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Everything posted by yagersports

  1. I don't understand the negativity. This fun, plain amd simple, maybe we never use it, but other teams don't know that. Also, I don't think Leech is better than Suggs "with the ball in his hands". I have no doubt that Leech is a better blocker.
  2. We need to abuse cromartie! He's a def liability
  3. With Buffalo's strong start, I think the Jets are in serious trouble of being on the outside looking in for the playoffs. Alot can happen, but a loss Sunday night would really impact the Jets hopes. With Buffalo and NE playing so well. They'd have to beat those two teams 3 out of 4. No way .500 would get them in. I personally think they were more hyped than they were actually good. They have not added playmakers to that team from FA or the draft, not impressed so far. Watch my foot end up in my mouth! lol
  4. Let him sit if at all possible, we obviously have a good replacement in Gurode or however you spell it. Let these guys heal and come back 100%.
  5. That was a great freakin read! I really enjoyed that analysis, there should be more of this type of reporting rather than the soap opera BS.
  6. Exactly, it doesn't happen that often, and when it does, it's usually for 1 maybe 2 series where the QB just hands off a bunch of times.
  7. I was thinking the same thing, I rather enjoy that the coaches are being creative. Isn't that what everyone on this board was so very upset about? Lack of creativity by Cam and Mattison? It seems Pagano is being far more creative this year. I like where Cam is going, it's telling me that he's adapting and not so "my way or the highway" as he's been in years past. He's starting to endear himself to the players. Even if he never uses it, it's building team chemistry and dynamics.
  8. Is anyone thinkng that Smith could actually reach that potential??? Was he that good in college? I'm very unfamiliar with this guy, I've only heard that he's stupid fast!
  9. I think Rex's defense has holes and the Ravens will expose them. I have a good feeling about this game.
  10. I wanna see it happen too, but let's look inside the numbers. 171 yds were given up to McFadden (who is a freak obviously lol), besides that the Jets are doing too bad. Hopefully there will be a balanced gameplan against a creative Rex Ryan. It looked the Raiders used screens and some reverses to use Rex's agressiveness against him. Maybe we'll do the same.
  11. I don't even have to read the article. The Eagles aren't that good! Period, end of story. Vick, while an improved passer still take too many chances and will be injured often as a result. They're good at positions, but the team isn't deep. They're gonna struggle against all three of the teams in their division.
  12. http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/ravens-insider/bal-kindle-not-discouraged-by-inactivity-20110928,0,4951397.story I just like this kids attitude. He's had every excuse in the book to give up and quit. He's made bad decisions and could get down about things, but nope he just keeps plugging away. He lost some hearing....from his point of view, it doesn't matter, he's gonna work hard and play. This kid has a heart. I love players with heart! Gotta love that Replacement movie!
  13. I think he's pretty much speaking the truth there. That's an honest assessment, I would have had the same evaluation I believe.
  14. Right, don't we have Kindle just waiting to get some playing time! How much better can Burgess be???
  15. Wow, if he's done for the year, that doesn't look good for his future prospects. He should be feeling better by now and looking to come back in October right? I guess we're going with Jimmy smith after the bye huh. Hopefully we take our time and let him heal fully. You start bringing guys back too soon from strained muscles and they just re aggravate! Maybe we could pull off the rare impactful in season trade???
  16. Does this mean his season is done or just the next 6 weeks???? When this guy is healthy our secondary will be pretty formidable.
  17. My bro n law is a huge Jets fan, I'm from upstate NY. (The real upstate, not just north of the city lol) I think it'll be a good game, but I think the Ravens pull away late, Ravens 23-Jets 9. I don't think the Jets sniff the end zone this week due to heavy blitzes and the Ravens ability to stop the run. However, as I've stated in another of my posts here, I've seen alot of Sanchez, he has a beautiful deep ball. If the Ravens lapse on defense, he can beat them deep.
  18. Absolutely not!!!! They're professionals! If you don't want to be scored on, do something about it! There is nothing wrong whatsoever with trying to fine tune things when you have an opportunity. I would expect it from other teams if they were blowing us out. As a matter of fact I've seen other teams do it to us. I didn't fault that one way or another. Whether a team decides to dial it down or keeping their foot on the gas is entirely a teams choice and neither choice should be deemed "bush league" or inapporopriate. As a matter of fact, I could make a better case, that as professionals I would think a team lacked a killer instinct or follow through to finish the job! Maybe seattle shouldn't have put their game in cruise control a few years back against us!!!! What if the Houston Oilers had taken the Bills seriously in the 2nd half of their playoff game???? This is the NFL, keep your foot on the gas pedal.
  19. Hopefully they ensure to limit his snaps however. Similar to what Utah did with Stockton to ensure that he's ready to go for the playoffs or late in the season. I'm sure that even the great Ray Lewis gets a lil more tired at the end of the year than he used to get. Limiting his snaps a little, maybe 10% or so would probably pay big dividends in not only keeping him fresh but giving some young guys some solid playing time and experience.
  20. He's gonna play this year, I have no doubt, that's football. There will always be an opportunity to prove yourself with injuries etc. I just want him to make the most of it! Out "Super Sport" machine. Suggs and Sergio! Hopefully this will materialize cuz I loved watchin the highlights of this kid in college!
  21. Well maybe they're playing poorly cuz Vince isn't playing! The Titans are having loads of trouble without.....oh wait, again I'm mistaken! hahaha
  22. lol lol lol lol lol lol Only the Bengals would let someone that good go!!!!!! It's not like we had James Harrison or anything.....oh wait lol lol lol lol
  23. He's on his way to the throne, he's on his way to success. But he has to go to school, he has to ace that test! He's an emperor to be and he's totally You know it;s all about me EXACTLY He's goin' to Flacco Academy. He's got to learn his ABC's. Don't try to stop him, To top him. To destroy him right? uhhhh..... F-L-A-C-C-O! Flacco! Flacco! Go, Go! He's got the cool. He's got the charm and the looks. And the hottie that can help him read those things called books! He's going to Flacco Academy. Come on, Flacco. Got to fulfill his destiny. His friends are loyal. It's royal. They'll help against the foil. Friends? I thought this was all about me? Spell my name again! F-L-A-C-C-O! Flacco! Flacco! Go, Go!
  24. If we lose Kindle like we did Harrison and he becomes a beast in favor of another LB with less upside and less potential I'm gonna lose it! I do believe Kindle will have his shot though, hopefully he will be ready. DE has alot less responsibilities than LB so I can see why it would take Kindle longer to get on the field. Wasn't really pitting the two against each other as just saying, "who's gonna be the #2 pass rusher". Since they both do that well, who's gonna be the one to step up?
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