Alright I finished episode 5 of the game. Overall it was a great only gripe was the ending is the ending. All the choices in the end came to the same conclusion.
I was afraid of mall Santas as a kid. The scene were Ralphie get kicked down the slide always gave me a little chill. HOW ABOUT A FOOTBALL...HO..HO...HO
Tis the season people! 1) National Lampoons Xmas Vacation 2) A Christmas Story 3) Mickeys Xmas Carol 4) How the Grinch stole Xmas (the cartoon) 5) Miracle on 34th street Honorable mentions: A Xmas Carol (Alastair Sim version) Home Alone 1& 2
Yeah I know teams use lower picks to do trades...and you can find diamonds in the rough. I still see a 5th round or lower if any. Its Tomlin not Jim Swhartz.
As long as their human they'll make mistakes. The only things I would change are 1) Challenges on PI/helmet to helmet calls 2) Challenge as long as you have timeouts