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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by BengalBilly

  1. The meltdown over at JetNation was epic. I'm sure it continues at this very moment.
  2. I feel for you guys. I thought our loss today was painful, but DAMN!
  3. You fly Southwest, and live in the Northeast. Kinda weird.
  4. That ain't gonna work. You can't get anything sharp aboard an aircraft for shredding anything. A better idea Crav is next time you fly them, forget they even offer lavatories aboard the plane and relieve yourself in the seat. Drop a deuce in it if you have to!
  5. Seriously? Well let's put it this way Force. I doubt you could ever catch a decent QB of any NFL team being caught in this same situation be it on national TV or not. Derek Anderson was cut from the Browns for a reason, and I believe we saw it last Monday night. You just don't drop your pants like he did. Stand up in front of the cameras and initially deny laughing, then when confronted with video evidence resort to yelling profanities and leaving the room stating "I'm done"? IMO that was the most truthful thing he said in the entire interview. His career is over. Nobody out here in Arizona has an ounce worth of faith left in him. Go to any Cardinals forum and see what they're saying. It ain't pretty.
  6. Yeah! Damn that Monday Night Football for televising the game!
  7. Okay, I'm game. Give me a line from that situation that could be remotely funny enough to laugh at while you're the butt of the joke. Give it your best shot, because you seem to be a comedian around here. Seriously, throw down a laugh or two papa.
  8. Excuse me. It's about a professional mindset! When you're team is getting it's butt kicked, and you are a major cause of it, you could hear the funniest joke ever told, and you shouldn't crack so much as a fucking smile. Would you be happy after the Bengals beat the Ravens in our last meeting, and seeing Flacco laughing it up on the bench as the game clock wound down after the interceptions he threw? I think not. As far as the reporter repeatedly asking him for explanation for his juvenile action on the sideline, I side with him. Keep asking until he answers like a man, or runs away.
  9. And rob us of classic moments like that? I live in Arizona and watched the game. No QB worth his salt should have been laughing at that moment. The reporter rightfully called Derek out on it, which immediately wadded his panties into a bunch, and he stormed out like a little girl who just got her Barbie jacked.
  10. So lights are out for good?
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8DtpdXZi0M
  12. Honestly force, I don't see another crew chief change helping Junior beat Jimmie Johnson for a title. In fact I don't see anyone beating Johnson (excuse the innuendo) next year either. Five titles in a row is something unheard of since the days of Richard Petty, and I'm not sure he even pulled it off. The 48 team isn't done yet IMO. Gordon can't do it, Hamlin can't do it. Harvick can't do it. Stewart can't do it, Kenseth, Edwards, Biffle of Roush Racing can't do it either. Jimmie is a force that can't be denied.
  13. Dude! You missed the big news. The Bengals have mastered time travel and have gone back to the dark '90's. Don't let that last win against the Ravens fool you.
  14. I understand. Meth is a bitch.
  15. Speak english please smurfy.
  16. No way José. What uniforms a team wears should solely rest with the team itself.
  17. You can't be serious. Except for maybe the Cardinals uniforms, they're hideous!
  18. BengalBilly


    Their Universal Health Care program is nothing more than socialized medicine, hence the name "Obamacare". He and other liberals love nothing more than big government which creates an unhealthy burden on the taxpayers. Nothing is free. It all comes at a cost, and the one his administration presents comes at too great a price. I'm not saying health care for all is a bad idea, just the plan they presented doesn't suit me in the least.
  19. BengalBilly


    Americans saw how socialist his administration had become, how he refuses to protect the border, and said by voting "that'll be enough of that shit!"
  20. I doubt it. Carson Palmer can't hit the two monsters he already has...
  21. BengalBilly


    I'd have never thunk it in a hundred years.
  22. He found his affinity for that while in prison.
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