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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by dc.

  1. dc.

    Ben Fumbled!

    I'd rather be playing Tennessee in the second round, by far. I'd like to avoid the Colts and Steelers at all costs... if Tennessee wins, we don't get either til the AFC Championship (assuming we get there or even out of the first round)
  2. Harbaugh for coach of the year? Depends on how the Falcons finish... they could still wind up at 11-5. Also can't count out Wisenhunt in Arizona just for getting the Cards there... And I wouldn't be surprised if a few folks get on their knees for Tomlin...
  3. I'm not back on Willis' bandwagon just yet... he made a number of solid plays, which was very nice to see... but I'm still not entirely sold. I am sold on the fact that it will be nice to have him healthy come playoff time... assuming he can stay healthy. But as for overall? I think what I should point to first and most is this: Le'Ron showed just moments after Willis' big run that anything Willie can do, Le'Ron can do better. Willis' big run (and yes, he had a few catches and another nice run) was straight and no BS... good blocking, he put his knees through two arm tackles and there was no looking back. Le'Ron's required a little more effort, he legitimately broke three tackles and managed to loop-de-loop Newman with Clayton's help. By the way... what is more entertaining than Lorenzo trucking his way down field beside Le'Ron???? NOTHING. Lorenzo is just 180 yards from blocking for another 1000 yard back... but you have to figure a pair of backs with 7-800 should suffice...
  4. My big hope remains: 1. That even if Henry is just trying to call Boras' bluff, that the O's are using the delay to help themselves out a bit. 2. That Boras continues to be an ass and punish teams that make a fool of him - in this case the Red Sox. Gonna punk Boras? Nope. He'll sign elsewhere for less... just because. I also have an inkling that perhaps the Red Sox had the high offer, but Boras said, you're 20m over the O's... but Tex wants 25m to leave Baltimore. You haven't been outbid...
  5. I doubt Robin will be in any of the films... unless it is a very very very long developing story. Meaning that Shia comes in as an orphan that Bruce takes care of... but he won't be Robin. As for Eddie Murphy? I could see it working. I was just reading the other day about how Murphy, like so many others, needs to take a turn in his career. No one buys the happy daddy day care and Dr. Doolittle crap. Change something. I think he could do it. Still doesn't mean I believe it.
  6. None of those links work.
  7. dc.

