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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Robjr83

  1. That seems a little too elaborate. You'd have to get the walkers to cooperate. They could have just as easily ate Daryl instead of getting him to leave the house. I like the idea of Terminus being bait. Put signs out promising salvation, a loosely guarded warm inviting exterior.
  2. What number would you guys put on a player like Torrey? 5-6mil/yr?
  3. I'm with Spen and Nado. Its not like Harbs counts against the cap.
  4. Excellent ..
  5. My thoughts on Maggie and the photo burning
  6. Terminus's doctor.... That sprain looks bad we'll have to amputate.....Tell ma to fire up the slow cooker!
  7. I had to improve it slightly
  8. Nah Beths is too lite There's a lot of bad luck Lee..... Takes food from an abandoned car...... guys tracks him down over several hundred miles to get even.
  9. I dont see it. Maybe under the first two sweaters. Then again I'm color blind and not the best with colors.
  10. It'll be interesting to see if Maggie eats the mystery meat
  11. Remember Lee's quote "There aint no cattle here"
  12. Be more impressive if he was pulling the tractor.
  13. If Carrrllll gets Rick or Daryl killed I'll be pissed. The internet seems to be leaning cannibals. I hope not. I want to be somewhat surprised.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DNWdXzWH-a4 New Zealand promo for the next episode.... Daryl's group gets Carrllllllll
  15. I've also heard Daryl in the coffin is foreshadowing too. They'd lose 1/2 their fanbase by killing him off. The girl in the painting could also have been crazy Lizzie
  16. forshadowing?
  17. Daryl's group is pretty interesting. They always seem to find interesting people to play the roles. I liked the whole "we need rules to keep things from going Darwin every 3 hours" line.
  18. He really lost control of the broadcast booth last season.
  19. Well the most "disposable" one would be Beth I think. Rick's an interesting thought, he'll be in talking dead next week so who knows.
  20. I'm thinking it since Kirkman's used it in the comics/games, and we haven't seen any inkling in the show. Or Grubber could be right and be some weird cult. BTW season finale next Sunday.... any predictions? We normally lose a major character during these things.
  21. To me the answer is always cannibals. Food's scarce so you hang up some salvation signs and the food comes to you! Genius...
  22. Thoughts on terminus? A little underwelmed... seemed surreal...no guards or anything
  23. Draft still looks the same. RT,FS, TE/WR
  24. 22nd? Hope oz didn't give up too much
  25. Grossman has started experience. You might have additional guys cut after the draft if teams draft their replacement like what happend with Bulger. Also I don't see Oz drafting anybody with a #1-3 because we have so many holes to fill.
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