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Everything posted by thundercleetz

  1. Whew dodged a bullet! @masnRoch: Buck expects Wieters to be in lineup tomorrow. Probably DH. Available tonight. #orioles @masnRoch: Buck said Wieters will catch in "near future." Won't rest him any more than already planned before elbow issue
  2. Sounds like the O's are optimistic. Apparently Wieters has already had an MRI and been receiving treatment. I don't think Buck would have said he expects Wieters to catch tomorrow if the MRI came back positive. I guess we'll see.
  3. Interesting sounds like a no win situation really. Even if we as a country go balls to wall green, India, China and even Canada to the north with their black gold tar deserts will do more than their fair share of damage to the environment. Might as well party it up! Obviously kidding. I'm still betting on technology bailing us out of this problem. Deadlines spur action and innovation. Something none of us have even fathomed will be invented. As many times worse the environment has gotten the past century, science has advanced many more times better. Either way I'll probably be dead.
  4. I also can't help but wonder, if this is a serious injury why would the O's even risk DH'ing him tonight?
  5. Sounds like I'll be long gone before anything becomes too terrible. I'm still banking on technological innovation. Someone is going to figure out how to harness electricity from a lightning bolts one day. In the meantime, I really keep meaning to start recycling in my household. I'll start small with my goals.
  6. Reading around other boards the consensus I've gathered is rehab on TJ surgery takes less time for position players than pitchers. About right months I read. I want to research if there are other position players who have come back from TJ surgery recently. Is there a best case scenario for Wieters? Rarely do you see a guy go to Dr. Andrews with elbow soreness and it is not a tear. Is it too much to hope that Wieters just needs some rest?
  7. You are right, NASCAR still maintains a slight lead: http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/breakout/wwe-makes-huge-bet-nbc-will-submit-to-its-financial-demands-131204641.html
  8. Ruling out a trade back for purpose of discussion, I think there will be a run on tackles before our pick leaving one of the safeties to drop to us. I think Ha-Ha will be the pick.
  9. https://www.yahoo.com/travel/5-reasons-baltimore-is-the-new-brooklyn-84515242497.html You always hear about the hipsters and Hampden, but it looks to be gaining national exposure.
  10. I agree, the UFC coverage is a huge positive to me. I do not have cable, but I will watch Fox UFC fights in bars or at friends' houses. Fox Sports also carries Big XII football which I feel they do a great job as any in college football. IMO they give a pro football feel to Big XII football, which I can see people either loving or hating. Also, I feel Fox Sports is pretty ahead of the curve. I am a huge wrestling fan and they brought Jim Ross aboard as a wrestling content writer. Wrestling may be scripted, but the WWE puts up ratings bigger than NASCAR and there is a market in wrestling analysis. Other sports news providers are seeing the success of Bleacher Report and are starting to provide their own content. The Baltimore Sun actually has an excellent wrestling writer.
  11. http://news.yahoo.com/obama-dire-climate-report-more-certain-ever-163437606.html I'm really interested to hear this part.
  12. Or Lord of the Rings with sex, alcohol, gore, and betrayal. Aka the good stuff
  13. I loved Leftwich coming out. I wanted us to draft him so badly. As a prospect the guy displayed outstanding leadership qualities, toughness, and a rocket arm. I thought he was every bit as talented as Carson Palmer, just that Leftwich didn't play against a high level of competition. The thought was if Billick could get a strong-armed QB we could attack down the field to open up our run game which was strong at the time. Boller had a strong arm and was athletic, he simply had a terrible football IQ and overthought every throw he made. While Leftwich was smart, the long release and slow foot-speed within the pocket prevented Leftwich from ever being a solid starting QB. We had some poor pass protecting lines under Billick, and we never got any legitimate deep threat receivers until Flacco got here. I think Leftwich would have gotten killed in Billick's offense. Definitely worked out for the best for us.
  14. I read all the books and absolutely love the show. The show is the best book to screen adaption I've seen.
  15. Canada is having their own fracking problems: http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2014/4/27/fracking-in-the-worldsgreenestcity.html
  16. Yes, getting it to actually work it a completely different story. (I'm guessing it would take some sort of landmark ruling by the Supreme Court after years and years of lower court rulings and appeals?) But you'd think in a state like Maryland there wouldn't be the problems with the curriculum you mentioned you have to deal with yourself.
  17. Don't you think at the core of this, however, is a separation of church and state issue? Proven scientific based facts are taught in public schools, and you don't even mention anything else. Parents who want their children to have a religious based education (which is perfectly fine) send their kids to private schools. Make it out of the question for anything other than scientifically proven theories to be taught in schools, and there would he nothing to lobby. Now making this realistic is a completely different story.
  18. Bingo. Then you end up having people believe Bill Nye "lost" the debate simply because of the emotional delivery and not the actual content. I think Bill Nye has gotten a little too political himself and frustration baited him into doing that debate. Most scientists would have just ignored it. Although, in you're into something more philosophical, the Deepak Chopra Richard Dawkins debate is at least stimulating.
  19. As sad as it is that Fox News disputes science, there are two underlying factors here: 1. lobbyists which we have talked about; 2. It is a business, and their business is driven by ratings (among other things that are linked with it). This means someone is watching the network or they wouldn't still be on the air. I've only glanced at the numbers, but their high ratings indicate there's a large amount of the population who honestly believes what is being broadcasted, or at least wants to be told so. In other words they are hitting a target audience where the money is. What I'm saying, why does this surprise anyone? If Fox suddenly shifted their views, you'd have numerous other stations pop up trying to get that lobbyist money, advertising revenue, and grab the target audience Fox gave up. It just gets me, people keep turning into Fox News then complain what they see. What did you expect? They don't hide it, it's what gets them the ratings. Bottom line, the problem here is education. Focus on science in schools, and completely enforce a separation of church and state and we don't have this problem. People then are educated to decide for themselves and don't put up with nonsense. Me myself, I don't watch cable news. First I don't have cable, and second as mentioned above, it's a business so I question the motivation behind every story. I can form my own opinion on an event I don't need to pay anyone to do so for me.
  20. Haha that's an awesome story.
  21. I haven't been able to follow the draft closely, all factors aside, do you think any of the safeties are worth taking with the seventeenth overall pick? From what I've read Ha Ha is the best guy but I don't know too much about him. If a safety is the BPA and there are no trade back options I'd have no problem taking a safety. Seattle showed this season how much flexibility two really good safeties can give your defense. I agree though I would rather get Jimmie Ward in the second round.
  22. So I'm reading articles on how Donald Trump wants to buy the Bills. One of them mentioned how Trump tried to buy the Baltimore Colts in 1983. I searched and found this: http://articles.philly.com/1986-05-22/sports/26050476_1_harvard-business-school-seminar-usfl-attorney-harvey-myerson-donald-trump Did any of more tenured fans know about this?
  23. I bought the new Metal Gear game for X1. It was only $30 and I downloaded directly from Xbox Live. I haven't played a Metal Gear since the first one on Playstation (loved it). Spectacular graphics, and so far I'm digging the gameplay. I feel like there could be more action animations. The first Metal gear you could choke people out and do hand to hand combat. This one you have one canned hand to hand animation which feels cheap. I hear the game is short but I plan on doing all the side missions and getting all the collects led so we'll see.
  24. I'd be happy with either Ha Ha, Lewan, or CJ Mosley in the first round (assuming Ebron or Evans don't fall). Otherwise I'd consider trading back, target someone like Jimmie Ward.
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