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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by TBird

  1. Both Kiper and McShay have Ramsey going to Jags just above us but Hargreave would be there. Kiper has us drafting Staley the LT out of Notre Dam but only if KO is gone. If not it's Treadwell but Oz would have to trade down to get him at this point but Dallas wants a WR now according to Jones.
  2. This is way to early to even discuss the draft. That should come after the combines and you have a better idea but for two old guys with nothing better to do, what the hell. It's fun.
  3. We were out of the NFL for 12 years - 85 to 97 after the Colts left at the end of the 84 season. Cleveland sure considers it stealing. In fact a lot of old Colts fans didn't become Raves fans because we stole a team, just like Indy stole ours. They hate Art in Cleveland just like we hate Irsay. We tried to get a franchise team but Tags put us through so many hoops rigging the expansion derby to keep us from getting a team. He hated Baltimore for some reason and his daughter and grand sons lived here. Still do. He comes into town often to see them - usually at night so nobody knows he's here. He even told us to spend the money on a museum instead of a stadium. A lot of us wanted to name the new stadium - THE MUSEUM-lol. That would have been, um, Poetic justice. We could have stolen NE Patriots when Kraft tried to move them here in 86 or 87 but the Deadskins blocked them out. Bidwell flew in and out to see the stadium plans, so did Mike Brown of Cinci but they were blocked out too. The Rams were moving here first instead of St Louis but were told by Tags not to come here. We didn't get the Ravens til Glendenning became guv and told the NFL he was pulling the stadium money off the table. Any Nfl team interested can have it but it's gone in 30 days. Art jumped at it, so did Arizona and Tampa Bay. Moag had his choice of teams to steal. The Bucs were crazy. Glazer was their owner and tried to bring a franchise team here but nobody in Bmore wanted another carpet bagger coming in to mess things up. We already had a local guy interested in Tom Clancy and Boogie Weinglass wanted a team here. Tags didn't like him because of his pony tail and said were interested in an owner that is conservative and has a nice business somewhere. Boogie owned one of the biggest retail chains in the country at the time called Merry Go Round and was headquartered in Aspen but went bankrupt later during the recession of the 80s and early 90s. Boogie is featured in Barry Levinson's movie DINER, a must see for all football fans everywhere especially in Bmore. It's about growing up in Fells Points where these 4 friends met all the time after taking their dates home. Boogie was one of Levinson's best friends but they grew up in West Baltimore in the Jewish section not the Fells where there weren't many Jews at the time. The real diner was out by Carlins. The Jewish leaders reminded Berry of that so he made another movie called Park Heights where he really grew up. I used to work out in Ballys in White Marsh and Boogie used to work out there when he came to town. Herb Belgrade had Moag's job at the time to bring a team here and took him to the gym. I was the only guy who knew who they were. I stepped into the hot tub and saw them sitting there and I yelled Boogie, Boogie. Thanks so much for bringing us a team. He said, well, Im trying to. I said was the movie true. He said everything about him was true except following the girl on a horse out in the valley. I never made it north of Belvedere Ave. I said that's my old neighborhood in Govans and we laughed. Boogie laughed his ass off when I asked Herb if he was still making crab cakes for all the owners. He got really pissed. I told Boogie he rented a room across from the owners when they had their expansion meetings and he made crab cakes and handed them out to them as they went in. It worked to or almost. The night Tags announced the two new teams - JAX and Carolina which is going to the SB Sunday got the teams and our guv who was Schaeffer sat on national TV and cried his eyes out. Anyway Shaw the Rams president told Belgrad you will be hearing from us. Then the Rams said they were going to Baltimore but Tags stopped them. He even stopped Peter Angelos from buying the Bucs and moving them here by getting Glazer to buy the Bucs down there. Culverhouse's wife wanted to sell the team to a local buyer while the son wanted to sell to Petey who offered way more money, more money than had ever been offered for an NFL team. The attys of the estate threatened the son saying they'd tie his inheritance up in court for 3 years if he got Petey so that's how Glazer got the team. Glazer finally bought the Bucs and said the buck stops here, not Bmore. That was a slap at us for not wanting him. Then when the guv pulled but money off the table he jumps at it to get the new stadium and concessions deals. Moag wanted no part of him and wouldn't take his calls. He wanted Art to come here with the Browns. We were going to call them the Browns til Cleveland sued Art and was able to keep their name, colors and history which we couldn't when Indy got out team. Finally they come and change the name to Ravens and Moag said the buck stops here, not Tampa-lol and he got his team - a SB team in 3 years and that is how you steal a team, an NF team. It was funny that Glendenning did in 30 days what Schaeffer tried to do in 8 years as guv. Steal a team or buy one. I voted for him because he promised to bring us a team and the second time he ran because he's the only politician of my life time to keep a promise. Oh, he also shut Jack Kent Cooke up in DC by paying for the roads to his new stadium, something Cooke couldn't afford. He spent his own money on the stadium. He got the roads in exchange for his vote to let Art move. And that stadium is a piece of shit. It does have elevators all the way to the top - when theyre working. Sauerbrey didn't care and was going to use the stadium money for other things. Mike Miller, delegate from Talbot County raided that fund for several million. He didn't care if we got a team or not. All the eastern shore politicians wanted that money. It came from the lottery earnings. So Glendenning came up with the idea to take the money off the table. If no one claimed it then no one was coming anyway but 3 teams jumped at it.
