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Everything posted by BengalBilly

  1. BengalBilly


    Awww, don't be so harsh on Chevettes. Sure they were ugly pieces of crap, but the one I had ran for years. I did have to dump a quart of oil in it a week, but other than that it was cheap to own.
  2. BengalBilly


    Well that may be, but Ford should be held in much higher esteem than GM or Chrysler. In fact they should be congratulated for not being a burden on the American people. Lord knows we have enough already.
  3. You'd be a damn fool if you didn't. You live just down the road from the place. Tickets might bite your wallet a bit though. Cry me a river. Where I'm living here in Arizona we're still around the $3.50 a gallon mark. Looks like the fuel peddlers in your area are doing a bit price gouging. Last I heard gas dropped below $3.00 a gallon just above you in South Carolina. Tell me there isn't some shenanigans going on!
  4. Seriously. Beer isn't worth 4 bucks a cup.
  5. BengalBilly


    Hold on crav. The government bailed out GM and Chrysler. Ford accepted NO bail out money. Don't worry about the mistake though, our esteemed president Obama wasn't aware of the facts either. http://www.therightscoop.com/earth-to-abc-news-fact-checkers-ford-did-not-accept-bailout-money/
  6. I loved you in the 1958 movie "No Time for Sergeants," but you really came into your own as Sheriff Andy Taylor in Mayberry RFD. The black and white episodes were the best. Another icon of my life passes away. R.I.P. Andy.
  7. What's up with Jihad Jerry wearing the purple diaper on his head in the upper left of this photo?
  8. Toby's song is okay, but I prefer this version... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2-MLipCuZY
  9. I'll let it slide. I was talking to one of the guys about this weekend upcoming Nascar race at Kentucky and she overheard and blurted out how she likes Nascar because she met Joey Logano and he was "so cute." I then explained my reasons were a little different.
  10. At the flight school http://www.northaire.com/ I work with out here in Prescott. She's a young black woman whos dad is an FBI agent at the office in downtown Baltimore, or so she says. I have no reason to doubt her though. She's pretty sharp. Anyway I asked her if she might be a Ravens fan, and she shrugged her shoulders and said "They're okay. I really don't like football much." I didn't bother asking her if she was an O's fan due to the fact she was wearing a San Francisco Giants cap. Well next Tuesday I have to give her a one day lesson in basic aircraft maintenance, and I'm sure she'll do okay. I still don't understand her indifference to football.
  11. Huh. It is similar.
  12. Baltimore isn't on my bucket list either.
  13. Yeah I had Logano too. He looked good early but trouble reared it's ugly head.
  14. His engine let go. Finished 25th.
  15. Last week at Pocono they made a horrible pit call. Pissed me off!
  16. It's been a long time coming, but Earnhardt Jr. gets a win not surprisingly at the last track he won at. Congrats Dale. Why didn't you do this last week when you were on my fantasy team!?!
  17. Your baseball teams colors are the same as my football teams colors. No wonder I kinda like them!
  18. Bulls**t. Football is immortal. It was here before we came, and it'll be here after we're gone.
  19. Nice sweep by the O's. Good job and thanks for the help!
  20. I doubt it. It's popularity will keep it alive.
  21. Fair enough. What do you suggest?
  22. Well we can ask Justin Beiber or Lady Gaga if they're available. Is that more to your taste?
  23. And the O's give the Reds a 2 game lead in the division. Thanks again!
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