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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by yagersports

  1. I was just being silly with the Wildcat. Definitely not a wise idea here lol.
  2. Wildcat!!!! lol I don't even want to envision that scenario. That would be so disheartening. I agree that the LT is a concern, but I think McKinnie will fill the hole just fine. My bet is that Oher will be our LT beginning next season and we'll be looking to fill the RT spot next season.
  3. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000053137/article/morning-buzz-dallas-cowboys-among-hardluck-teams In a story about the Denver Broncos and their camp problems there was a one liner that I appreciated: The starting left tackle (Jared Gaither) who received big money in the offseason hasn't been seen. I remember being pretty upset that we lost him however once again this was a case where the front office and coaching staff just made the right decision. For all the guys talent, he just doesn't have the ambition or the luck to stay on the field. Judging by his college days and what transpired here I would say it's his ambition that is lacking.
  4. They are what we thought they were! Playoffs??? Playoffs??? We're just trying to win a game here. I just thought I would add a couple more humorous quotes.
  5. I couldn't agree with you more Max. If a team is consistently building through quality drafts then there is no reason a team can't stay competitive every year. With coaches that change and adapt keeping their message fresh, we can stay competitive. I think this is the year you see this Ravens team become Joe's team. Think about that Ravens fans. Since 99 this has been Ray Lewis' team. That's a lonnnnnnnnng time. Especially for a MLB. I'm sure Ray's heart and passion will shine through, but this will become Joe Flacco's team.
  6. Chris Johnson isn't a bruiser, it did sound that way. He's a one dimensional speed back. I feel he has little vision. Once his speed is gone he'll quickly be out of the NFL. He doesn't have much vision as a RB. Gore is good, but he's a one way truck, he's not really a RB. For me a RB is elusive and has great vision and instincts. Not that a bruiser isn't needed, but I prefer the Rice types.
  7. This is why I like Harbaugh as a coach. He's not afraid of putting the best guys on the field even if it's unpopular. That's what great coaches do. Look at the guy in NE. They just cut a DE that just didn't perform after signing him with a bonus this offseason. It is what it is sometimes.
  8. Ray is also a true RB in my opinion. Guys like Jamal, Chris Johnson, Brandon Jacobs, Frank Gore, etc. These are big brusing guys that have very little natural running ability. Bettis (am I allowed to say his name) is a good example of a bruiser RB that was also a true RB. Bettis didn't need only his power to get yards. He had vision and natural running instincts. Ray has that Faulk, Tomlinson, Thurman Thomas, shiftyness about him. He doesn't take big hits. He runs to daylight and makes great decisions with the ball. He's a big threat and I expect this year to be one of his best ever.
  9. I don't really think that's offensive, that's the lifestyle that the great majority of professional athletes are propagating. Is it offensive to say that farmers spend all their money and time on tractors and in the field? Is it offensive to say that Hooker spends a lot time in hotel rooms? I don't think those comments alone are offensive. They situation they portray is disappointing and I wish these athletes would smarten up and make their money work for them instead of giving it away to failed investments and women that were just looking for a meal ticket. The athlete worked so hard to get where they are and they just let it all slip away.
  10. It's what the Ravens do every year if you think about it. The running game always seems slow and stiff in the preseason yet Ray always finds holes during the season. The offensive line always looks a little patchy, but then come the season, they start scheming and they come together. I don't think the defense will be as dominating as years past, but I really think they're going to get very strong by the end of the year. They're really going to push hard as the year wears on. There's a lot of young guys that are going to get better and better. I really like this team.
  11. And that's a good thing. Harbs and Co don't show their hand. They don't give you anything.
  12. Ed just needs to keep more drives going than he stalls. I may be selectively remembering things here (lol) but I can remember so many stalled drives do his drops on 3rd downs that would have resulted in a fresh set.
  13. Guys you also have to remember that this is very vanilla defense so far. The D Coordinator is getting a feel for the CBs. He's getting a feel to determine how good his guys really are in 1 on 1 situations. Preseason offers that opportunity with no repercussions. I think things will come together throughout the season. As we begin to scheme for other teams our team will be much more successful. It's a team sport, that's why TO has not won anything. As a team these guys are going to pull together. This is Harb's strength. This is the Ravens strength.
  14. He probably knows that the Jimmy Smith will eventually replace him and wants to get the best FA deal possible. Maybe not, just a guess.
  15. Why make any adjustments like that in preseason? Put your guys out there, let em know what it's like to have to cover the best on your own. The games don't matter. It's the perfect barometer to gauge the talent level. And it gives the coach some cred when the coach wants to explain to the player that no they cannot indeed cover so and so by themselves. They do need to cover as a team etc.
  16. Lol. I just never put any stock in preseason. Spurrier was a preseason goliath.
  17. Preseason. No worries.
  18. Its just preseason. No worries.
  19. Awwww hes wearin 86. That hurts a lil. Imagine a young Heap with Flacco!!!!
  20. Well said Max. Getting to and winning the Super Bowl is never about having no weaknesses. Most people make this misconception. A little luck and the ability to overcome the weaknesses usually are the major factors for the last man standing.
  21. There's no doubt in my mind that Dickson could be a top three tightend. His focus will be key. That however is wjere most guys stumble. Personally I think Pitta will be more consistent. I doubt either will be superstars but I expect them to be above average.
  22. Problem is, as we all know some of these guys have a very fragile psyche. Graham was lights out at one point, then a couple of huge misses and the guy has trouble finding work. Cundiff may be in the same boat. If he's missing consistently in camp while the young pup is firing away it makes it hard to make a case to keep Cundiff around. If he's missing now, what's going to happen when the game is on the line? I agree with being concerned about a rookie, it's alot of pressure. But if the alternative to unknown is taking a guy that is known to have a confidence issue, I would say the unknown is probably better? Tough call. I wouldn't be surprised if Harb's sticks with Cundiff and I wouldn't be surprised if he goes with the rook. On one hand Harb's does stand by his guys, on the other he routinely plays the best people. Both seem to fit here. It's not going to be an easy decision.
  23. I would say this is proof positive that Cundiff is cooked. Too bad, I really liked the kids accountability. I was pulling for him.
  24. We should probably trade Williams and get something for him while he's hot!
  25. Still doesnt address what you said Crav. You did qualify your statement by saying two years.
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