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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by ForceEight

  1. I'm not sure why Ralph would have deserved this send-off you seem to be clamoring for...
  2. I really honestly feel like it was just him being honest and saying honest things at the time he was asked. And without the filter of an agent or of youth and looking not to displease anyone, it comes across like he's just being a dick and going back and forth about it. I'm not saying that that isn't the case, but I don't personally feel that it is. I don't think he's doing any more than saying what he honestly feels and letting that take him where it may. He's going about it entirely the wrong way, but people do much worse things than speak out of turn. I don't really fault him, much less have any problem with it.
  3. Plus, they're the Bengals.
  4. As is the case with every deal ever.
  5. The only issue with Phil Simms saying this is that it's Phil Simms...e.g. a run-first offense quarterback with sometimes rather pedestrian numbers.
  6. Go away.
  7. No, it was the bank. They were financed by KBank and when they went under, there was a long issue with getting it refinanced. No one could ever agree to anything, so it went under, too. They are looking to put another big box there in the fall, along with some apartments.
  8. I'd always gone to Charlotte, which is basically the most beautiful and well-kept track in the world, but there are some things about Daytona that just destroy everything you could ever think about how beautiful a race track can be.
  9. People also have to remember that he doesn't have an agent (unless I'm mistaken). He's not quite being told when and where to shut up. I don't really blame him for any of it, but I also take it with a grain of salt. Fabricated drama is no fun.
  10. I saw the track when I went down in March. Just an absurdly cool area.
  11. Still no power in Rockville. And it's still a mess.
  12. I took a class one, and the method they taught was to cover your keyboard with a fabric or cloth, put your hands under, and start typing. You learn where the keys are infinitely more quickly than just practicing alone. I'd recommend typing from a sample (like a book or something) and not looking at the screen (and its temptation to make corrections) at all.
  13. It was stressful as hell, but I don't think it was a horrible call. If anything, I think it was the right call. It just sucked how it turned out.
  14. The happiest Sunday I've had in at least four years. He beat the sh*t out of everyone today, and he really should have last week, too.
  15. My list (I thought this through a bit since having this same conversation a few months ago): Coldplay - biggest band in the world right now? Foo Fighters - duh. Green Day - perfect for a stadium setting. Pearl Jam - best old vs. new balance. Jay-Z - loves sports, would likely bring about 20 big names with him on stage, and he's freakin' Jay-Z. Maroon 5 - so many songs... My Chemical Romance - similar to Green Day, screaming stadium rock is their thing. this one is a personal dream, admittedly. Arcade Fire - not the most popular band ever, but they kill it live. You'll notice that none of the above are in their 70s, or produce nothing but plastic pop bullshit. They are real bands and artists. People will learn to appreciate that and beg for it when they are introduced to it in a Super Bowl setting as opposed to the last 15 years of what we've endured.
  16. Not even remotely. It's just that my taste involves music that's been relevant in the past 30 years, which by and large is not the taste of those deciding the halftime show.
  17. Absolutely not. No thank you.
  18. He'll be fine. I ran into him at the coffee shop today and he's in a great mood about things and said that he feels better than he has since he came to town.
  19. I agree that the rule sucks, but it's long past the point of being a fundamental part of baseball. Quit bitching about it.
  20. 50+ years ago, I'm sure people said the same thing about football.
  21. I think he's a better morale type of coach, but I think Billick was lightyears ahead from a football standpoint.
  22. Why be such a downer about them? I don't get it. I'm not saying go give the Greek your money, but just enjoy what's going on. The pitching is absurd, and that hasn't been an attribute of the O's in years. They're on ESPN tonight. That's weird all by itself.
  23. Guys, it's a message board. It's all going to be okay! The Steelers suck and I'd grade their draft a D at BEST (offensive linemen? how boring), but this tallywacking is silly, and so very ESPN circa 2001. In other news, I really do like Streeter. And Upshaw. I'm not sold on KO and a few others make me nervous even given their draft value. But I'm excited nevertheless.
  24. Wait, shut up.
  25. He'll definitely make the Seahawks. But he's just not tall enough, bar none.
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