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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by BengalBilly

  1. Gun control laws lead to gun bans dumbass. It's like telling the Jews back in Nazi Germany "Oh, get on the train. We're only taking you to summer camp." Next thing you know everyone is wondering why it's getting so hot in the room. I won't give an inch.
  2. I'm psyco, yet you're the one wanting to ban the rights of people to buy guns. Get a grip.
  3. Nice flake out. You should patent that.
  4. No dude. It's knee jerk. Everyone can see through your pathetic little show you're trying to put on here. Now go sit down before you hurt yourself.
  5. I don't think wanting to be "famous" was his angle. There was some kind of mom issue there going on. Personally I believe mental instability was deep rooted in his childhood. I'd like to add my late mother was an elementary school teacher. Had to deal with her for a year in the 5th grade. At that time I was willing to shoot myself.
  6. I think we're getting a bit off topic here. Kids were killed yesterday which is really messed up. Their families are devastated. What would possess a person to kill an innocent child? I cannot fathom that.
  7. Nothing is wrong with pot. Back in the day I would wake and bake all the time. Now as an FAA mechanic, my job just doesn't allow me to do that anymore.
  8. Well then my bad.
  9. As you well should. I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six.
  10. You have mental problems if you think the war has been won. States are now legalizing the consumption of marijuana. Game over man.
  11. I assume you mean a handgun?
  12. It's on the level of the alleged "War On Drugs." It's never going to work. Stupid is as stupid does.
  13. That's a good policy.
  14. Well until that happens I'll be keeping a firm grip on my .45. I wish no harm on anyone except those who wish to remove my means of protecting me and my family from harm. Thou shall not tread on me.
  15. Me calm down? How about YOU calm down. I'm not the one endorsing the dismantleing of our constitution as our founding fathers established on basic prinicipals. THAT is not rocket science, and you are yet to answer any of my questions on other avenues to die from. Your arguement is without merit.
  16. You can't. If a disturbed person wants to kill, they'll find a way. It's not about how they did it, it's WHY they did it. Therein lies the question.
  17. Go ahead. Come to my home and try to take my guns. You'll get the bullets first. I've harmed no person, yet you want to infringe on my constitutional right to protect myself. Hell, had I had been there I'd had shot that piece of shit myself. Drunk drivers kill people every day, but where is your cry to ban alcohol? Tobacco kills thousands of people yearly, yet not a peep out of you on this subject. Get real dude. I'm not kicking, nor am I screaming. You my liberal friend are ignoring the real problem of the decay of society. The lack of parenting. The total disregard of human life. If they had no access to a firearm, they'd just find another way to kill. Recently a young man in China killed scores of innocent people with a knife. Now where is your outcry against cutlery? You're just picking and choosing which methods of death offends you more. You are the one grasping at common sense.
  18. Good God man. There is nothing to root for out here.
  19. Whenever I hear someone use the word "Yinz", I immediately deduct 50 IQ points and rule out any possibility of that person not working at a job with his name sewn on his shirt.
  20. Let's start a website.
  21. You're not.
  22. Tie game. Where are all the Ravens fans? The Steelers and Bengals are representing.
  23. Today I'm a Ravens fan. BEAT THE STEELERS!!!
  24. Well to quote the Grateful Dead, "The friend of the devil is a friend of mine."
  25. Well it's official. Notre Dame vs Alabama for all the marbles. Can the Irish end the SEC dominance of college football? Can the Crimson Tide keep rolling? tt's gonna be a great game. One to rival Oregon vs. Auburn. FWIW I think the streak for the SEC will go to seven.
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