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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by dc.

  1. Have we ever run a truly successful qb sneak? Other teams make them work clear as day, qb walking into the end zone untouched... What's wrong with us for the last, well, always?
  2. dc.


    Wondered since we drafted him why he hasn't gotten more of a legit shot... Remember watching him at Wake where he was a machine. Reminds me of an Edelman in NE. Anyway, great play on the TD run showing his moves... But more than that live him as a returner. He's simple, straight forward, runs direct lines through clean holes... All together just makes me wonder what this team sees in guys like Brown or Aiken instead...
  3. A few paragraphs that show the problem in our system...
  4. Tim - not sure I disagree on Ozzie, but the question is then: so who else? I don't know enough about how our FO works in drafts, but I can't believe that for the past X years Ozzie has paid a huge staff - and great staff - but then makes picks that they consistently don't like or don't agree with. So it can't be his misses alone, right? Ozzie retires. Do we just go to DeCosta? Is he really any different? I mean, I respect the guy but if he is in the system then he can't really be anything but a part of the probem? In the end - not sure the FO is the biggest issue here. But just a question that lingers if we go that direction.
  5. Spen, I don't understand this... this... post of yours. It is as if you are saying that there can be more than one truth ... that a player can both be good and bad, at fault and not at fault... and that we should moderate our sentiments to the moments and arguments that best fit them. Get out.
  6. Those blimps... http://www.baltimoresun.com/business/federal-workplace/bs-md-blimps-20150924-story.html
  7. The only comment I'll make... The biggest names in the game have often won these games but often it also comes with big plays from a receiver. You can say that Smith was forced to make a big play last week and Joe shouldn't have forced that, but Brady, Manning, Roeth, etc... They all frequently make tough throws to tight spots and the receiver gets the ball. Here's the reality: Joe shouldn't have to be making game winning drives every time. Where the credit to him for the go ahead drive he led prior to the games final drive? And I'll end in the same note as always: who do you want to replace him? That's always the second half of the equation no one answers. I'm fine with criticizing, he deserves some of what he takes. But given this team has never had a qb as successful in the past, what's the magic bullet that ensures us an adequate replacement. (I also second Ts thought about the Bengals final play)
  8. Shut out for the ENTIRE series. That's a new low. Guess these guys just aren't interested. And Spen - definitely agree that he was worth keeping. To me the Duq problem was bigger: our corner OF options were Pearce, Lough, Young, Reimold, Snyder... all career underachievers, two with recent success, but moderate success at that, all pushing 30 or beyond... how lucky do you think you're going to get? What's the real upside of that system? Here's what really gets me ... the O's offense in many respects is just like the Yankees and Jays... except both of those teams know how to walk when it's needed.
  9. Max, as bad as they were... the schemes just seemed sad too. That final TD against Smith - he just looked defeated, as if to say, "what am I supposed to do 1-on-1 here with no help in any direction" (it seemed). Just sad.
  10. I think the last few series ended the debate. He won't be out this week only because of the short week... But he's done
  11. I never really believed in Pearce. OK bringing him back, sure. But never convinced a30 year old could just magically have that year. And reports of his defensive abilities are vastly overstated.
  12. Except that both choices were correct and posting those guys so far into the future at such high rates is silly. (Edit) the bigger problem was not working enough to find the right replacements... Could have had Kendry Morales whos had a huge year... Lots of pieces were available, but Duq sat on his hands and hoped to hit a jackpot in the wrong bargain bin. Meanwhile, mathematically it's still quite possible. 7-3 (now 7-2) would give us a chance but those ahead would have to go 3-7 and 4-6 respectively... Not out of the realm add none of them (hou, min) are actually playing well. The bigger challenge will be us having a decent record with all our games against NY and Toronto...
  13. I think you misunderstood what they all just did there.
  14. Yeah, when we had 25 games left,I remember looking at the schedule and thinking just based on how teams play each other it's virtually impossible. I think Buck has had it right that we pretty much needed to win out...
  15. I was actually surprised at the number of answers we did hear... Just didn't like a lot of them. I still think it's scary that the most sane people on that stage are named Bush and Paul. I'm still lost in the praising Reagan (deficit, Iran Contra, etc) while blasting the new Iran deal and any stimulus funds...
  16. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself... But at least for one inning. Fun watching Buck stand up, just wish he didn't get tossed but man was he fired up...
  17. My next move, given that our water heater is probably in its last months, will be a no tank heater... It's a step at least.
  18. Max, my thoughts too... Except it's two in diapers! (Well, one is literally just ditching them... Hooray!)
  19. Several articles today show Hillary really falling against all... But as you said, is so early. Hypotheticals are so hard to poll. I'm going to hold firm that the GOP will struggle to win a national election ... Hillary might change that though with all her negatives
  20. Re: Trump demographics... Aren't those studies all based on his GOP supporters only? I haven't seen anything that says he'll hold that same level of support among a broader demographic, including independents and liberals. Re: Bernie. I honestly haven't looked super deep, but I agree with finance reform, higher taxes on high earners (Trump said it too) and broader affordability of healthcare and college. Re: Hillary and Jeb. I agree with the establishment push happening. And ugh.
  21. The reality is, concussion issues are going to end this league long before these kinds of controversies...
  22. A lesson the Trumpster always reminds me of... he's the worst, but so many imitate it: Donald mocks women's looks, like Carly Fiorina. People mock Donald's looks and hair. He says it's all fair game, he's just giving it like he's getting it, right? Not quite. People make fun of Donald's hair... just to make fun of his hair. But no one ever said, "Donald has bad hair... therefore he'd be an awful President" nor "Donald has bad hair... therefore I win the argument! Because he's ugly!" But the Donald says just those things about other people... Rosie is a loser, so I win. Meghan Kelly is a bimbo, so I win. Carly Fiorina's "face" haha - she can't be President. It reminds me of this one... liberals called George Bush a mass murderer and war criminal and stupid. Therefore, we all get to say whatever we want about Obama. It's all fair. Except, vile as those attacks against Bush might have been, at least they were based on his actions and his policies. The attacks against Obama... certainly some are fair, many are about his policies. But from before his election, many attacks started and ended with his race, his religion, his family's history... That doesn't win an argument. It proves you're a bigot. Now I'm just venting, lol - but it does bother me. The attacks are the worst of politics. But if you're going to attack someone, at least do so on merit not on identity.
  23. Sounds like a good deal, Crav. I honestly haven't researched enough here to even estimate... only because I know our expenses give us $0 to even attempt to move. But, one day... one day I will make decisions I am happier with.
  24. There's a weird phenomenon out there that I think Sanders might just get a hold of... When people go hard right, no one is surprised and they get a lot of attention and a lot of "juice" of sorts. And as much as it is spectacle to some, to others it is because far to the right is that "populist" vibe and many are willing to grab onto it - even if the message isn't actually what they believe in. But on the left, many on the left are scared to go hard left. They see the excitement for hard right categories as evidence that the best they can hope for is to "sit in the middle" and not look too crazy. And largely, it's worked on the Presidential level of course... However, I am pretty sure that going hard left - as Bernie is - could result in the same positives that the right sees. The populism, the anti-establishment, the 'take it to the man,' the 'give us what we deserve' vibe... that's still going to get a lot of attention. And I wouldn't doubt that many who claim to be "far right" wind up supporting "far left" .... But then again, I could be full of shit.
  25. ... I know he didn't... ??? The point is, how can he claim one day to be ignorant of foreign affairs because they aren't "his business" right now and then the next claim to be an expert on a negotiation he didn't take part in and most people didn't take part in?
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