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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Robjr83

  1. The secondary is garbage.
  2. I see a pass coming
  3. Cindy will run a pick
  4. I miss Ed =(
  5. Jeeeeesusss
  6. Secondary sucks...The Peesvent defense
  7. Bungled love the trick plays
  8. Joe had space in front of him
  9. In Franks defense he's like a #5 corner. Oz was really betting on Webb/Smith/Asa being healthy.
  10. Thats not even counting the Uppy hit that should count for 5 sacks
  11. My girlfriend pointed out the guy Tyrese beat is still with the group. I had to check but yes he shows up in these two episodes per Wiki.......he didn't kill him?
  12. So what do you think Father Gabriel's sin is? Did he shut out people seeking shelter?
  13. Feeling wierd about this game. Bungled had two tough losses. I'm thinking a trap.
  14. I can just see Bob smirking every time they take a bite out of him
  15. If they're not ready would you have Jah Reid and Gino playing out there?
  16. Something tells me that meat is tainted
  17. You all can shit and giggle about this till blood comes out every time you shit or giggle. Then I'm going all Carol on you.
  18. Pedo Rob Lowe, Racist Rob Lowe, or chauvinist Rob Lowe Why does Royal Farms need Ngata to sell chicken. The stuff is like crack it sells itself. I too hate the manning ads
  19. Solid game for DSmith
  20. O playing it safe. No aggression, I guess Joes errantness is the reason.
  21. The Peesvent defence
  22. Wtf cut to a commercial?
  23. Defense has been hot today
  24. Hurst is lost out there
  25. Happy Birthday =)
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