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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by dc.

  1. Didn't see it (out skiing) but got lots of updates and have seen video... Terps and GT going back and forth all game... shot for shot through the final minute... Terps go up 3 with 55 left, then just 1... back and forth, back and forth... With 2 seconds left they let GT get a tip-in on an offensive rebound... down 1 with 2s to go. Inbound. Greivis Vasquez... GOOD FROM HALFCOURT! But Gary took a timeout... No shot. Inbound. Cliff Tucker GOOD FOR 3! Two game-winners in a minute. Unbelievable. Terps know how to win, folks.
  2. dc.


    Got Batman for my PC. Addicted. Impressed with its depth and length to an extent too - probably close to 6 hours of play so far and only at 30% completion. That puts it close to a 20 hour play. And that is just the story mode - lots of 'extras' Wish I was using a controller for it... keyboard gets a little awkward for some of the combos. Oh well. Another day.
  3. Exactly... so what's your point? You saying that if you had 8 light beers in 2 hours, you wouldn't be impaired? You do realize peeing has no impact on BAC or intoxication? That's another myth. You said .13 wasn't very intoxicated. 8 beer or 8 margaritas isn't going to impair you crav? And god bless MADD and any other group that keeps drunks off the road.
  4. Philly behind us? Despite how many consecutive trips to the NFC Championship?
  5. Fine, Crav. You're a better drinker than all of us. Good for you. Wait, no, that's just a myth/common misconception. Regardless of how drunk 4 beers makes you 'feel'... it's more than enough to mess with your driving ability. I mean, this is all just nonsense... I can't even stand it. There are some people out there who believe they 'drive better with 1 or 2 beers in 'em.' It's absurd and ridiculous. You drink, even 2 beers, and it will affect your consciousness to some extent. Anything more than that will impair your ability to perform fine motor skills. Period. Even in the slightest. That's all it takes. I agree with that, too, Spen. I just don't think he's a fit for the Ravens.
  6. Legally... it's well beyond intoxicated. And really, it's intoxicated enough to impair your ability to drive pretty significantly. I still think this is beyond lame on my excuse-o-meter. I don't know how frequently this happens. If it happens at all, it's time to reconsider your drinking habits. If you have to go to work in the morning, then there should be no possibility of waking up drunk. Hungover? That's one thing. Drunk? That's another. I have been in the 'borderline' spot of having a third beer and then wondering if I can drive... and every time I've wondered, I've made the right choice (giving my keys to someone else or just walking home). But it's not about me versus anyone else. It's simply about making the right decision. We all make little mistakes. Drunk driving is a BIG mistake. We need to stop saying it's not. Regardless... I'm not calling him a cold blooded killer or a bonafide killer or whatever. I entered the convo a little late and was just disgusted to see people defending (in any way) the actions of someone who drove drunk. There's no defense for it. And I can just repeat again... drunk driving is a big mistake. We need to stop pretending it's not or it shouldn't be. Meanwhile... I still don't like the signing because I think the odds of a guy in Stallworth's position (pushing 30, coming out of a semi-force retirement and a few year's from being a factor on any team) actually making an impact on our team are little to nothing. This reminds me of an Orioles type move as I said before... oh, Garret Atkins (Aubrey Huff, Luke Scott, Ty Wigginton, Adam Eaton, etc etc), he's cheap and has so much upside... mmmmmm... let's all get hot and bothered about just how much upside there is and have it shoved down our throats for months until we realize that upside isn't happening.
  7. I didn't say I didn't know of roads with speed limits over 40 in cities... I just don't know of many highways. Our 'highways' tend to be walled off, no-walk/bike areas. That's all I meant. 40 in the city, MLK Blvd near 395, etc etc... yeah, they all have high speed limits and are crazy/dangerous roads. BUT they are still significantly different from 83, 95, 895, etc. That was all I meant to convey.
  8. Well, I don't know anything about speed limits on highways in cities... Baltimore's highways in cities only decrease when the highway is ending. And there's no crosswalks or bus stops on our high ways.... I'm just not in the mood for baby steps. We're not in the position of the Orioles or any 'rebuilding' team. We need solid moves that will have definitive results. Questions marks are not acceptable.
  9. dc.

