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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by yagersports

  1. At this point it would seem that Tucker is outplaying Cundiff. I was pulling for Cundiff but if Tucker is showing up, shouldnt the best guy be out there?
  2. Exactly, unless they have zero faith in Gino and he's just absorbed nothing I don't see the Ravens doing anything like that. Gino is expected to be the man here one day. Who knows, if Evans catches that pass Birk is snapping in the Super Bowl. Maybe Gino can just give him a few games off so he can stay fresh. I'm sure the coaching staff is considering all those angles. Can't do something like that if the teams we are facing provide huge mismatches etc. But, if things go well maybe we'll have some favorable matches that Gino can handle. In any case, this team is going to be good......very, very good.
  3. Exactly, he only reads what he wants to read. I wouldn't advocate starting Gino from Day 1. My hope is that he can improve his knowledge of the position so that he can takeover by mid-season or so. I think Gino has the athleticism and smarts to do it. Only time will tell. Perhaps if we get some blowouts this year he can get some reps with Taylor.
  4. It happens all the time in the NFL. Injuries occur, guys have to step up. It's about the only way a rookie center gets playing time. Gino is athletically capable and Birk will wear down. The Super Bowl is always paved with overcoming adversity. You wouldn't know much about that, so I won't bother you with the details.
  5. Blah blah, more useless info and nonsense. I'm going to concentrate on something that is worth while. Here's more facts that shows trading a CB right now would not be wise: From the team report on Yahoo sports: "Boldin burned Jimmy Smith on a long pass but couldn't outrun him into the end zone, settling for a long gain into the Red Zone" This is in line with some other reports that state Jimmy is making big strides, but he's not the consistent shutdown guy we're expecting yet. He's a nickel at this point. I expect him to improve to the #2 before the season is over, but at this point he isn't there. Trading a CB at this juncture just doesn't make sense.
  6. Apparently ESPN considers nothing too low to exploit. Pittiful. This guy should be shunned and allowed to fade away. I can't wait till he doesn't matter anymore. He'll be broke in record time and that isn't easy considering what most NBA players do with their money.
  7. That makes little sense. I've backed up all of my arguments. You've done little but the equivalent of sticking your tongue out at me. You fail to acknowledge any points and consider yourself the absolute truth. It's weak and trite.
  8. Birk was very good the 1st half of last year. He should be good for half of this year as well. That should be long enough to get Gino up and running.
  9. I hope this is true because Joe seems so comfortable with that role. It should also help the deficiencies of the offensive line. I'm still not overly worried about them. I think the group will get their stuff together.
  10. This guy is clearly smarter than anyone I have ever met. He absolutely has one line answers for everything. It's amazing to see the wisdom, depth, and intricacy of his evaluations. I'm on the edge of my seat awaiting his next predication. I'm still blown away with "the Ravens won't win the Super Bowl" prediction. I mean, talk about sticking your neck out! ;)
  11. I usually resort to head butts too when I know I'm dead in the water. Screw saying sorry or trying to make amends........straight to head butt!
  12. Couldn't have happened to a better guy. Now if only the Hawks would wise up and dump the guy out there.
  13. I forgot all about that guy! I remember when he seemed like he was going to grab hold of that deep threat spot we needed so badly. Ahhhh the days of WR disappointment.
  14. If Kemo is playing well. A DL of Ngata, Cody, Kemo, and Jones would be pretty tough to move. (That is if Ngata is still going to play DE) Goal line stands should look pretty good!
  15. I'm really pulling for Kindle because this guy was off the hook in college. Ray Lewis was extremely excited when we drafted him. He stated that Kindle played the game like he did. I would think that Kindle would have the highest ceiling if he can capture his potential.
  16. I tell you one thing. The players seem less distracted and there appears to be a whole lot less of the "he said she said" stuff. That is one good result.
  17. I wonder if the baby's iron jaw hurt the football.
  18. Max, that was awesome! That's what I'm talking about.
  19. I couldn't agree more Ray! I've been sitting all day typing away and my back is killing me. I'm a highly trained and honed typing machine! lol
  20. You hit the nail on the head with Birk. He'll be really good for at least half of the season. Hopefully that will be enough time to get Gino up and running.
  21. On a side note, Painter has been learning from Paytong and Caldwell for awhile now. I'm curious how he may do as a head coach one day if he had such aspirations. Often those 2nd string guys make really good head coaches and/or coordinators. Gary Kubiak comes to mind coached by Shannahan and Qb'd behind Elway.
  22. Every preseason people get concerned and worked up. It's just preseason, nothing more. Time for people to try new things and work stuff out. It means little. I'm always reminded of the fact that Spurrier was routinely a preseason warrior. On the other side, the Dallas Cowboys of the 90s stunk it up in the preseason yearly if I recall correctly. I think the great Allen Iverson would view the preseason as he views practice lol lol lol. Honestly though, not worried one bit. These Ravens always get stronger as the season progresses.
  23. No you don't, you pick the easy argument and want to claim you can somehow see something that everyone else can't. You've said the same thing every year as someone else posted and you've been wrong every year. A broken clock is right twice a day. You're that broken clock. Once again, if you're so right and you call it "down the line" whatever that means. Where are your supporters? Someone who has a strong argument will have supporters in one fashion or another. Where are yours?
  24. You insist doom and gloom and you call me yellow? Do you know what that means young sir. You see, when you call someone yellow, it implies that they are scared of something. It's used to antagonize someone. Now, considering this conversation has little to do with fear and much more to do with Cedric Benson and whether we should sign him, perhaps you could pick an insult that is more suitable. Perhaps you could state I have a lack of intelligence and provide facts to support that. Your facts have failed you here, so we'll move to another more suitable insult. Perhaps you could state that I stand apart from everyone else so therefore the ground that I stand is shakey at best. Unfortunately I see little in the way of support for you, so this insult will not work either. Ok....now I get it, you had little else to fall back on, so you relied on the message board equivalent of sticking your tongue out at me. You called me Yellow to affect my manhood. The argument is now won. You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found........wanting.
  25. How????????????????????????? And it's easy to back a bet stating it won't rain in Nevada tomorrow. It's the same thing. Hello......McFly?????? Back it with what.......you're word? You're reputation???
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