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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by BengalBilly

  1. Give me a break. The reason Carson wants out is his wife took his dick and left for California with it.
  2. It appears Adam Jones violated his terms of probation in Nevada. I find this to be incredibly stupid. When you're on probation there is a whole list of things you can and cannot do, and every probationer knows them. Sure you can fudge a little here and there, but being arrested in a bar in the wee hours of the morning is on the top of the list on not how to get released from your sentence. I know quite well.
  3. Wow. Thought I was watching Nascar for a second! A car comes up, bumps a guy and puts him in the wall. If they keep this up I may watch it more!
  4. Let's see him dance his way out of this one!
  5. 12 jurors of her peers came to a decision, and she was declared innocent of murder. She was convicted on lesser charges of providing false information to law enforcement. Nobody wins in these types of cases.
  6. I reckon not.
  7. I hear you man. My mom died in March, and we are still trying to sell her condo in Boynton Beach. Not even a sniff from a potential buyer. Aside from family considerations, mom picked a really bad time to die.
  8. Sweet dude! You're not going into one of those retirement communities are you?
  9. Well crav you caught this race. Whipped me by 14 points and at a track that now is very hard to pick at! And Force... WTF is up with you? Starting three drivers without any starts left.?
  10. Force and crav, I don't know what's up with you guys. You usually play better than this!
  11. ...and the Orioles take the rubber match game. Dammit!
  12. Well my Reds got even for last nights loss. Rubber match on Sunday folks!
  13. Saturday night seems to be a night ripe for home runs!
  14. I told you this would be good. Extra innings in the 1st game!
  15. This should be a good series starting tonight at Camden Yards. We have a huge Orioles fan over at Bengalszone who is really looking forward to this series. How he ever became a fan of your team eludes me, but he love him some O's!
  16. A big part of my youth just went with him... You'll never be forgotten Big Man.
  17. Thanks Dee, but even "annual" doesn't jive. Cincinnati won the division and went to the playoffs in 2006 and 2009. This article just chaps my ass, which is already chapped enough
  18. I'm not buying this. The Bengals have been in two Superbowls and many teams have never sniffed one.
  19. Good shot there crav. I feel ya' man. I really haven't done that well since back in 2006, but I guess this year bodes to be something above ordinary. At least for me. I'm using a different system/data sources for picking my drivers, and so far it's doing better than I could have ever hoped. I just pray it continues.
  20. As I mentioned last week I'm not letting up. 299 then. 298 today. No offense to you guys but I'm kicking my game up a few notches this year. I want more.
  21. My guess is a prison system relieved of being over burdened of laws that will never work, and in turn a big tax burden lifted from the population. How about taking some of the money saved from incarceration, and apply it into rehabilitation? I feel it would, but the penalties for it change. No more than we have now. Aren't they soaring already with this economy? Dude, when I was in school back in the early '70's this very thing you speak of like it's something new was going on. We could find it in the classrooms then, and we'll find it there in the future. Drug use will never stop no matter what age group or social status. Humanity is stuck with it for eternity.
  22. Spring is over. Here's the standing following Kansas... The current league standings as follows,,, You boys are playing catch up from here on out, and I'm not letting anyone off the hook!
  23. When I spoke of misguided people in my initial post, I should have known it wouldn't be long until one showed up. And your statement about driving is ludicrous! What about the legal drug alcohol? This substance kills thousands of people a year, yet I hear nary a peep from you about this! You're obviously a hypocrite.
  24. It appears people are finally realizing prohibition of any sort will never work. IMO the criminalization of drug use only gives strength to gangs who traffic in the market. It happened in the days of the prohibition of alcohol, and with a study of what's happening in Mexico today, it is only gotten worse. Legalize it and tax it. Take the profit out of the cartels hands for crissakes! Empty our over crowded prison systems of non violent offenders. I know this will be a hard transition for a country like the United States, but repealing prohibition wasn't an easy task either. The time has come to do this, and I'm a pretty right leaning guy who could pass any piss test. We are fighting a war that can never be won. The arguments against this policy by our drug czar Gil Kerlikowske only echos other statements by past government officials year after year after year, yet the drug use continues. It will never stop, and anyone who thinks otherwise is extremely misguided. If there is a market for a product, someone will step in to fill it. It's one of the statutes of capitalism. America's need for drugs fuels the violence south of the border. I believe legalization of drugs can stem this because what we've done for the past 50+ years sure hasn't worked. How long are we going to bang our heads into the same wall?
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