Looking pretty average on this video http://www.cnn.com/2014/11/05/justice/ex-baltimore-ravens-cheerleader-arrested/index.html As opposed to her cheerleader days
How does Brown lose this election? Being tethered to Owe'Malley thats how, and to lose by 150k votes too. As much as I'm excited about Hogan winning I cant really see how much he can get done dealing with the MD senate.
Oz drafted quality DB's in Smith and Webb. Brooks is a rookie 3rd rounder so I wont give up on him yet. Elam is run support SS. We've been spoiled on draftees like Reed. Mosley looks like the real deal. Oz's use to be money in the mid rounds and has been striking out.
He had 2 guys om him so you really can't fault Pees on that. Players got to make the play. I hate Pees so you know I'd blame him if I thought he deserved it on that play. This team needs a complete secondary overhaul.