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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Keveeno

  1. Keveeno


    I had a 360 and had it fixed 6 times and the last time, I just bought the new ps3 for 299. I love it, and never will go back to xbox. Free internet, wi fi so no chords, full web browsing, blue ray, good games, and better room for improvement in graphics.
  2. TJ?
  3. Here in MN, our warmest day in jan was 8 I think, and it got down to -28 with near -50 windchill. But february came and they said its the warmest they had in years.
  4. That leaves them with a lot of cap room. Anybody putting bets on his next team?
  5. Think about this. Its not about the money (at least I hope it isn't), its about the status quo. He's one of the greatest linebackers of all time and he knows it. In this day, money shows how great of a player you are so of course he wants that tag with him. Its all about ego, and if we just state that we are willing to pay him all that money it could be a reverse physiology thing. Ya never know.
  6. Good game, hard fought. As a Ravens fan I found several favorable calls to the Stealers... and a football fan it went both ways. All together, I watched it without sound while I was at work and it seemed to be a good game.
  7. Click on the link, and click on teams in the video category. Its the first one thats there.
  8. Just do it already. My family back home already bought theirs, and I have a CONNcast. What does delaying it do but make Hawaii look stupid for already doing it.
  9. iiinteresting lol
  10. http://blogs.nfl.com/2009/01/18/lb-suggs-w...ainst-steelers/ Adam Schefter LB Suggs will play against Steelers Posted: Adam Schefter | Adam Schefter | Tags: Baltimore Ravens, Pittsburgh Steelers, Samari Rolle, Terrell Suggs Despite a sprained shoulder that left Baltimore’s Terrell Suggs questionable for the AFC Championship Game, the Ravens linebacker will play today in Pittsburgh. As one Ravens official said, a player would have to be in horrendous shape not to at least try to play today. The only player the Ravens are uncertain about is cornerback Samari Rolle, who was listed as doubtful with a groin injury.
  11. Fan made, gave me goosebumps
  12. Get Kyle Boller to be our captain. If he didn't suck so bad, Flacco would be playing for another team and Billik would still be here as our offensive genius!
  13. If ya do have a job, just make sure your name is known. I work at a grocery store where they have a hiring freeze right now, cutting hours, and they just fired 3 cashiers (out of 12) even though one of them is the managers daughter. But because I'm outspoken, and I made sure everybody knows I'm here I work the max hours we are allowed and made friends with the manager of the store and even got a chance to speak with the man who founded the 23 stores. They know I'm here, and thats the best thing to do if you want to keep your job.
  14. Forgot about that lol. He would fit good there.. they got a good defense already. Shit.
  15. Good, he'll get a job somewhere else and Ryan can stay here.
  16. Didn't we have 5? lol
  17. Its about time players stepped up. Brett's a good player, good heart, but so was Kyle. Inconsisstency and age will play in this and I hope that Favre does nooot come back next year.
  18. Won the extreme ravens 1 superbowl! Next time we bet money!
  19. Bengal fans trying to work the board of a winning team
  20. I actually have that same controller lol
  21. I'm 9-6 and in teh superbowl.
  22. I know it hasen't been talked about much, but OSURaven, I'm seeing you in the superbowl. Good luck! Next season, anybody up for a money game? Get a little more serious and into this thing?
  23. I'm here in MN.. it was -11 degrees and we had a foot of snow fall. Cold and snowy. Back to the east coast in under 24 hour!
  24. http://myp2p.eu/index.php?part=sports I watched the game in great picture, hd quality
  25. Whoever told me about that website P2P, sopcast or whatever,... Thank yooou! That was the greatest ravens game I have ever seen. I got off work at 8, came home and saw this. Thank you Ravens! This is gonna be a good christmas
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