown on @FOXBaltimore for not "defining himself." Furthermore, Mizuer actually approached Brown about running a positive campaign that focused on the needs of Marylanders and offered her full support. He told her he wasn't interested: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bs-ed-mizeur-race-20141028-story.html Hogan on the other hand, like Erlich in 2002, ran into the perfect storm. Maryland had already taken care of the social issues: gay marriage, gun safety, marijuana decriminalization, etc. All Hogan had to do was talk about fiscal issues. Brown didn't seem to realize this, and attacked him issues that essentially were irrelevant to the race. Honestly, if you're a Democrat, Brown losing is a good thing IMO. Instead of being stuck with a poor candidate in Brown for eight years, you'll get a great candidate in Mizuer in four years.
  2. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/mobile/tv/flash/ 96%! I've heard good things about Madam Secretary.
  3. Sweet can't wait to watch! The last episode ended on a cliff hanger so I've been looking forward to this week. Btw, do you watch The Flash? Sorry if you've already posted about this, I just got into the show. Never got beyond the pilot of Arrow but I'm two episodes into The Flash and really digging it. The reviews are excellent for the show as well.
  4. Here's a pretty cool idea: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/987695
  5. Elam looked good on Sunday when he was in the box and allowed to blitz. Injuries have forced him to be a third corner which is definitely not a strength.
  6. I agree, the casino needs a connected hotel if it wants to be a serious destination. A horse track and arena would give the city an enormous edge for big time events. As far as the convention center, I do see your point, I think the previous rennovation failed because other cities made their convention centers bigger than ours shortly after. Lots of competition for hosting events and we just got outplayed essentially. The only reason I bring it up is because at this moment the only serious arena plan is the one attached to the convention center. I do agree with you that one attached to the casino with the hotel would be a much better idea, but it doesn't look like that's being considered...
  7. Not arguing with you, could it be used for the draft? Sure. For it to happen at such an outdated facility the city would have to bend over backwards to make it happen, probably to the point of not being profitable. There would be many other cities with better attractions and better facilities that would be much higher on the list. Heck the city couldn't even keep Otakon. If the city really wants to make a splash it should focus it's efforts on getting a new arena and trying to host a DNC and bring back Otakon. Maybe building the new arena with a hotel attached to the convention center would get premium conventions like the DNC or NFL Draft. Probably unrealistic however.
  8. Torrey might be worth a lot more to another team than us. Especially a team runs a vertical offense with Air Coryell elements. We need guys who can read a coverage and get open on shorter routes. In addition to the secondary, our wide receiver corps might be completely retooled as well.
  9. Man Torrey just looks out of it. I wonder what's bothering him. He's looked completely checked out this season.
  10. Agreed. I'm sure whatever he was asking for at the beginning of the year that Ozzie considered outrageous is going to look like pennies now.
  11. When do you guys play the browns again?
  12. Defense is gased. Pass rush is non-existent now, not enough talent in the secondary to pick up the slack. Secondary is going have to be completely retooled in the offseason. Jimmy Smith's agent must be licking his lips right now.
  13. Damn we really need to draft only corners this coming draft. Brown is just not cutting it, and Webb is a shell of his former self. Hard to fault Franks, the only reason he's on the team is because of injuries.
  14. It would have been real gutsy to call holding on that play. Didn't see anything substantial.
  15. Of course a bad call leads to that. Only a matter of time before Brown burned us.
  16. Very tough matchup for Mosley, but Bell is owning him. Mosley just got juked out of his shoes there. Might want to think about changing that matchup.
  17. Agreed, refs overreacted to the crowd noise. Refs need to do a better job of blowing the whistle.
  18. Three dropped INTs today
  19. You mean kickoff gate?
  20. It looked bad in real time, but Suggs hit him in the upper body not the legs. If the refs aren't going to blow the whistle you have to stop the forward progress.
  21. Bell is killing us in the passing game.
  22. LOL good one
  23. Ouch our offensive line has suddenly become miserable. We need to make some halftime adjustments if we want to have any chance in the second half.
  24. Papa and I tried to warn you!
  25. "If you've seen enough football with the starting quarterback out you know why they protect the quarterbacks."
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