  4. LOL @ Dilfer - the ony MVP QB not invited back to the team. He even went on Leno and said that would happen but all he had to do to win was get out of the way of the defense and let them win it. Ray walked off the field after NYs first series and told a shocked LB Coach Del Rio that the game is over. They lost their heart already. It was especially sweet since we were out of the game for 12 yrs and had to blast our way in shooting up the place by ste aling a storied franchise and then winning the trophy within 3 yrs. Towns like Phill, Phoenix, Cinci, Buff and San Diego plus others have never won. Then we get a 2d trophy after that while they still suffer. There is justice in the world for Ravens fans but that damn Jimmy Irsay could have made it all right by selling us the name, colors and history back which Art tried to buy.
  5. Walter Football is where I read this is a weaker class and they have Bosa going to #4 with Tunsil the LT as the first pick followed by the 2 QBs and then a D-guy for Dallas. Jones just said on nfl.com we dont have to take a QB. He's been talking WR. This mock has Ravens drafting Treadwell and leaving Hargreaves on the board after Jags draft Ramsey. But it would just be like Jerry to draft Treadwell even if he's not valued as top 4 just to stick it to Ozzie like he did with DEZ but Oz didn't want DEZ anyway. Bellicheat called Oz and said we're on the clock and Jerry is on the phone. They want to trade up for DEZ. I'll give you first shot pal. Oz said thanks but no thanks so Dallas got DEZ. Ravens fans were pissed that Dallas stole him but Ozzie could have had him by trading up but he knew what happened the last time he traded with NE in the first round and took Boller and with the Ravens pick the following year NE got Wilfork, one of the best pass rushers in history but Ozzie still got Suggs in that draft. Ozzie never wanted DEZ but you know Oz and receivers. He could have had him. Back to the draft, it seems like Bosa is dropping already. I also read where one team that drafts well says he's a second round pick. Several teams are hedging on him already. http://walterfootball.com/draft2016.php
  6. From what I hear, this draft isn't that deep, same with Elam's class and a couple of others in recent years. None of the 4 safeties drafted in the first round in Elam's class did well. We need 3 impact players at CB, pass rusher and WR. We should get at least the CB or WR but not all 3 in this class. Ozzie is gonna have to sign somebody somewhere and wait til next year to get the rest unless he can find a gem at the bottom as he often has like AD. I read where we could get a CB in the 2d round if Ramsey and Hargreaves are both gone and Ozzie opts for Treadwell. He's not supposed to be that high as of now but will climb after the combines and everyone sees his 40 times. Dallas was saying they want a premier WR and someone else after originally saying they wanted the QB from Memphis for Romeo to groom. NObody in their organization knows which is why they haven't been to the SB in 20 yrs. Anyway, we do know that the Bosa will go first followed by the 2 QBs and then Tunsel the best LT in the draft and either Hargreaves and Ramsey. So that leaves either Hargreaves or Ramsey for Ravens. That would leave Treadwell for us unless Dallas drafts him ahead of us.
  7. Sure hope Ozzie can sign KO and he said he wants to but with the CAP ceiling vs the bidding, who knows. KO will be in demand. Here's a list of some others Oz might be able to get. He'll have to let the market play itself out. I'd hate to use a #1 draft pick on Staley if we can get one of these. Then we can concentrate on getting a playmaker. I thought Incognito was out of football. https://www.profootballfocus.com/blog/2016/01/27/pro-top-10-offensive-line-free-agents/
  8. Did someone get revenge vs NE by disabling its electronic tablets used on the sidelines in Denver. NE had allegedly tampered with another teams head phones so was this payback? If so it's definitely a bitch and the folks are laughing their asses off on twitter, especially with Brady moaning over their turmoil on the side lines. Don't forget Billy Goat when he botched an easy chip shot after getting all worked up because he didn't have the time he thought he had to kick and had to hurry up because the clock on the scoreboard was off. Even Bellicheat stated it looked like a lot of confusion over there. And that's exactly why he wanted HARBs who only coached special teams to get the head coaching job for Ravens and called Bisciotti and recommended him. Maybe Suggs was right after all in New Orleans-lol. ____________________________________________________________ On Sunday night, the Patriots camp was thrown into disarray when their Microsoft Surface Tablets broke down for a while. It took 20 minutes for officials to fix the problem with the devices, which a Microsoft spokesperson assured was due to a fault 'with the network' rather than the tablets themselves. https://www.newstalk.com/TWEETS:-The-hilarious-reaction-to-the-sudden-failure-of-Patriots-sideline-tablets-