    LOST 2/16/10

    Not a big fan of Burn Notice at all. The lead guy just annoys the hell outta me. I like what I have seen of White Collar, though. Also, I continue to love Criminal Minds - but never am able to watch it live. Have to watch illegally because CBS refuses to put it on Hulu or On Demand anywhere. The only show they do that with too! :/
  10. By the way... I think Force (though I won't claim to actually speak for him) and I are not upset at the signing because of Stallworth's DUI and record. The issues are separate. I don't think he's going to be a particularly good signing for us. I mean, he was cut loose from the Pats ... with Welker and Moss supporting him! (Yes, a simplification, but still) But killing someone while drunk driving certainly isn't endearing him to anyone either. Also... can we clarify that the guy Stallworth hit may have been crossing "illegally" ... but that it was not a highway, nor was it the dead of night, nor was it a ridiculous act by the man. He was apparently 'close' to the crosswalk according to ESPN's original account of the incident. It was also a causeway with a 40mph speed limit... hardly a major highway. And if there was a crosswalk nearby, it means crossing was common, obviously. And lastly, 7am in Miami and March is plenty bright.
  11. dc.

    LOST 2/16/10

    Dexter is great... I don't know about best on TV. Well, maybe right now... to me there's been a lull in good TV. Actually, Modern Family or Men of a Certain Age might be taking the title right now - both in first seasons. Dex 1 - Great. Dex 2 - Alright (still very good compared to regular tv) Dex 3 - Very Good. Dex 4 - (haven't seen yet, but heard great things)
  12. I can't believe this is your defense. If anything, society doesn't act enough when it comes to handling drunk driving. Most people I know with a DUI got away with a 'class,' probation and some service. How about suspended license, massive fine and threat of serious jailtime. It's not "Stallworth was unlucky." It's every other person that gets away with is lucky. And that's pathetic. That we allow such ridiculous and negligent behavior to continue with wrist slaps. Maybe we all wouldn't know so many people who have driven under the influence if there were actual consequences and actual care taken by our justice system. How's this... instead of counting the number of people we know who've driven drunk, let's start tallying the number of people we know who've been killed by a drunk driver. I believe my tally is at 5.
  13. Thumbs down to this. As if it makes it ok. And I can honestly say I've never been behind the wheel when I shouldn't have. And I never plan to. No sympathy for those that make that mistake - my family and friends included. Thumbs down to the move too.
  14. dc.


    great.... now i'm gonna have to buy batman for my pc. girlfriend's gonna love this. haha
  15. Yeah, not surprised at all. It sucks... but in a little while I'm sure they'll start coming out with all kinds of fixes. Or ways to uninstall the upgrade.
  16. Yeah, sometimes those updates remove old restores if they are really big updates. What update was it Crav? A service pack?
  17. dc.


    Our private school is out... following Anne Arundel still. And I think most counties have put out that kind of warning... it's kind of 24hr notice... "walkers and bus riders have it bad, so we're giving it another day... BUT we plan to be in on wednesday. Parents, make plans if you don't want your kid on bus/walking."
  18. dc.


    It's confirmed... we're out too.
  19. dc.


    Balto Co, Howard Co and Anne Arundel Co have all called school off tomorrow... no sidewalks or areas to wait for buses. The city is still trying to have school and simply asking students that have to walk in streets to "use caution." Yikes. My school follows AA County... but I am curious as to whether they will break with that. We don't have walkers or use busing (actually, just one small bus)
  20. Hrmmm... XP normally doesn't have these issues, but I guess they could. The fact that it's related to an auto-upgrade through Windows, though, really doesn't make sense. But... obviously all hardware and drivers are sensitive to the systems they are on, etc. When I upgraded to Vista, I had the same problem with my wireless adapter. It would recognize the hardware, kind of... but never seem to 'register' with it appropriately. I eventually had to find a work-around; Vista and my ol' adapter just didn't get along. Not sure how to help except to google it, Crav. You can't be the only one experiencing it.
  21. Vista or XP?
  22. The numbers mean nothing without comparing to every other position out there... What percent of first round QBs threw for 3000 yards? What percent of first round runners ran for 1000+ (heck, 1200+)? Etc etc etc
  23. dc.


    Same here, Coked. I keep thinking about getting a new game for my comp... and as much as I like shooters, I'm just not in the mood for one (there's something better about COD on a console than on a comp). And every time I turn around, I hear that Batman is amazing. But I just can't buy it. I think I keep associating it in my head with those old 2D ninja turtle and super hero games... but I know that's now what it is.
  24. dc.


    I don't think anyone is thinking about Monday yet... and even if they were, they tend to avoid predictions before the 3-day mark. But it is not supposed to be the same kind of storm, just our standard 'clipper' as they call it coming down from the NW... as opposed to our lovely El Nino babies.
  25. dc.


    I have heard of the snow to come... though amounts are still sketchy. Best not to even consider it. By the way... this is perfectly fine for me. My direct deposit gets posted on Friday. And to review... last Monday? 2 hrs late last Tuesday? assembly last Wednesday? off last Thursday? Full day (WTF?!) last Friday? 2 hours early This week? Off. Coming Monday? Pres. Day. ;)
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