    IE Issues

    Newer browsers use a 'tabbing' system. It is not opening an entire new window with the link... it is opening a new tab within the window... Go open a link in a window again... look below the web address bar (where is says http://www.extremeravens... etc etc)... you should see multiple tabs there. The very first one is probably ExtremeRavens. The second one is probably what you just opened. Instead of closing the entire IE. You need to close just the tab. Here's an example of what it looks like: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/images...62943_tab_1.jpg
  8. That's a real folk singer, actually. But that is included on those Dr. Demento albums I talked about. Wonderful guitar... hilarious singing.
  9. Love the Onion. Might have to check that out. I have seen some of their other books that look funny, but not quite funny enough for me to buy. An atlas, though... I might have to.
  10. SOX ARE OUT OF THE RUNNING!!! http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/basebal...0,7021656.story Team owner John Henry sent and email to the media... Sox have been outbid and won't be in the hunt anymore! WHOOOOOA. Might be false, but whoooooa.
  11. He didn't have a choice in the places he's played... drafted by Texas, traded to Atlanta, traded to Anaheim... all while under the MLBPA's rules for young players... Now, given the chance to come home, he has expressed interest in doing so.
  12. Good thing America isn't the only country anymore, phew... Soccer's a brilliant sport with 10x the history of hockey. At the collegiate level, it's pretty damn good too. Better than the American pro level. Terps have won two championships in four years now in men's. Woo.
  13. Reports continue to be mixed... First... the O's offer is still expected to be 7 years for between 140 and 150. Other offers, none confirmed, are supposed to be 8 years for ~160, though perhaps less. That again means that Tex might be taking fewer years, but not less money per year. So how much of a discount would he be giving us? Marginal. Second... MacPhail has said today that the "locked offer" rumors are bogus. He said he does not think the O's are out of it and he never said the O's offer was set where it was. In fact, he implied that he would be surprised if the O's first offer was accepted ... almost hinting that there would of course be other offers when they hear from Boras and Tex. That said... MacPhail made no promise of adding to the offer. Finally... the 'lure of Baltimore' continues to be a trend coming out of most camps.
  14. http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/footbal...,7033098.column Good read in The Sun's "Face-off" about who was the biggest Ravens snub... Ngata is one choice... Jason Brown the other. Given the play of Haynesworth, Rogers and Hampton... I don't know that Ngata entirely deserved it. He deserves mention, but it was tight competition this year. Jason Brown, though? He has been a beast and a lock-down for our OL. I agree with Bill Ordine... Brown's contributions have been hugely overlooked.
  15. I didn't know hockey was even considered a sport these days.
  16. Totally agree. (I almost wrote Amen... ha). I try not to say it to people I know are not Christian (or who simply don't celebrate Christmas), but Merry Christmas still slips out on occasion. But the sense of humor... I agree 100% that it is something more people have to remember to add to their lives. Sometimes, instead of getting upset or anything, you have just step back and look at the absurdity of our world, our lives and all of that. It is sad at times, but it is also funny and can be as inspiring as it can be depressing.
  17. Tex has an "enormous attraction" to the Orioles and Baltimore, according to Karl Ravech of ESPN. http://sports.espn.go.com/broadband/video/...egoryId=2521705 Still nothing written... just that video. Schmuck says Tex has a Christmas/holiday deadline... so he expects things to be done by Friday or Saturday. It's gonna be a lot of fun. And as always... if the issue is area... the O's have a huge advantage. If the issue is winning... the O's are way down the list. Gotta hope and pray he comes our way. And Ravech is saying the decision is "getting closer and closer" and the teams keep upping it.
  18. He was definitely too conservative. Personally, I think both offenses were too conservative. We had the ball 4 times around the Steelers 20 yard line... only once in those four drives (upwards of 15 offensive plays) did we try for the endzone. We were playing so tight the whole game, when we got close why not go for the endzone right away and make the Steelers think we were serious??? It just didn't make any sense to me. We all knew watching that game... whoever scored a touchdown was going to win the game. Period. And we consistently balked.
  19. Sucks. I think Christmas season has gotten out of hand... but I also think the anti-Christmas sentiment has gone too far. So many people celebrate it, regardless of religion, and yet we have to fight about the legality of putting "Merry Christmas" or a tree in a public place... bah. ... and too funny, Spen.
  20. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...mp;lid=tab3pos1 DJ Gallo of ESPN.com's Page 2... Top 10 Defenses of All Time 4. 2000 Ravens 3. 2008 Steelers 2, 1985 Bears 1. 1976 Steelers Let him have it, folks! By the way... can anyone figure out why the Steelers defense is being called "Number One Across the Board" at every turn? They are #1 in total yards, passing yards and points. They are #2 in rushing yards, sacks. They are not too close to the top in turnovers. What gives?? Every where I go, they are the #1 defense statistically across the board... but again... not even ESPN's stat page is that skewed this season.
  21. Because Big Ben, Palmer and others never have bad days... Roethlisberger typically blows against the Ravens. Last night, short of that final drive, his rating was under 70. And yet, I'd still have taken him every day of the week over Boller or any other QB we had over the last 7 years short of Flacco.
  22. http://www.mentalfloss.com/quiz/quiz.php?q=356 Can you tell which are Troy's films and which are actual movies that just suck badly? You may remember him from such quizzes as "Which Simpson's character am I?" and "Which one is a pervert? Trick Question, they all are!"
  23. They say the reporters in the room did a pretty good job on him... there was a trail of blood when he was escorted out by security the moments after...
  24. 1. Great reference. 2. Hilarious video. Go Bush! lol
  25. James Walker of ESPN at least gave us some credit... said we have the most underrated home crowd and homefield advantage. The Ravens fans were in full force tonight... did our best...
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