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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Geronimo

  1. In my opinion, Suggz play and contract are a lot closer to matching than Rice's play and contract. The behavior is similar, but that is not why i'm saying lets see if we can get out of this contract, it's all about the business(contract) and production on the field with me. Rice is not the same, Suggz is closer to his prime than Rice. Suggz has the potential to be DPY again, if he is disciplined enough to stay in tip top shape. Rice looked like he's tired of getting hit. like he has lost his heart.
  2. i only say cut Rice because he's not the player he use to be and if this is a possible loophole that can get us out of this bad contract i say use it. What he did is not actually a reason to cut him, but because i believe he has a bad contract and his play was horrible last year we should just use that as a reason to get out of it.
  3. a guy who is 90% right on compensatory picks before they are handed down thinks the ravens will get 2 4ths and 2 fifths.
  4. If we can get away with cutting him and not have to deal with any cap ramifications, i say do it! If this gives us a way out of his contract , then use it.
  5. I'm not surprised at the lack of trust in Suggz, i haven't been around here long but i've been around here long enough to know how things work. Certain players will get the benefit of the doubt and will have excuses made for them when there play isn't exactly stellar, while others will is dragged through the coals and examined with a fine tooth comb to find his imperfections, and it's real easy to determine who is in what category.
  6. lmao!
  7. I totally agree, i'd like Pitta back, but of course at the right price. i would like to see what we have in Furstenburg, he's a better athlete than Pitta, thats a good place to start.
  8. How could Rice do this, this is the worse possible thing anyone in the history of football could ever do, cut this man now! the hell with the cap hit, we can't have this man on our team.
  9. Incognito is a bad dude, and he is the ring leader, but the abuse should have never gotten that far. Incognito should have never been a leader on the team. Incognito should have been put in his place by the organization or some real leaders in that locker room. Having said that, i wouldn't mind having Incognito in a ravens uniform or Martin for that matter. But my beef with this Tsly guy is him trying to make it racial. When in fact, he's the one making it racial. and why were you so quick to jump on the save Incognito wagon when the texts came out and now that more information has come out finding Incognito guilty, you haven't said a word on the matter. Your stance on the matter is not genuine, and it's coming from a place of hate and you can feel it in your above post.
  10. so the independent investigator has found your boy guilty, yet you haven't come on here as quick as you did when the texts were leaked, why not?
  11. If there are a few thousand why is he being touted as a 3-5 round pick, a few thousand players haven't lead the sec in sacks and TFL, and i didn't say he was like Lewis, i said from the highlights i've seen, him wearing 52 and the way he celebrates reminds me of Lewis, you're a boldfaced liar again. C'mon man if i said the sky was blue you would LIE and say it was pink just to disagree. If you're going to be a contrarian to my posts at least don't be a liar about it.
  12. sadly there are about 15 of you guys i wish were the same because you think and say the exact same things, and then when someone comes along that doesn't think and say what you would say, it's let's lock the topic. BTW i knew you wouldn't address the topic of me saying the same thing on other topics because it was a lie. like i said about the other 15 or so guys with the same brain, just because you type it , you seem to think that makes it a truth.
  13. Oh Ok thats cool, but i'm neither Oldschool or Rasta, never cared about website traffic.
  14. why am i now oldschool?
  15. Ed Reed robbed the Houston Texans so someone from houston texas decided to get some of the money back
  16. ^^^^^^^^^ you have some nerve posting this when on the RAY RICE thread your contribution was talking about penis', flaccid and what do you think of when you hear Big Ben. LOL, you're a joke.
  17. Show me other threads where i post the same crap, or are you a liar just like the rest of them.
  18. I've been a member on this board since july 2013, 6 months after the Ravens Superbowl run, so how could i do what you are claiming i did? This Money guy is a liar that is stalking me, look Money i don't want male groupies, we had a deal , keep my name out of your mouth and we won't acknowledge one another, you can't seem to honor a deal and your word means nothing. Liar, stalker, male groupie, doesn't keep his word, has no honor, SMH.
  19. (in my james earl jones voice) WELCOME, now one guy i think could and should be very valuable in this quasi WCO is Juice. The guy can do too much not to use, and from what i remember of the WCO the FB is used more than in any other offense. Juice can be moved around, looking at his college film, he played TE, H-back, FB and even lined up in the slot. let the Juice loose, Leach is the better blocker, Juice does everything else better.
  20. i don't have a problem with waiting and seeing, i've only seen Joe in this offense so i don't know if he can run a different offense, but what i do know is he better work his ass off to learn the new offense. i don't want him pouting or complaining about anything, just learn the new damn offense and make it work. thats your job and thats why you're making 62.5 over 3
  21. LOL, he's a scam artist
  22. How do you know it's a favorite of Caldwell, when Caldwelll never called plays until late 2012, i hope you are not using what Peyton did in INDY as your favorite of Caldwell reference. So the answer to my question is NO, you don't have any proof. You're just making up stuff. Well i say that we didn't run hot reads the last two years , because IN PRACTICE Joe couldn't read the defenses. If you know anything about football and if you know what you're watching it's pretty clear.
  23. do you have proof that our WR's could not make proper reads in practice and that is the reason the past 2 years we've had no hot reads.
  24. If you're paying your QB 62.5 million over 3 years and the success of your offense is based upon young wr's reading defenses , then yes Rasta's concern is legitimate. Your only concern is to make sure your man crush is not the one blamed if we're not successful next year, but because your man crush plays QB and makes the big bucks there's nothing you can say thats going to take any pressure off of Joe.
  25. I never said you had the same argument , stupid , i said you two were doing the same thing, blaming someone before a snap has been played. Rasta is blaming Joe and you're blaming the WR's.
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