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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by dc.

  1. Max, so much truth in here and your sins story - horrific story- is evidence of that. But at the very least, we could reduce fatalities by tremendous numbers with simple gun measures. The evidence is there not only in other nations but in our own. I look at my children and hear your story and think I could never live it. But then I think about what you said, what if it had ended worse? Not sure I could manage ever again, and worse, to know how little has actually been attempted
  2. Yeah, upon a reread I agree. And maybe it should at least be considered... Maybe you should at least have to explain and discuss the circumstances. In many states, having a restraining order against you is not ground to reject a gun purchase. Not surprisingly, in those stars, domestic violence fatalities are significantly higher...
  3. Why not, by the way? Technically if we can register purchases, aren't we tracking how many you own? But more than that, given that the amendment expressly says the purpose of ownership is the security of the state and militias... We certainly can expect that the govt (state govt at least) wants to know where guns are such that they are ready to serve that purpose.
  4. Good gun laws will make it harder for bad guys to find guns in the black market by limiting the supply on the black market. Tight restrictions on more dangerous weapons work - how many of these crimes are committed with fully automatic weapons? Virtually none because you can't buy them legally and therefore can't find them via back channels. Same goes for exclusive building parts, etc. Why aren't people making bombs if it's so easy? Because it's not actually that easy. The same would and could be true for firearms. Mandatory reports of stolen weaponry. Mandatory registration of all sales, including private. And penalties that make letting a gun "disappear" into a black market costly. You can strangle the black market. (Guns aren't drugs, harder to hide...) Meanwhile, I have yet to hear if the Oregon shooter was properly licensed, etc, and bought legally. Maybe he was. And yes, some bad will still happen. But that doesn't mean we can't lessen it and perfect it... PS ... I think it's easier than you think to have someone involutely committed for a short period.
  5. If you're just talking number of guns... Switzerland is the exception not the rule, though. And I have never seen that their number does not include gov't issued because the once you leave the military, you are allowed to keep your rifle in most casses... so every time I've seen the Swiss numbers, I am given the implication it at least includes "formerly" government issue. But, I am not talking confiscation - I am talking, limitation using basic registration regulations. Swiss regulations are much tighter than the US. If the gun is government issue - based on mandatory military service for all men - then the ammunition must be stored at centralized locations. Privately owned arms and ammunitions can be kept at home, but most choose to keep ammo in central locations. Private arms require a license to buy and full registration. Even private sales (person-to-person) require registration and notification of the state so that they know where the guns are going and can keep track of them. Licenses to purchase are generally only allowed for one gun at a time. So yeah, I think you should be able to own. I think regulations on how to own would limit the numbers out there. I think if you break those regulations, your right to own in the future should be limited or reconsidered.
  6. dc.


    I always assumed much of that was size stigma
  7. But I do agree there are cultural issues here too. But one of those issues is an American preoccupation with proving right through might... You know who has the worst answer to all this stuff yesterday? Trump. For all he's an apparent expert on, here pretty much said, gee shucks, things happen and we can't stop it.
  8. Getting rid of (some/many) guns will stop much of the violence. There are 350m privately owned guns in this nation of 315m people... Highest rate in the world. Which correlates strongly to having the highest murder rate in the advanced world. The number of guns does matter. Criminals don't find as many guns to steal, buy and sell when there are simply fewer in the first place.
  9. dc.


    Guess I didn't realize his injury history in college... Missed for games senior year and two junior, so didn't think a ton of it... Especially because I'm pretty sure he is like 5th in all time receptions in the ACC and tops at Wake
  10. Chris David named most valuable Oriole. How do they give him that over Manny? Manny note has 33hr, and avg 30 points higher than Chris, plays a gold give third base, strikes out far less... Chris had an amazing year, but pretty much with power alone.
  11. dc.


    I haven't followed enough to know Campanaro's injury issues - though I posted this about 10 minutes before his injury last night, of course.
  12. I trust JT, but man do I hate giving in and settling
  13. Next time it'll be in Baltimore, though
  14. Simms says many things
  15. Tomlin is begging us to win this game and get himself fired
  16. Nice hit, Will
  17. Meanwhile, so nice to watch a game with so few yellow interruptions...
  18. Big stop. Thanks, Mike
  19. Fake field goal...?
  20. He picked against breast cancer awareness on "Jerome Bettis mom had cancer and is in the stands to watch her son be honored night...."
  21. Except, I wish we didn't...
  22. So, does that count as a driver for Joe... Even if we eventually lose?
  23. With the two minute warning, a time out, good position and only technically needing a field goal, you'd think they could show run for a moment just to keep the defense honest
  24. Depends on your definition, could argue he had two in the last two weeks that were then thrown away... But yes
  25. And now the D does its collapse... Even if we're not winning, there's a hope to be dashed
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