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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by ForceEight

  1. For what it's worth, the Billick/Ditka Coors commercial is the FUNNIEST of those I've ever seen. :lol:
  2. 14-0 Bengals!
  3. I won't accept all this "winning" and "education" regarding MSJ. Nevertheless, awesome!
  4. You guys are unfriendly as all hell! I didn't particularly want to watch either, but it was admittedly well done.
  5. Yeah, I know all about how to use eBay. I just don't know what sorta range I'm looking at, really. I didn't think about Baines much, Crav. Thanks for that, actually. Might be worth it later, because he does have a legitimate shot; I don't have any faith in Palmeiro. either. However, that changes if McGuire ever gets in. I never really understood why no-names hurt the value. If anything else, doesn't it vouch for the legitimacy of the autographs?
  6. :lol: The MVA is playing very elaborate mind games.
  7. I have a baseball signed about ten years ago by Rafael Palmeiro and Harold Baines. It's been kept in good condition, and I want to unload it for some Christmas cash this weekend (eBay obviously). I have a few questions, though. One: is it worth it? I know they're both more than well-known, but not necessarily for the economically better. As well, how much do you think I can expect for it? There's little Palmeiro market on eBay, understandably, with the few balls/photos there going anywhere from $13-$250. I also have a Stover photo, and two footballs (one signed by Reed, Mason, and Adam Bergen, the other signed by McAlister and Stokley), as far as what I might want to part with. Any prognosis on them? I know a few of you know all about this. I'm not really itching to hold onto any of them, aside from the Reed/Mason ball (mainly because the Mason autograph is almost completely unrecognizable), because I do need the money. If I do sell them, I'll probably put them on this weekend, or Monday (for 5-7 days), as I need money before the end of the year. Any thoughts? I know this is totally random.
  8. The Cubs didn't want Olson. That's why we tried sending him to San Diego for Pie, which never ended up happening since we got Freel instead.
  9. Uh, no? All he suggested was a concentration on outside blocking.
  10. Burnett is a Yankee. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3765754
  11. Someone else will, and we'll lose because of it.
  12. If he'd changed it up (which has gone unacknowledged as what actually happened), you'd complain about not sticking to it, or not having conviction in what's right, or not knowing what he's doing.
  13. Dad just came home with a trio of tickets. WOOOOOOOOOO.
  14. For this week, against the Steelers: http://www.nfl.com/videos?videoId=09000d5d80d392bd Summary: Throw to Heap often, move inside protection outside and help with TE/RB chipping.
  15. Cassel will play. The Jets will also not lose to Buffalo.
  16. That's exactly what I was thinking. 7/$150 looks a lot better than 8/$160, in my book. Almost $1.5 million more per year.
  17. Is it just me, or does that absolutely kill it?
  18. Most likely. There's no way in hell Burnett turns down five guaranteed years. Burnett source: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3761008 Sabathia: http://www.nypost.com/seven/12102008/sport...deal_143481.htm ...sigh.
  19. Defense is what they were looking for. Luis Hernandez would probably still be our SS if he could defend worth a dollar. I won't say I'm happy, but at least it's one less position to worry about for now.
  20. As long as we're sharing, I'm a big fan of this one: http://www.nfl.com/videos?videoId=09000d5d80d28e6c Back on topic, this weekend will definitely be exciting. I can't wait.
  21. If Reed doesn't win, I'll set fire to the city of Pittsburgh. (Actually, I won't. Please don't take this seriously, FBI.)
  22. Hallelujah! I thought it was supposed to be a Freel/Ramon one-for-one trade. I can't believe we robbed them of two prospects, too.
  23. I don't see the argument for having the Bucs that high. They gave up 300 rushing yards last night. 300!
  24. Anyone see the story about the dog who pulled the other dog out of a highway median, or something? I caught a glimpse of it on Inside Edition (or whatever it was that was on after the game last night). Didn't stay to watch, but it looked amazing.
  25. Wouldn't be a bad fit, in my book.
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