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Everything posted by TBird

  1. Said he thought Will was going for a gun. A nice bro nicely dressed in a nice car but the wife too?
  2. TBird

    Miles Jack

    This article from the Ravens site isn't so hot on him is recent. After versality, it's all down hill.Not running on the knee scares them out of Jack. They do like Stanley at LT. They like a couple of the local guys for rounds ater 1. Ozzie will take calls to move down. And that says it all right there. He'll move down but not up for jack. http://www.baltimoreravens.com/
  3. OR need there.
  4. Has Jack run on his knee yet? That was precluded from his personal work day and while Buck is rated higher. After Last year and Perriman's knee, I'll take Buck with everything else being equal.
  5. LOL - Did your mom tell you to say that because he just couldn't cover and this: With just five sacks in four NFL seasons, Upshaw lacks the speed and athleticism to solve Atlanta's pass-rushing woes. Quinn will have to rely on Clayborn and Shelby on the interior and 2015 first-round pick Vic Beasley coming off the edge to disrupt quarterbacks. PREVIOUS ARTICLE
  6. No, I told her not to take the liberal spin - yours. Then she answered me on socialism. So I've been disagreeing with her but it seems you cant do that here since this is her board as everyone agrees with her and Cleetz even brown noses her and I really liked Cleetz in the football forum. Now we can't even agree on who is arguing with whom. Geesh. Oh, and to take one more shot at Spen who thinks the economy is so great because he got a job in McDonalds, I was just watching theTerps game with some friends and asked the bar tender if he made big tips on St Pattys day and he said no. People aren't tipping. Just you. That's usually one of the biggest days of the year. Same with the bar tenders in Looneys. They didn't get as much in tips. They used to get $400 on a Fri and Sat night. People are eating out but not tipping because of the ecnomy.
  7. The economy is going forward but it had no where to go but up, same as the stock markets, but as this liberal CNN MONEY piece says, not moving well enough. Still stagnated. So Spen - enjoy your new job in McDonalds. lol http://money.cnn.com/2015/10/27/news/economy/us-economy-twilight-zone/
  8. And these Americans are even crankier than Spen even though unemployment is 5%. 54% of Americans disagree with Spen saying the economy is poor. There are far more Americans have part time jobs or min wage jobs or working in fast foods than ever before. Many have given up looking for jobs. http://fortune.com/2015/11/10/us-unemployment-rate-economy/
  9. oops
  10. So youre a troll if you disagree with everyone here but you allow a real troll to put defaming pics of our QB on his every post. That wouldn't last two mins on any other Ravens board. It's no wonder there's only a few posters here and half of them are mods and do the insulting. As for grumpy Spen - All the baby boomers were offered those buyouts and most of us took them. I was a high grade on that job for 35 years and as a result got 80% of my salary plus social security while you'll languish at the bottom rate of retirement by changing jobs so many times. DEE must have been listening to Nazi Reid and Durbin and the other DEMs that said Soc Sec didn't contribute one thing to the dificit. Fact Check says other wise but here's one for the trolls. http://www.factcheck.org/2011/02/democrats-deny-social-securitys-red-ink/ And speaking of Hitler, he had the same campaign slogan as OBY = CHANGE!
  11. I was just on a blog that listed the 10 most socialistic states in Europe and people on there are saying they are not socialistic states just like people here are saying when all of Europe has been known as socialistic.
  12. Your just in denial about Greece's socialism. Youre the first person I've ever seen arguing that Greece isn't socialistic. You can't even agree that the Soviet Union was socialistic under Marxism. CNBC is part of NBC which is as liberal as it can get except maybe MSNBC. Is there any doubt who Williams voted for, or Dan Rather formerly of CBS after getting fired for false stories.
  13. DEE - In 1860 the south was just one section of the union. The north was industrialized. Baltimore was famous for it's ships which is why the British attacked Ft McHenry. Did you not hear of the Industrial Revolution with trains and stuff. England was large on that. In the early 1800s there were the Napoleanic Wars and a lot of artillery built in European towns that killed millions of people. They werent agrarian.
