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Everything posted by BengalBilly

  1. If his career as an NFL player wasn't over before, I think it is now.
  2. Uruguay vs Ghana was relatively exciting to watch. Well at the end anyway. As far as Germany, the appear to be the class of the field.
  3. Maybe he's gold digging her money?
  4. You know she does look like a major gold digger. I hope he had a pre-nup signed and sealed.
  5. I don't know about that. Aren't they both born in California? I think the norm there is to start being swingers a couple years after getting married.
  6. ...to a controversial bride. Honestly I don't think she's all that hot.
  7. At least Benson didn't knife anybody like Ray Lewis did. Or try to sell cocaine like Jamal Lewis did while a member of your team, which he spent FOUR MONTHS in prison for. Get off your high horses, because in reality you're riding Shetland ponies.
  8. Not until the World Cup is over. I see either Brazil or Germany winning it all.
  9. Well that match was a bummer.
  10. I got up early today and turned on the Uruguay vs. South Korea match. Not as easy for me to watch as when the American team is on the field.
  11. I thought this was cool, the reaction of the winning goal across the USA... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbn3rOPmR9w&feature=player_embedded
  12. Baltimore hasn't been slacking either in this department. Adding Boldin was huge. I live in Arizona, and have watched him for years with the Cardinals. I know what he can do.
  13. Got this in an email today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ3SC-gVvy0
  14. To be honest I won't have an opinion on how any player is doing until I see them perform in the exhibition games. Training camp doesn't mean a lot to me other than for the players to learn the plays and get into shape.
  15. To be honest dc I'll be up VERY early out here in Arizona to watch the USA vs Slovenia. That's a game I can watch.
  16. I'd have to say observing a very slow, low scoring and tedious sport. Dude I've been trying. I really have, but the best I can do is watch games...excuse me, matches the USA is involved in. The rest is like watching flies f**k. I just don't get this game.
  17. Wow...here's where this thread goes weird. Players of the MLB just voted Joyce as their top umpire, and despite what I said before about him, I believe they're right in this decision. He immediately came out and admitted he made a mistake. It appears the players of the league still respect him. They play the game, I just watch. What they say goes with me, especially in this case.
  18. What's up with England's goal keeper? He just handed the USA a point.
  19. Which is exactly the reason they will crush Boston.
  20. Actually I believe they are about as equal of place kickers as you could possibly find.
  21. I saw this live in an out take from the Reds @ Cardinals game on ESPN, and I have to say that was the worst call in the history of baseball. If anything should cause an MLB ump to lose his job, or at least visit an optometrist, that call would be it.
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