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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by ForceEight

  1. Uh, wrong. Analog signals are still being broadcast, and there's no way in hell that a television without a digital tuner or converter box can receive a digital signal. WBAL is still transmitting analog signals.
  2. Me? I've always hated that retard, much for the same reasons DC stated.
  3. Wanted? Not quite. Stay out? I'd love to. Never have to deal with the garbage associated with it again? My dream. But should it be?
  4. It's an inside joke. We used to filter the word "*** I'm stupid for thinking this game is easy ***" with that, because Crav always used to jinx us with it. @Max: I think Detroit will be a .500 team; they won't be such an automatic. The Raiders and Chicago probably won't be blowouts, either.
  5. I'm confident that the case isn't going anywhere, either. But I have great respect for the principle of it. Also, I'm getting really tired of this same ridiculous "pot is good" vs. "pot is bad" argument every time this sort of issue comes up. I think everyone here knows which side I'm on, but my god I'm sick of it...
  6. I think you mean 5th easiest schedule, not 28th. :lol: Nevertheless, I don't take much stock in this, because of how much records change from year to year, and how close these are to begin with. But it wouldn't hurt to get an easy schedule for a change.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=885Nyz_Y9xE Watch the text scroll at the bottom of the screen. :lol: The TV station is WDIV in Detroit (which just makes it funnier).
  8. I'm not going to argue ridiculous semantics with you dude. We do it way too much. :lol: Phelps might be charged in SC: http://sports.espn.go.com/oly/swimming/news/story?id=3881374
  9. Yeah, but that's not going to happen.
  10. Interesting thoughts on the roster situation. It might be tough to keep both Wigginton and Freel, since neither can play shortstop. http://baltimore.orioles.mlb.com/news/arti...sp&c_id=bal
  11. "Normal" is a commonality that is accepted. Is it widely accepted and understood to speed or run a stop sign? Should it be widely accepted and understood that 23 year olds smoke pot?
  12. Davis was talking on 1300 over the weekend about this getting done, and he made it sound very good. It sounds like resting Mora is the most important aspect of it.
  13. My point was that it has no effect on whether or not it should be accepted, or excused, or anything else.
  14. The commonality of it means absolutely nothing.
  15. I wouldn't listen to a word they have to say, so no skin off my back. ;)
  16. http://www.mtv.com/videos/shows/2-bill-con...#artist=1231843
  17. I honestly loved the Sobe/Ray commercial. Maybe there's some homer in me, but I thought it was by far the funniest (or if not funniest, the most well-made). Especially with all three of them doing his dance.
  18. Does that really work? I only have the teenager excuse for another month, myself. :lol:
  19. Happy birthday dude. Enjoy your last year of the "I'm just a teenager" excuse.
  20. I know Pacman is different because of the major things, which is why I also said a comparison to others would be acceptable. I'm just frustrated with all the overlooking. And use of it might be common, but that in no way makes it "normal."
  21. The only thing that worries me is that he's still struggling pretty badly in winter play right now. At least, so I read.
  22. :lol: If you want one.
  23. No, I know. My post was in reply to the general consensus of the situation. As if it isn't a big deal. I think the Pacman (or many other criminal athletes) vs. Phelps argument has a lot of merit.
  24. I'm so sick of arguing this with anyone. "Oh, it was only pot." "Oh, he's just a kid." "Oh, at least he didn't hurt anybody." He's not the F*CKING American hero you want him to be, and everyone wants to apologize for him like it's no big deal. I'm so sick of it. Sick of the acceptance of someone doing something like this. Sick of all of it. *sigh*
  25. Clarence Moore is available, too.
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