  14. Here's a big piece on socialism's decline in Europe and specifically one of those manufacturing countries you talked about and a large quote from your liberal NY TIMES. This is not good for socialism. http://csis.org/blog/socialism-way-out-europe-after-german-vote-say-us-and-european-media
  15. Here's your own liberal CNBC link talking about Greece. Before the Civil War here in 1860, the South had the world's 4th largest economy and it was primarily agriculture. When the Civil War started they had hardly any manufacturing plants for weapons like artillery while Pittsburgh alone had several that built the guns that killed over 16,000 confederates in 15 mins while attacking Seminary Ridge in Gettysburg. As far as life expectancy, my friend's father just died at 98, my uncles died at 93 and 91 and my mom is 90. Another friend's mom was 91 and another pal's dad is 95 so the people I know are doing well. My lung doc said I wouldn't make 65 because I had the worse lungs in his office. I fired him when I made it. I'll take you to meet my mom and her friends, all over 90 including 1 or 2 over 100. There's 30 people on that floor and I can show you some more. Just visit any home. People are living longer, at least all the ones I know and love. http://www.cnbc.com/2015/07/01/greek-disaster-is-all-about-socialism.html
  16. THIS: Oby threatens to shut down the gov't http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2015/09/why-not-let-obama-shut-down-the-government.php
  17. You failed to mention the PIGS which aren't thriving - Porgtugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain and they aren't thriving and the others aren't doing that well.
  18. DEE - Remember when OBY threatened to shut down the gov't for Christmas if he didn't get his way with congress as President. Barack Obama promises to shut down the government for Christmas That's the truth, not a spin. http://www.redstate.com/moe_lane/2015/10/02/barack-obama-shutdown-government-christmas/
  19. DEE - Do you know what the USSR MEANT.Socialist is in the name of their country. It practiced Marxist socialism - workers of the world unite - that's socialism. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Rus. Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik, former republic. It was established in 1922 and dissolved in 1991. The Soviet Union was the first state to be based on Marxist socialism (see also Marxism; communism
  20. Don't fall for the liberal spin. They were socialists and both failed terribly. China was broke fighting the Korean war and getting it's ass kicked at the end of it when they were ready to discuss peace. Their own soldiers were starving to death not to mention American POWs. The Soviet Union was communism and used a socialistic system like they have in Europe which is failing. Both those countries experiements with socialism as failed and so is Europe's. China is now practicing capitalism and going thru the same economic problems we had 8 yrs ago with the crash and housing bust and Russians are still starving.
  21. Maybe he didn't but He got a boat load of money out there.
  22. And when certain Republicans like Ryan try to stop it they get crucified by the DEMs and with a sitting DEM in the WH they shut down the govt while Ryan gets the blame for that and they give up and give them what they want. With $17TT debt and DEMs wanted to raise the ceiling for more debt, that's exactly what happened. You don't hear much about lowering the debt any more.
  23. Great post and I'm sure he is getting those independents you mentioned. I'm independent in MD but will vote Libertrarian again, no more RINOS for me but in the end the independents will make the difference. McCain got none while Mitt picked up a lot more and a lot more of the Chrisitan vote which made the election a lot closer the second time. Michelle said it's going to be a lot closer this time folks. Throw in more independents and Christian votes and Trump will win by a land slide. We're for immigration by the way, just legal immigration.
  24. China went off socialism and is now capitalistic and has the fastest rising economy quickly approaching ours while US went off capitalism and is socialistic. Socialism destroyed the Soviet Union and people in Russia are still starving while Europe begins to come off of socialism. China also owns about 1/3 of our $17T debt. How will we be able to fight them when they can call our debt in. Half of that $17T debt comes from socialstic programs like medicare and social security which is why they call it social security = socialism.
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