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Everything posted by Robjr83

  1. Your right its not the job of the press..... but your telling me that when Obama or Clinton do interviews the questions aren't screened? I'm not defended what the douche congressman did..... confronting him physically is wrong and dealing with a scandal he should have thicker skin
  2. I'd say Hawks.... Seattle's D plus the cold weather will slow down the Donkies.
  3. Well this beats fighting over Joe Flacco.
  4. It looked like the congressman agreed to some off camera questions... then the reporter asked him on-air.
  5. People can believe who they want to believe.... A beat writer who's controversial or the Ravens PR guy.....To me if Harbs wasn't so protective of Juan this story wouldn't have had legs
  6. With the exception of maybe Norv... Kubiak was the best hire the Ravens had available. What were the other choices? Shanny's son who's just starting out..... Wilson who's never called plays....Hostler who did it once years ago and failed....
  7. Yeah Kubiak will look like a genius when he replaces Gino and Oher and this offense jumps 15 spots.
  8. No praise coming from this board 24 hrs ago...
  9. I really want to be excited ... but.... I was excited for Cam, and Calds....
  10. looks like Harbs is having a 3:00 presser
  11. I think that makes more sense Papa. Last years offense failed in epic fashion, the coaches and some players need to be gutted. How Juan could have kept his job after that only has one explanation.
  12. 3/4's of the Ravens fanbase would love to be the one to give him his walking papers.
  13. Can Dennison do Oline and Juan do RB's....
  14. How about Manning hocking Omaha Steaks?
  15. I guess it would depend on the money but why would Cam even want the job? Firing the HC after 1 year was a horrible move.... how are you going to attract any reasonable coaches if you clean house every year.
  16. They'd have to add an extra title or its just a lateral move.... assistant HC or something. I doubt its the Denver guy, why would he want to leave Peyton?
  17. Don't see anything...
  18. I'm just saying Kubiak would seem like the most qualified coach, or even Zorn. The current list seems a little substandard.
  19. HaHa his daughter tweeted this
  20. So they ended up not hiring the Denver guy....... figures for Leaveland
  21. I'd rather have Kirby over Hosteler or the boy wonder. Anyone wonder why Kubiak wasn't considered? Is Harbs afraid of hiring his replacement?
  22. Playing like a Raven to me means solid fundamentals and playing every play till the whistle. DSmith plays like that... Ihedigbo although not the best SS gives %100... Guys like Cody and Dickson dont.
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