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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Robjr83

  1. Does this defense remind you of Mattisons defence? No killer instinct... just rush 4 and react.
  2. Wont happen at least for this season.... I was listening to The Fan this morning and Presto said there's some dissension about Castillo. He also said Joe did the line calls for the game and the Oline did protect better.
  3. If you look at the last three losses you can blame the middle of the Dline and not Harbs. Ngata needs to be benched, and give Williams a chance to start.
  4. If one of our tackles gets rolled up whats our option.... Reid and Wagner.... I dont like it.
  5. Good Idea... NFL in China with its billions of people could me massive $$$... Here come the Beijing Browns!
  6. The fact that our offense looks like the Keystone Cops probably has some part in that.
  7. It's not unusual to dream about things from the past(ie your dad/buddy). I typically dream about my childhood home, my childhood sweetheart, and my ex from 5 years ago. Very rarely do my dreams involve my current home/fiance or my job. The weirdest dream i ever had was when I was going through a bout of depression .... I saw myself in a coffin in a funeral home.... scared the hell out of me. You can go to different websites and different interpretations. I wouldn't put too much thought into it.
  8. I wouldn't want to be a Steeler fan...ever
  9. I guess he thinks every position has the "Brady Rule"
  10. You should have just Febreesed that jersey.
  11. What bugs me is IMO GBs oline played worse and still got a 100 yrd rusher. Is it play design or personnel? Rice is a probowler... he has another probowler in Leach....it has to be design.
  12. When Castillo's title is "run game coordinator", and you stink at running you need to make a change.
  13. Alright so I saw a guy in Facebook getting chewed out because he said the NFL is overdoing it with the pink stuff. I defended him saying why doesn't the NFL have a blue thing for prostate cancer awareness. I got chewed out for not be being sensitive. I have an Aunt that's a breast cancer survivor so to say I didn't have a dog in this fight was wrong. I have/had two cousins(one died) who has Cystic Fibrosis and the only person I know in the NFL who does any CF awareness is Boomer and that's because his son has it. So do you think the NFL is being over the top with Breast Cancer awareness?
  14. Sorry Crav....didn't see you posted this earlier
  15. lol... he's 37 and has more receiving yards/catches than our entire TE corps combined + 3tds
  16. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view5/3991239/simpsons-terminator-o.gif
  17. Robjr83


    Looks like someone doesn't agree with Grubber/Crav...hmmmm
  18. I'd like to see Smith,Jones then Brown in the slot. Jones was building a good report with Joe before he got hurt. Brown in the slot would create good size matchups with a teams nickle back.
  19. What happened to Jah Reid... Why was Shippley subbing and not him? is he hurt? I was never a Reid fan but I figured he would get the sub over him.
  20. How do you see the WR lineup looking? 1)Smith 2)Jones 3)Brown 4)Doss 5)Thompson 1)Smith 2)Brown 3)Jones 4)Doss/Thompson
  21. Overall technique on the whole line as been poor. Gino's been a disappointment. Anyone notice play calling hasn't helped the Oline either? Calds offense is looking like the old Rams offense. Do 4 wide and then send the back out so the QB has zero protection.
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