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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by dc.

  1. Condescending I'll buy and own, though it's not my intent (well, sometimes it is -haha). But I don't think it's trash talk or anger. And you're right- typed words can be read with almost any tone you want to hear.
  2. I know I don't exactly have a coffee talk manner, but do I come off as trash talking? Honest reflection there, I don't know. I always imagine these conversations happening at a bar stool. Generally light hearted, occasional ribbing and riling up, but never more than an, "aw man, that's bull and you know it!"
  3. dc.


    That's the one theory I've never bought. Now granted, I've never killed someone or committed any act even close, but I think even when ideas are repressed they linger. And while he may have blacked out for the murder, he'd remember the cover up! I am still stuck on Jay. If we remove the Nisha call, it seems like Jay has the phone from noon until almost six uninterrupted. And we also know he was out shopping, perhaps at that best buy?, at some point that day. In fact, even the apparent come get me call pings the phone near best buy. So jay has the phone. The phone is near the alleged crime scene most of the alleged crime time. And then Jay has the phone alone for most of the later hours. The only thing really bugging is why Adnans phone pings near the park later, which is a big question. But the calls that ping there are incoming, which are far less reliable (if at all) for location data, so is there another location that makes sense nearby for Adnan to have been? Or did someone else have the phone? I just don't trust Jay's ever shifting time line and logic. I'll also admit, it's unclear to me why Jay would try to pin it on Adnan - except that perhaps the police were already leaning that way so he just went with them because they were eager to and it made his lie easier.
  4. This was my polite way of asking you to tone down the insults. Please heed the request.
  5. I'm totally open that I don't know because I don't know the market and draft right now well enough to say who's there. And I don't know non Ravens well enough to know their skills. I'm simply saying, if we found Forsett, what logical reason is there that we couldn't find him again? Because the proclamation seemed to be that it was 100% impossible, not just now but ever.
  6. I still don't get what me being an admin has to do with it. When have I ever even hinted that I am threatening? I just think you're whiny. And yes, I have always been confident that every word I post here I would say in person to anyone. If someone gave me an answer that I don't think addressed the issue, I'd say so. It's not anger, it's a conversation. So really, why do The Sun's policies have anything to do with us?
  7. dc.


    I thought it was weird that he didn't think they knew each other - which was the same conversion. Though I guess he's been in jail since the early internet days so maybe he doesn't get how personally you can know someone without knowing them. But to your point directly, I understood him. He's heard that for the whole time- in fact that was pretty much the defense his attorney offered at trial. It's a nice sentiment, but he doesn't exactly need more friends who like him.
  8. When you can't respond to content, trash talk. Stop directly insulting other posters, please.
  9. I challenge the assertion that it can't be made up for. That is not saying we will make up for it guaranteed, but there is no certainty the other way either. JF benefited from a system and we did too. But I agree that he was not irreplaceable. If it was the system, by definition it can't be just JF. And if we found JF for practically pennies after everyone else let him go, isn't he proof that you CAN find 1500 yards and 5+ypc just floating out in the midst of no where?
  10. My question remains.
  11. Good read. I also think Edsall has made dinner solid recruiting moves all during his duration, just didn't show right away. Much like in bball. Who cares about the transfers of the old guard who aren't winning games? Let's get the new blood in.
  12. PS the question was why does this board care about the Suns forums?
  13. Nailed it. I'm the one with the rep for freaking out about nothing, like a post being moved to it's appropriate forum.
  14. The ISIS comment won over lots of people. I find it pathetic and insulting. Of course it's not ISIS, but then again, the people in the room aren't political leaders and war lords... They are sports reporters.
  15. If people want to read it, they know where to find it. You don't think everyone who posts here doesn't know this story? They don't come here because they don't want to discuss non Ravens issues. This is not a Ravens issue. Who gives two farts what The Sun does? Meanwhile, are you seriously worked about this? What about any of this do you enjoy?
  16. dc.


