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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by ForceEight

  1. I was there! That was my first Ravens game, too.
  2. I know that we needed him (that's disgusting to say), and I'm not saying that I totally hate the fact that he's on the team. It's just weird.
  3. My god, I hit a nerve. I agree with you to a certain extent. The potential is no longer relevant, and no one wants to hear about it anymore. But what else are they supposed to talk about? How else can they keep us entertained? They're working with some of the worst product available in the entire sport. What else are they supposed to say? Would you prefer complaints every night about how no one can score and no one can close games? That wouldn't wear on you, hearing over and over and over again?
  4. I still feel way too awkward having Patterson on this team. It just doesn't feel right. Are we going to sign Gibbons next? Bigbie? Failed projects are one thing, but bringing them back is just awkward beyond belief. Nevertheless, he's definitely fit in so far. Hope like hell that it continues...
  5. What the hell are a Q&A or media session going to do for anyone? Why would I care? What would come of it? It would be totally useless. I don't think Angelos had anything at all to do with this. And you're totally off-base as to its intent. He never says anything close to "stick around" whatsoever. He doesn't even mention the fans at all aside from the close: "thanks for your support." It was a reminder that the guys upstairs know that everything is garbage and they've gotta keep working to get it straightened out. If you're reading into it more than that, you're probably too pissed off with the team in the first place to be considering the situation.
  6. He's proven it himself over the past 11 years. I agree with your opinion, I'm just saying that Crowley isn't going to fix anything.
  7. God, I hate the Preakness.
  8. Gotta say I'm pulling for the Habs, and it's a good show so far. The first period was some ugly hockey, but the Habs have been winning that way.
  9. Because he doesn't know how.
  10. That's it. You're just a contrarian. You just like stirring the pot a little, and I can't blame you. No one with any semblance of an intelligent mind really believes that Ozzie is garbage and JaBustus Russell will ever play again, let alone "be a star". You'll probably reply repeating those opinions. But it's okay. I know what you really think. ;)
  11. Hahahahaha. Sounds like he's kind of acting. Still funny.
  12. Oh yeah, I'm sure it's an absolute microwave just being out there. I couldn't handle it, even with water and a breeze. Not my kind of weather. Give me a blizzard anytime. I'm glad you enjoyed it though. Sounds like a great place to not bring a shotgun.
  13. And you didn't even invite me?! I couldn't stand for any kind of heat like that, and I hate beaches. But, I gotta say, it would be something incredible to go to a beach like that and know that the water you're in is crystal clear.
  14. A really low scoring week, if you look at it. I used to love Darlington, but it's not what it used to be. Without those tires being chewed up in no time, it's just not fun. Two tire pit stops all night at Darlington just simply isn't Darlington. Plus, the race wasn't exactly exciting.
  15. Something might be happening... http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/05/08/ravens-ot-gaither-a-no-show-on-saturday/
  16. I'm indifferent. It's pretty obvious that the mastery is all Ozzie (granted, Savage and Kokinis both had to try their hands in Cleveland...). Decosta and Hortiz and Co. are just fine.
  17. Because no one wants to get surgery and start rehab immediately after the season is over. Everyone needs a break sometimes.
  18. Can't argue that one. It's definitely the coolest. I can't stand that little Philly toolbag from the other day.
  19. I cannot f****** understand why no one has ever thought he's the problem. All the managers and players that have come and gone, and he's still here? Is he Pete's best friend or something?
  20. Lucky was screwed. Three times. Absolutely slammed into the rail that first time.
  21. Lookin at Lucky, Super Saver, Homeboykris. I was with you on Super Saver in the mud, but I can't bring myself to bet against Lucky. Homeboykris is just kind of my longshot filler horse, but I think he's got an interesting shot. Sidney's Candy is great in the mud, too, but I feel like he's the odd one out. My mom seems to think Dublin (the longest of long shots) has a chance. Haha.
  22. Sick to my stomach. I was afraid to comment on any of the games (I'm a Caps fan) because I could just see it coming. I even felt uneasy being up 3-1. Disgusting.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KdeJLbcFmM
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