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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Robjr83

  1. Ray Rice is still persona non grata who had an NFL version of double jeopardy. Brady actively conspired and destroyed evidence directly related to the integrity of the game but won't even miss a quarter of football.
  2. The bad news birds take the field
  3. The things that scare me about this team... 1) Who the hell is our #2 receiver? When Smith went out the passion went out. Joe targets him because he's Mason/Boldin and will fight for the ball. Camp didn't play and is the only other WR I see that knows where he is 2) The tackling ability of the corners is horrible. Pees has them playing 15 yards off the ball which allows the WR to catch/turn/juke before the defender is even in range. 3) Schaub is even shittier than advertised
  4. Wondering what Gruden said to Harbs?...Skins are classless
  5. Pretty damn ugly
  6. Joe is stinking it up...
  7. Gutsy is during the regular season. BS call on roughing the passer
  8. Gutsy is during the regular season. BS call on roughing the passer
  9. That's assuming Tyrod wanted to stay. He has a good situation in Buffalo to be the opening day starter. That's his goal in life and for him to stay here another year or two doesn't make sense for him or the Ravens.
  10. Any decent backup is going to a club where he can fight for a starting job. Schaub made the best sense with his WCO background. Unless Oz waste a high draft pick on a project than you're stuck with guys who couldn't cut it.
  11. I agree the lack of depth in the 2nd/3rd levels is troubling. These aren't kids fresh out of college but vets who should have more football IQ. The backup secondary who we really need with Webb/Smith still on the mend looked like the same unit getting carved up by Brady last year.
  12. Better the media pounding him then his teammates
  13. The biggest impressions I got were Davis, Boyle, Camp, and Tally. Camp made a great play in the 3rd were he ran a simple cross route and that inbetween the zones. Torrey could never read a zone his whole time here.
  14. This is just some observations from a meaningless game take it for what's worth. Positives: Campanaro looked good but boy is he a time bomb with injuries. Carl Davis looks like a great Ozzie mid round pick The young TEs: Holy Shit that Maxx Williams 4th and 20...also Boyle with several solid grabs. Tali looked good and drove with power Negatives The secondary....I know the starters weren't playing but that Trawick TD was horrible and he could easily be a starting safety with an injury Didn't seem like much of a pass rush from the Dline. Davis got penitration up the middle but the DEs seemed non existent. The ending was a feel good story but Renner seemed to have no real juice on the ball.
  15. My boy Waller... my sleeper pick after the draft
  16. Looking good so far... it's preseason and Brees wasn't playing. Run D looked good w/o ngata. Nice for Schaub to get some confidence. I missed my Ravens!
  17. I don't think Jason Pierre - Paul is wearing his ring......too soon?
  18. Did Billick want another HC job? I thought he had a home on the eastern shore and didn't want the headaches. It be interesting what was offered for TT. I don't even think he's worth a 7th. Who knows I'm happy for him getting a chance to compete...if he had the job here I'd mean Joe was injured and we'd be filling out our draft brackets.
  19. Robjr83

    Game Recs

    Personally I've always been a console gamer. PC games are more numerous and better IMO but my biggest problem growing up was my pc's could never keep up with growing system requirements. You buy a consul copy it'll work no fuss. My first PC was a HP from Montgomery Ward that ran on windows 3.11 and was impossible for a kid who was 10 to understand DOS commands.
  20. I think Waller our 6th round pick could be a sleeper. Let's remember as Pees has stated the DB'S haven't been physical yet. I can't wait for training camp to come around.
  21. Robjr83

    Game Recs

    The next game is set in Victorian England I believe. It should be interesting what turn of the century gadgets they'll make. Achilles seemed interesting since he was black, owned a large chuck of land,and an assassin. A whole back story of whether he was an escaped slave and sought revenge may make an interesting story.
  22. Robjr83

    Game Recs

    AC3 is one of the weaker stories IMO. Connors father and Achilles are far more interesting characters to base the game around then a whiny Connor. Enzio and Altiar just seemed like stronger stories. Also too is the setting, colonial America just isn't as visually interesting as Italy and Jerusalem. The game is still solid with the addition of ship combat and fortresses. The homestead missions add a rpg element. The ending is very anticlimactic like you said. The BIGGEST problem with this series is every game is rushed to meet an xmas release they can't finish the best possible product. I feel they had a better ending but couldn't render it fast enough so you get a 2min chase scene as an ending. The company just couldn't build a new AC game from the ground up in under a year.
  23. IMO it wasn't Torreys drops that killed him it was that he was "soft". If Perriman has the guts to fight for the ball I'll forgive him making a few drops.
  24. I try not to dive too much thought into draft grades. Oz got solid grades when we got Kindle/Cody. Perrimans hands scare me, Williams is obviously a great pickup but you never know. These are not free agents but unproven NFL rookies. The word is always potential.
  25. I'd say an A for Maxx Williams alone. I'm a little skeptical on Perriman till I see his hands in the preseason.
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