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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by BengalBilly

  1. The SEC just knows how to run a streak. Seven in a row! The Irish were never a factor in the game.
  2. But you have no problem with Mexicans crossing the border, and feeding off our social system? What is it with you people who live in the north east? Your priorities are in total disarray.
  3. WTF are you talking about?
  4. God I cannot wait for the Daytona 500!
  5. Anyone who tweets needs to be put in rehab. It's the new crack.
  6. I don't see the Browns beating the Colts.
  7. "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin
  8. Tyrod wasn't too bad. The man has good legs under him, and didn't throw that bad either.
  9. I think a lot of pink slips are going to be handed out this week.
  10. C'mon... you have to take a little joy in watching the Jets implode.
  11. We got through that just as I wished. That being said the Colts look pretty sharp. Good luck with them.
  12. Well that game was stupid. Yippee!
  13. Personally I don't care who we get to face in the playoffs. We surprisingly have the tools to beat any of them. BTW good luck today, and no injuries for anyone.
  14. Well Sunday we find out what's what. The Bengals are hitting their stride while the Ravens are in disarray. You guys picked a bad time to come to Cincinnati.
  15. BTW pinhead, gun/ammo sales in the U.S. are going through the roof. I work next door to the Ruger gun factory here in Prescott Arizona. They have doubled their employees here. Putting Americans to work. They even had to build a new parking lot! Get it through your head. Take your stand against guns, the amount of bullets a clip can hold, or whatever else your feeble mind can come up with. It's not gonna work, and I didn't serve 4 years in the Marines just to hand my weapons over. It's just not gonna happen. Now multiply me by millions of other gun owners who feel the the same way. I bet you'd be the last dude going door to door asking for them.
  16. Oh I see. Your team wants to back into the playoffs. Good luck on taking it in the rear. We're gonna eat Joey boy for lunch, so get you're backup ready.
  17. Well. well, well... The latest line on the Bengals and Ravens game has Cincy GIVING 2.5 points. Isn't weird how fast things change?
  18. For a white guy, he's got some moves!
  19. Yep. Would have plugged him. Not a problem with putting a .45 slug in some sick bastards head.
  20. I don't think your Ravens will be playing your starters very long. Got the division title wrapped up (congrats BTW) and probably don't want to subject Joe to the onslaught the Bengals pass rush is. What's weird is that we could possibly play each other 2 weeks in a row.
  21. The Bengals bent Ben over just like the women he raped. Sacked him repeatedly, picked sixed him, then picked him to win the game in the end at their house. God I love playing on the road. Always overlooked.
  22. Merry Christmas Baltimore fans. The Bengal are rolling your way in less than a week, and I doubt we'll be bearing presents.
  23. Me.
  24. I'm not looking for anything here. This forum is just a place to hang from time to time. Crav told me to fuck off. Why don't you grow a pair and tell me the same.
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