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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by ForceEight

  1. I also sincerely doubt that we'd have offered Dumervil a contract if it were a bad move.
  2. He's not. That's the point. I'd be more comfortable starting McClellan there.
  3. My point exactly. Neither of them are worth anywhere near that to us. Dumervil would be worth much closer to his potential salary for our concerns with regard both to our cap situation and our current roster.
  4. The guys you mentioned are not hole fillers. They are expensive replacements that would be overvalued. Draft picks are hole fillers.
  5. I hope they do. This is 100% on the Ravens and the NFL.
  6. This is a business, and it's just stupid (though also the point of the entertainment, I agree) to get attached to really any of these guys. Do you get attached to the crew at your local McDonald's? Because I guarantee you that each one of them would bolt over to the Burger King across the street for a dollar per hour more. Not one player who left was worth what the team they went to will pay them. That's no question. The only issue, then, is finding who will replace them and, considering that we have about six months for that to work itself out, I think everything will be just fine.
  7. I'd rather have Dumervil than all three of those you mentioned. You guys have to start thinking big picture and stop worrying about filling holes. Not every position is going to have great players...period.
  8. My store is not very far from the 12-18" spot on the Weather Channel's most recent forecast. I expect to be royally screwed in one way or another.
  9. I just meant from a security/re-admittance standpoint.
  10. That's what they do in Club level, since you can't smoke in the concourse there. You just walk down the stairs and show your stub when you come back...not a big deal as long as they allow it.
  11. He's getting 8-10 MPG, and I was getting only 15-17 in my 2000 Dodge Dakota; he was making at least six figures for a handful of years, and I was making basically nothing. I also guarantee you that I was driving at least twice as much/far as him to even that out, too. That's not enough of a difference to be the focal point. Tractor trailers, for example, can get as low as 4 MPG on average when fully loaded.
  12. Naw, I don't have much computer access in my life at the moment. That's what was killing me the last time I played. Today was insane and heartbreaking. Tomorrow will be the same for a very different reason with Ray waving the green flag. Wow.
  13. This. I don't have an argument against the statue in any form or fashion, and I'm really all for it. I just prefer letting time decide what happens rather than initial emotion.
  14. My best reasoning is countering with "why now?" I just think we all need to calm down and let things fall into perspective before we build a statue for someone.
  15. Maybe I'm being the jerk here, but I'm not entirely on board with the whole statue thing yet. At the very least, I don't want to talk about it for a few years.
  16. I guess he had to find something to get revved up about after getting kicked off the starting offensive line for the playoffs. He definitely was excited, though...he was the first player I noticed after the game ended.
  17. Gregg is probably the only one I feel bad for. The rest of them made business decisions of their own accord.
  18. You also don't have to wait until June 1 to cut someone with a post-June 1 designation.
  19. Ironically, I just spent the last week in Lake Mary and missed the whole mess up here.
  20. I noticed that. It's not just M&T, it's some weird overlay of that and something else, to get the motion and the red 49ers shirts.
  21. It depends on their long-term view of things (e.g. 2014 and moving forward). From PFT:
  22. I'll be at that airport in about eight hours. In town for the week.
  23. I'll be there with at least nine others. The stadium is the place to be, but I'm going to try to hang out at city hall beforehand and see what happens.
  24. Did you guys see his ovation during the coin toss when they introduced the new inductees? That was the coolest thing I think I saw all day, aside from the game. So glad to see JO get his love.
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