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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Undrafted Free Agent

Undrafted Free Agent (1/7)



  2. is this fact? i trust crav of course, just please excuse my ignorrance, who is aaron wilson?
  3. I think with all the high profile FA weve overlooked the fact that Koch is also a UFA. The kid played great and i think he is also a key player for us to sign. thoughts?
  4. Agreed Force, Ray "probably" wont play in the pro bowl next year because he will be taking his bye week before the super bowl
  5. Aren't the Jets the obvious choice for Bart? I know Rex would want him there
  6. I know that, especially in these harsh economic times, it is a business and trying to keep everybody does not seem possible but Im optimistic. In Ozzie we trust! I do want to point out that if i remember correctly Scott took a smaller contract to stay with the ravens than he couldve gotten on the market because he "wanted to stay with the team that gave him his shot as a special teamer." anyone remember this? it was in SI article about his hit on jen in 2006
  7. Hey guys, a friend and I are making the trip and were looking for a group of rowdy ravens fans to tailgate with. Anyone going?
  8. Landry is a stud, he was recieving such high praise from the coaching staff all through offseason up until he was injured for being the most motivated gym rat on the team. Odds are Leonhard is out just because wee dont have money for him. its a shame bc he is a huge part of this run we are having. I would love to see a 5 db formation but i know that it will not be our base D. maybr dawan can put on some mass and we could let him play LB. is that idea so farfetched?
  9. i love the 5 db concept, been thinking about it since leohard started to shine. I hope he won't be too expensive to keep, the starting D would be Pryce Ngata Gregg Suggs Lewis Johnson Mcallister Washington Leonhard Landry Reed playing a 4-2-5, are you kidding me? thats so much talent. With Rolle bannan Mckinney mclain barnes Zibby Walker and hopefully t-good and burgess coming in to spell! Looks like a group that could contend with 2000 for the record books.
  10. Amazingly huge, I just commented on it in another thread before i had read this one.
  11. The playcalling was great from start to finish. Harbaugh's challenge was huge. This week and last week, have you ever seen a head coach so in touch with special teams? it's great
  12. the injuries may carry over but everyone will play. Did you all see rachel nichols with T-sizz? She asked him if he was going to play next week and he pointed to OJ Brigance and said there is no way he won't play knowing what OJ would give just to play one more snap
  13. me too a purple bud light, sportscenter starts in 15, then ill try and sleep, gonna watch first titans ganme at 9
  14. me too, sportscenter starts in 15, then ill try and sleep, gonna watch first titans ganme at 9
  15. Very well said VA, agree with everything. Koch has been kicking so well, look what the chargers kicker did for them against the colts. Look at what Kyle Richardson did for us in 2000. Hauschka will be kicking it deep not stover. One thought Ive had is our concerns with Stover's lack of range early in the season haven't come up in recent weeks. Do you trust stover to hit a 50 yarder that could be crucial in a game bound to be a field position battle? Id rather see Koch pin them deep and let the organized chaos loose. I feel great because unlike billick, i trust harbaugh to judge the position of the game and make the right call. The fake field goal against Dallas may be favorite moment of this season... so far
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