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Everything posted by ForceEight

  1. Peterson and Smith are the two best players of all six there. I absolutely wouldn't take that trade. Portis is on a horrible offense, TJ isn't the favorite target on his team, TO has started the downslide, and Gates isn't worth it.
  2. I wondered the same thing last week. And he's always talking to Ray. He must be his assistant or advisor or something.
  4. http://bangcartoon.com/jeffreed.htm HAHAHAHA!
  5. I'm glad someone still cares enough. hahaha
  6. Well, they're in Cleveland. So they have to ship their water in from AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE.
  7. We play the Browns and Brady Quinn this weekend. If any pass goes over 15 yards, I will be surprised and shocked.
  8. That was incredibly frustrating. Just in every way.
  9. Two months is nothing. It'll be here tomorrow, and camp starts next week. Or so it will feel.
  10. Dude, I was just arguing FOR Jenkins with you this morning. :lol:
  11. Rolle's 20 yard shuttle was 4.01, and his 3-cone was 6.68. Remember, though, that he only worked out on his pro day, and not at the combine. What does that translate to?
  12. In my opinion, Hauschka isn't the guy if Stover's gone. He's fairly inaccurate. I'm too lazy to find it, but I analyzed his stats and skill set a few months ago. He just doesn't have "long-term kicker" in his potential, to summarize.
  13. I know they all technically have some shot, but I'm being realistic. Today's performance proved that. Pauley was crushed, and Hennessey is injured (sore elbow).
  14. I'm not worried, boss. :lol: I just know that Harrison and DHB won't both be here.
  15. Hennessey, Waters, and Pauley are the pitchers (though I imagine someone else might be in, since it's still early with that score). All are shooting for a rotation slot, but only Waters really has any shot, honestly. I would expect that the Mets look like they're playing BP. No big deal.
  16. Because we have other needs. DHB and Harrison would probably take half of that $17 million alone. Our center and two of our linebackers (not to mention our potential starting safety) are free agents in about 36 hours. We don't and won't have the money to fill those positions, AND sign the top free agent WR AND first round draft choice WR. It's just not feasible. Not even close.
  17. Not at all that low. The Orioles will be better than they have in recent years. That's almost a guarantee. We haven't had this much quality depth in a long time. No, no one thinks that it's a 90 win formula, but knowing what we have and what's waiting, there's a lot of potential, and a lot less chance of total collapse than in the past.
  18. One or the other. There's no way we get both of them. I'm not even sure we could get either.
  19. Bucs released Galloway and Hilliard today. They also released Cato June.
  20. If Kiper said it, I'll believe it, then. Should it be the case, though? I don't know. I'd put far more stock into the film of how Jenkins did against the fastest receivers he played.
  21. McShay is too frustrating to even contemplate listening to. I find him the media- and hype-driven douche to Kiper's actual education and understanding. I'll wait until Mel tells us what he thinks before I form any legitimate opinions. Nevertheless, there's no way Jenkins is falling that far. I sincerely doubt that teams will put so much stock into that 40 time. Jenkins is the best corner, and will be the first one taken. And, for what it's worth, SI reports two quite different times: 4.57 the first time, and 4.52 the second (as if it matters). Rolle ran a 4.49 during his combine. Take it for what it is.
  22. ForceEight


    And? That guarantees that he never will? Especially when you're only dealing with two or three real examples of evidence?
  23. If he wants to be paid as an offensive lineman, that's fine. He has no right, though, to demand guard money, if he doesn't want to be categorized by one position; otherwise, he'd be categorized as a guard. The idea of paying him the average of guard/center, then, is a fine idea, but the agent obviously wants more than that. It's a nice attempt by the agent to gouge the team (or whatever team) for more money, but there's very little logic involved.
  24. I agree. The Redskins have virtually no chance at signing him simply because of their situation. The writer of that piece totally missed considering the Redskins' economic situation.
  25. Not happening. Mattison recognizes where the talent is (obviously on the defensive line, now, so there will certainly be 4-3 moments), but he's a 3-4 guy, and the Ravens are a 3-4 defense. http://www.carrollcounty.com/articles/2009...sports12709.txt
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