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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by ForceEight

  1. And now Clemson crushes Duke. As in...30 point loss crush. Combine that with Syracuse finally winning again, and tonight was a GREAT basketball night!
  2. http://baltimore.orioles.mlb.com/news/arti...sp&c_id=bal I always thought Parrish was a decent reliever, but I don't want to see him in the rotation... Not too happy with Burres getting swept away, either.
  3. It's your own damn fault if you couldn't get a voucher. They've been available forever now. The cost of those too lazy to get one versus that which will be lost because of the delay isn't remotely comparable. Anyone in opposition to that is incredibly shortsighted.
  4. It doesn't affect me either way. So, because of that, I'm suddenly partisan? Give me a break. How about the fact that it's a complete waste of congressional time? There's no presented evidence that the country isn't ready, and this delay is ONLY going to cost more money in advertisement, political cash, and the cost of maintaining the analog signal. There is NO need for it. The fact that it was the Dimocrats who pushed it through is only bait.
  5. ...I know that. Except it's called Boston College, so the joke would be nothing. And, back on topic, no one here cares about Boston. ;)
  6. It's June 12th. And it's complete bull.
  7. I hope you're joking, Cleet.
  8. So it's called Chestnut Hill College?
  9. Because nobody in Baltimore gives a damn about Boston. ;)
  10. He deserves it, but he's got no shot.
  11. We don't even know who's gonna be in the race until next Thursday.
  12. I've been counting down the days. Practices for the shootout start Friday afternoon on Speed. First chance to see cars on the track!
  13. Yeah, but he's running a full season in the #5 this year. You didn't know that? :lol:
  14. I like DW, but I don't really like his predictions. Honestly, I don't think Martin will do nearly as well as people think. He's the fourth car in an organization, and I don't think the 5 car is as strong as it should be with three other top-tier drivers. I think he might get to the Chase, but it'll be close...
  16. Oh, bullshit. Fans don't give a damn about the Pro Bowl, and everyone knows it. That's why there's nothing wrong with it in the first place. I don't blame him one bit.
  17. Then, as Spen said before, your TV is probably new, and thus has a tuner already. That means it doesn't need the converter box (it basically has one inside it), and that you can continue using the antenna with no change.
  18. Dude, there's still an analog signal. They never announced anything like that. The only thing they did was shut off the analog for 30 seconds a few weekends ago for folks to test their sets.
  19. They are. And they have to, until the 17th.
  20. No thanks.
  21. This is just completely ridiculous. The Heels' defense can't stop our fast breaks, but we can't stop their outside shooting. You don't win by scoring twos and letting them score threes...
  22. I watched a Denzel movie over the weekend. Most of what's on there hasn't interested me, but it's a decent alternative. I really like the 24 hour weather subchannels. I never bothered to watch them on my dish TVs, but they're nice to have on my bunny ears TV when there's not much else to watch or I just want to check on the weather. Pretty cool.
  23. I don't think Smith is much of an asset, but Williams is undoubtedly a good receiver and deserves a shot at it.
  24. :lol: They're too eternally depressed in Ohio to have any objectivity.
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