  9. Yea, but Joseph dropped the teams after he lost the coat and turned to hockey. He needed a big stick.
  10. Will somebody count how many times he said stupid or dumb? Spen is totally upset or he would have left this thread a long time ago instead of still hurling insults. I'm still praying for you Spen. Now go to bed.
  11. That's what I said, the attempt sucked and listed the reasons why like the injuries to Monroe and playing Hurst instead and Wagner's production falling off. They were supposed to install Kubes scheme and Trestmand said he knew it well and coached it but we told people he scored more points in Chicago than anyone and would want to throw here. He did try to run but with the reasons above and a new coach with only a half hearted interest of continuing from last year he quickly went to the pass and just missed a team recording passing the ball. So lets see next year if they can sign KO (or draft LT Staley) and if Wagner returns to form on the right side. Urschel and Jensen will continue to do well at Center and LG.
  12. Man, are you Ok. I totally apologize for upsetting you. Not even the resident troll hasn't used the word stupid as much as you and you've been more upset than any poster. Im worried you won't sleep tonight. Im worried you won't be able to have sex tonight - can you still? Maybe the owner of this site could just delete the entire thread so you can sleep at night. I know I'll be worrying that I hurt someone so bad. You need some old fashion religion. That will cheer you up. The Apostle Paul said to be content in everything you do. You obviously are not content. I'm content and had a good time posting this stupid thread according to you. Even the Apostle Paul made stupid mistakes like denying Christ three times. It's human. Even the great Noah made a mistake. The first thing he did when his ship landed was to grow a vineyard so he could make wine. Then he gets drunk. That's it. I got it. Maybe if we all had some wine we'd feel a lot better but make sure you cover yourself with a blanket. That was a stupid mistake. And of course Adam made the biggest mistake of all. We'd all still be in the garden happy all the time instead of being old and grumpy and calling people stupid all day. We'd still be young and on the on our favorite beach instead of digging out of 3 feet of snow. We'd be picking apples, the right ones, and oranges and other fruit off the trees. Life would be a, football and baseball game. And that's the way it is. Submitted respectfully this day, 25 Jan 2016 by TBird, # 1 Ravens fan.
  13. And the Orioles having an 81 game winner. But it's been enlightning.
  14. Exactly, remember Priest Holmes - the best UDFA there was. He became historic in KC after Vermiel changed the blocking schemes to fit his slashing style of running similar to Rice's. Billick didn't know how to do that or didn't try. Ravens weren't scoring in the red zone and Billick wanted someone to move the pile so they drafted Jamal. They couldn't pay both Jamal and Priest so one had to go and Priest didn't become famous til he got to KC. Damn shame because we would have won SB 36 with Priest which is a cool first name.
  15. Great posts from JPP and Va Raven. Yup, our RB situation is pretty good, especially when Tally comes back. Allen will go back down to #3 but will be the starter when Forsett leaves. Mark my words. Also, did anyone notice Tousant-sp fumbling the ball for Piss that cost them the game. He was originally drafted by Ravens and played here couple of years and Ravens released him last year and he ends up in Piss. As for the fumble, Big Jen said we can't complain about him. His running got us here. He couldnt get thru Talley last year.
  16. Not enough blocking due to Monroe being out most of the year and Hurst filling in which you don't want on the left side and Wagner's drop off in production pluse Trestman emphasized passing just missing a record for team passing attempts. Football Outsiders ranked Ravens o-line as #14 for run blocking so maybe that's why they didn't r run so well but still turned out a 1300 yd rusher. BTW - Denver is rated #17 and they're going to the SB. Skins were #21 and went to the POs GB was 24 and went to the POs. Ravens line also gave up 27 sacks to 36 for Den.. NFL.com starts it power rankings with 1400 for the top rushers down to 1,000 to the lowest but still elite. Gurley the rookie RB is in the middle at 1300 yds http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/ol
  17. Forsett got injured, our star and a rookie stepped up, so did West who was signed in the last 2 or 3 weeks of the season. That should be impressive. Who did the running in Buffalo? Plus, we had a new OC with a new plan who promised to run the ball but when we couldn't they almost set a team record for passing attempts. They promised to keep Kubes scheme but couldn't because of the injuries and Wagner's drop off. Maybe Forsett fell off because of the blocking on that side. I think he even got hurt on that side. Again, all I'm saying is that the Ravens star runner went down and we still had a 1,000 yard rusher with a rookie and a new back up. Not claiming it to be top 10 offense. Without Allen, they would have 650 rushing then you could really bitch.
