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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by BengalBilly

  1. Of course it will. It's a human condition. Even without the factor of drugs/alcohol, there will be crime. There are thousands of other reasons people commit them, and that will never change.
  2. Actually Crav I'm shoveling a foot of snow off my GMC pickup. Down in the valley they're drying out from a bit of rain. Either way, I'm stoked for a good race.
  3. I doubt that'll ever happen. You can't jam just a specific area from phone signals. Where I was at there was a McDonalds, Circle K market, and a housing subdivision right across the street. How is it possible to discern exactly where the signal is coming from and block it without infringing upon the rights of others who happen to be in close proximity?
  4. Holy shit. You can get caught with drugs or making booze in prison, and you'll spend a couple weeks in the hole. Not that big a deal. You get caught with a cell phone, you'll leave whatever level prison you're in, and go to the hole in the next higher level. Forget any privileges for at least a year too. I saw it happen twice there.
  5. Not really, but they are available at times. I know this from first hand experience. I spent four months in in 2006 in the Arizona DOC for DUI. (Don't worry, I didn't hurt anybody or hit anything) My cellmate (head peckerwood/white boy/biker dude) controlled over half of the drug traffic in the prison. The brothers and chicanos controlled the rest. The stuff was muled in on weekend visits from family or friends, shoved up an ass, and brought into general population. Sunday nights were really interesting at times. Walking through the yard and smelling the air you'd think a rope factory was burning. Cocaine, meth, heroine, whatever could also be had at a very hefty price. A few of the guards (making about $11 an hour) would also supplement their income by smuggling in illegal drugs. Since I wasn't doing drugs there, my hustle was to sell my clean urine for other inmates to pass the random drug tests. $10 (not cash, but commissary purchases) for a small shampoo bottle filled with my drug free pee. I didn't get rich, but I could keep myself stocked up with snacks, sodas, and tobacco, which is the currency of choice.
  6. You can, but it'll make little difference. If people want to alter their reality through the use of drugs, which alcohol also is, they will do so regardless of laws. We all saw what an utter failure prohibition was. Our war on drugs which has been going on for decades has fared even worse. Our prisons are over flowing from people caught up in this shit, and we taxpayers are footing the bill with no end in sight.
  7. I've done both meth and heroin. It was easy to get off the horse. Speed was a bit harder, but doable. As far as acid, there hasn't been anything worth doing since the '70's. I spent many a weekend tripping my ass off. In the day it was Gandalf blotter. It ruled in California when I lived there.
  8. Yo man, I've done my fair share of drugs over the years. You have to know when to say when, and the hardest for me to quit was weed. I still crave a joint to this day, but in my job with drug testing it just isn't an option.
  9. She must have done about a ton of it to age like that in seven years!
  10. The combine sucks ass. Always has.
  11. I thought Junior would be there at the end too. Just didn't happen for me on Sunday.
  12. I don't know who the pizza guy is. He pulled that one out of his ass though.
  13. Trevor Bayne started in the #32 position, yet wins Daytona 500. Shot all my picks to hell!
  14. Hah! Called it! A total coin flip winner here! Crav, don't dispute Nascar with the master!
  15. And so it begins today. I'm stoked! Good luck guys.
  16. Tony Stewart came from #13 to win todays Nationwide race. The same could easily happen on Sunday!
  17. I don't know if you guys are watching the Nationwide race, but Danica Patrick is running the race of her life!
  18. I'm not a fan of this new shit either. It turns the race into a crap shoot. You might as well flip a coin to predict this years Daytona winner!
  19. Force must be taking this news pretty hard. He hasn't commented here.
  20. You don't brag about that kind of shit in prison!
  21. Fuck the Steelers and all they stand for.
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