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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by smokeyjon

  1. What kind of tackle was that supposed to be, Reed?
  2. we're not going to win on FGs today
  3. huge PI on Heap, nice
  4. Boy great moves willis
  5. that was a hell of a stiff-arm by Clayton
  6. christ figurs is awful
  7. that didn't take long
  8. Yeah Reed! Early and often
  9. Why is Stover kicking off?
  10. ok now i'm getting excited
  11. last week was really draining. I'm having a hard time getting wound up in either direction today
  12. There's no way Nolan would cast Shia LeDouche
  13. I have to imagine that Biscotti spent some quality time on the phone this week with some people over at NFL HQ.
  14. No, Bush called off the Secret Service guys, that's why they didn't pounce. The dude who threw the shoe got his ass beat down by some of the other reporters...you shouldn't get your news from DU or DailyKOS.
  15. Well it couldn't have been that hard, it's not like he was busy blocking or anything :lol:
  16. Yeah, and Obama never discussed his Senate seat with Blagojevich :lol:
  17. Pointing out that Shittsburg scored all of their points as a direct result of obviously bullshit calls isn't making excuses for anyone. I'm tired of games being decided by officials instead of players. Unless you can point me in the direction of pittsburg's legit scores, I must have missed those.
  18. It sounds like you need a bigger TV, or maybe HD.
  19. Apparently you weren't watching the game where neither team could do shit against the other's defense. You also didn't notice that all of Shittsburg's points came on bullshit calls by the refs. We scored the only legitimate points this game.
  20. It must be nice knowing that you've always got the refs to pull your dick out of the fire when you need it
  21. McGahee is fucking worthless
  22. McGahee is shit
  24. after that punt we need a safety
  25. I guess Tomlin is spending big this week
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