  18. So now, you're the only one hijacking the thread. Here's why the offense dropped this year which you obviously don't know. Hurst messed things up because Monroe can't even get on the field and you don't want Hurst protecting the blind side. They moved KO to LT and inserted Jensen to LG where you really want KO and Wagner's production dropped so bad after a great year last year. They still got 1,300 yards rushing from their RB by committee w/o any blocking at all except from Yanda. That's even more impressive for Allen and West who will be the future runners along with Talley. All this according to pff.
  19. Hell that means the Panthers got to the Championship game even with Big Mike, just as the Ravens did. The Ravens won despite of Big Mike. In fact, he almost blew the mile high miracle play in Denver. Once again he's beaten and just as his man is ready to sack Joe, he steps up and fires a bullet to JJ for the winning score, in spite of Oher. Then he gave up a big sack in the SB. Then he's promptly dismissed. Ravens didn't even try to sign him. He goes to Tenn and all their fans are having fits while Ravens fans rejoice, at least most of them. There were some like Crvn Raven that mourned his departure. Oher does nothing there and is cut and picked up by Panthers.
  20. Ravens RB by committee had 1300 yds this year. 600 yds - Forsett 500 yds - Allen - plus another 350 yds receiving 200 yds - West Reference: nfl.com
  21. Ah, so Perriman was injured all year. You gotta give a class at least 3 years before giving them any grade. So in Kiper's mind, if Perriman comes back strong the next two years than Ravens go back to getting an A- instead of a B- for that class. Ozzie always plays his board so that was the choice for him to make back then. BTW, even Kiper had Perriman ranked #15 on his board while Oz had him ranked 17th and said there was nobody left in the first round he wanted after him. In fact Kevin Byrne wrote an article about the war room that day and said Oz groaned and slumped down when SQueelers took Dupree just ahead of us. Apparently, that's who Oz really wanted but he didn't impact the game either while playing all year. So you never know. It takes about 3 years to develop a draft class.
  22. I agree with that and I used to like him til he posted that pic on every post but the point is again they got 1,000 yds out of the position despite the star RB going down. That was my point and the story how he contributed as a rookie. Kiper just said Allen could be the #1 back when Forsett leaves. Ive played the game at a higher level than most posters here and have followed football longer and sure know the meaning of a 1,000 yd rusher. Matte became the instant qB in 65 when Unitas and his back up went down. We all knew he was no QB even though he led the team to victory after victory til the last game and a blown FG call by the refs kept us from winning the championship. Again, No other Ravens board will allow his pic blasting Joe. He's putting our QB down. I got called a troll on Tony's board for criticizing Joe on the NE pick last year while everyone else blamed Torry for not taking the ball out of the defender's hands after catching it. I call it like I see it but I never posted pics like Smurf blasting our players. I asked the mods to take it down but they won't.
  23. Kiper said Allen could be the future #1 back for Ravens.
  24. Bull shit!! ILMAO - Someone doesn't even know what trolling is. I'm the one building a Raven up for having a great rookie season and bailing the team out after starting off 3rd on the depth chart. I posted a stat and a story about it that promotes him. I'm not the one acting like a grouchy old man. Im not the one who posts a huge pic of our QB on every post and calls him a pick machine. That wouldnt last 5 seconds on the other Ravens boards. So I ignore him. Is there an ignore button on here? I'm also not saying the offense was ranked top 10 or 5. All I am saying is we had a 1,000 yard rusher after our star went down for the year in the 2d half of the season and the rookie stepped up. Two rookies stepped up with 700 yards between them plus another 350 yards receiving by Allen giving the Ravens the 3rd best RB. See stat above. Trolling is knocking the Ravens down on every post. I'm trying to build them up as a real Ravens fan. Again, I never said we had the top offense, just a thousand yard rusher after Forsett went down late in year.
  25. Trestman just missed a team record for most passing attempts ever by the Ravens and still had over 1300 yards rushing and 350 yds receiving from their RB after their star RB went down. So to recap: The league's top 2 RBs had over 1400 yards rushing each. Ravens RB by committee was next best with 1300 yards: 600 - Forsett 500 - Allen 200 - West Dallas and Jets were next best.
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