    I'm most interested to hear of the DNA brings back any hit... Also curious if the city says it won't test the DNA, is there any reason a private group can't pay to have it done? If the state's not going to use the evidence or examine it can someone else?
  17. I guess my familiarity with it - as a teacher who has a lot of students diagnosed - I am sympathetic with Chris because I feel like all those elements should be understood by the league. Here's what I learned in another article: there is a doctor for MLB who reviews all of the exemptions and gives them the OK. In 2011 or 2012, Chris was denied - after having previously been approved. There's no explanation on why he was denied. After that denial, he never asked for the exemption again. There is no deadline for applying, you can apply at any time. Each application lasts a year. So, to me it seems 50-50. Chris should have kept applying, should have kept saying he needs it. No clue why he didn't. But I am still very curious was MLB denied in the first place - still could be on Chris and some technical error, but it just seems silly and unlikely. You'd think his agent or some team reps would be all over it. ESPN also said that applications and approvals are both down over the last 5 years for all types of exemptions. No explanation for that. Makes me wonder, again, why and what MLB might be doing to try to create that change.
  18. dc.


    I guess I'd say I'm swayed by the other blog I mentioned that casts serious fonts on the cell phone. Jay and the cell records just don't make sense, and that's all Urick kept repeating, that he says they do. Easiest example: Jat says he is at Jens all afternoon before picking up Adnan. So why do the call logs not show him there and show him calling Jens house over and over? Urick hand picked the parts of the cell records that he needed and he, and everyone, ignored glaring inconsistencies in other parts of the timeline. Add to that any hint of Jay being coached and all of Jays inconsistencies and I'm just stuck with we have to their out the entire narrative.
  19. dc.


    I followed those interview when they came out, even before I had really listened to the podcast. I don't really find either interesting, except that Jay changes his story again and Urick lies about the contact Koenig made to them. Urick especially adds nothing to the story. He just repeatedly says, I got it right. And I love how he says he'd never talk about the case to Koenig because it would be unethical and he isn't authorized... Then gives this interview. Lastly, my view on the interviews is made by the horrible reporters and reporting they did - including taunting Koenig a bit. They show none of the tact that made Serial relatable and respectable.
  20. Yes and no. I think it's clear that speculation has been holding prices up higher than they belong, but there have also been huge changes to the market in that decade: US oil production is way up, we are now #2 behind the Saudis and not by much. Plus, shale production, which I don't really support, is getting cheaper by the day. So supply is way up. Plus, global demand has really lagged with the continuing recession in Europe and even finding its way to Asia. While US demand is slowing being higher mpg and other alternatives becoming popular. High prices were driving people to seek out alternatives, which are finally really competing with oil. So there are reasons the prices are down that makes sense. But undeniably the set up of the market has long made it possible for the price to just be made up regardless of supply and demand.
  21. Read his whole post: add line two to line one.
  22. dc.


    I wasn't sure I could listen to a podcast or any narrative in thus way- seven though I am a very auditory person, I thought I'd be distracted easily. Part of the success had been listening in my car on my commute, but I've also listened to a few just lying in bed or on the couch as I would TV. It's superbly put together.
  23. dc.


    I'm on episode nine. I don't yet have the Adnan has to be guilty feeling at all. There's a blog out there, the view from LL2, that has taken up the cause for Adnan further. Some of it is crap, but some is really interesting. The latest post has some serious evidence that Jays statement was coached - at least to some extent. (His story changes based in cell records, and in particular a faulty cell map the police had, so he changes one way then back again when they fix it). Bottom line, I just don't get how Jay isn't a suspect... If you step away from starting with the states narrative, it suddenly doesn't seem like bad luck for Adnan. It seems like someone is deliberately creating a story to make him guilty. Maybe my thoughts will change in the final three episodes. Second make finding from that blog: the cell records clearly show that Adnan did not check his voicemail as stated by police and even Koenig - if you read the record, the #AdnansNumber means someone is leaving him a voicemail. How everyone missed that is mysterious... But that call was used to price Adnan had his phone at a certain point, and now it clearly says otherwise.
  24. Here's what I don't get about major league sports... "Davis Receives Exemption to Use Adderall in 2015" So... he used it legally before 2013. Somehow, that exemption was not given for 2014, so his continued use led to a suspension. Now he's been given the exemption again. My first thought is... he really needs it for whatever (ADHD, who knows). That means that his denial of exemption last year had to based on some technicality - late submission? bad doctors note? Why would they not let someone with a diagnosed condition - and "therapeutic treatment" history - continue to use it? So what MLB is really saying is, like a lot of really crappy high school policies, "it's more important that you meet our random bureaucratic rules than we actually follow through on what is right for a player." http://www.si.com/mlb/2014/12/17/baltimore-orioles-chris-davis-adderall-exemption
  25. Schefter says Kubiak will accept job if offered... whomp whomp. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/12188413/gary-kubiak-accept-denver-broncos-coaching-job-offered-position
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