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Everything posted by geo

  1. I give you three. 1. Jets! Pats and Phins could be better. Sanchez will not help them win many games and their leading RB is gone. Jets FO this year reminds me of Skins FO for ever and Bears FO last year. And first of all I believe the FOs in Boston and Miami is simply just the better ones. 2. Cincy! Ravens and Steelers will be better. I doubt they will be 6-0 again in the division, they were 4-6 outside last year and now their schedule is worse with Bolts and Indy. And Crav is not always wrong, and a team who take a change on Pacman, and just now they are hyping him.. seriously this is so not serious! Pacman just like Gresham coming back from injury there are reason to doubts this year. Their defense was promising but the depth? Play the game first, until then a no from me. And first of all I believe the FOs in Baltimore and Pissburgh is simply just the better ones. 3. Indy! I wish.
  2. I find that unlikely, as a player representant, he needs to has his back free, he migth have helped Heap, Carr and Mason with the paperwork. However I do believe this is not one or two lazy players work, but the team who responded as an unit, while there were commited an obvious procedure mistake, based on a clear message from the NFL, and no protest from the Ravens. And if any thing my bet it is the vets (Mason, Heap, Trevor and Ray and so on) who made another attack, just like they did in Harbs rookie year..
  3. True not good but average, still they did better than us in that stat every single year from 2002-2008.
  4. So now you use Browns stats to help your case, sigh.
  5. How did you do that? NO. 82% was Grahams number last year, and it was considered a down year for him, there is a reason for why he is the top 4-5 most accurate kicker ever. Cundiff Try 70%! And Hauschka 69%. Oh and you could argue that Cundiff did worse, half of Cundiffs FGs was for less than 30 yards, while Hauschka only had one less than 30 yard. And yes I would have kept the rookie over Cundiff, even after the Vikes game.
  6. Signed.. 2,5 mill for one year. Huge upgrade compared to Stovers late year and Cundiff. http://blogs.baltimoreravens.com/2010/06/03/graham-officially-signs-one-year-contract/
  7. No more mistakes Schefter. Let it be true! After declining to draft a kicker, the Baltimore Ravens are close to signing one. Baltimore is closing in on a one-year deal with former Cincinnati Bengals Pro Bowl kicker Shayne Graham, according to league sources. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5238650
  8. We started with most RFAs almost 20, and the remaining is the high tender people, some of them with legit hopes for new contracts. McClain mentioned that as his reason one of the last days.. and him Landry and Koch should be people we/I would like to sign longterm. Clayton and Fabian migth have that dream too? Gaither is probably an unhappy case. And we need to get some of those under long term contracts, or 2011 would be ugly.
  9. For the longterm you are probably rigth, but its hard to ignore that FAs do a difference here and now. And it is hard to solve all the needs in the draft. Hardly a SB without FAs; McCrary, Adams, Goose, Woodson, Sharpe and Ismail. Surely no 13-3 season in 2006 without FAs; McNair, Mason, Rolle, Pryce, Gregg, Bannan and Stills. So when did you actually see Clayton was a bust.. And what is a bust.. when 60-70% WRs taken in the first round have less production than Clayton? Was it in his rookie year? In 2006 when he showed more than a lot of promises or not? In 2007-8 when he struggled with injuries, bad QBs and TEs, a terrible OL in 2007 and a talented but still not a very good OL in 2008.. At least our playcall did not favour WRs that year.
  10. Nah. In 2006 we were together with the Bolts the best passrushing team by a large margin.. oh that year our D was almost as scary on every fase. In 2007-2009 we had 30-35 sacks, not bad but fare from the elite, it is tough to be that great in passrush, when you ask your front seven to help DBs.. And in the last two seasons we have been a top 1-5 defense against rush and in PDs, interceptions and opponents QB rate. In 2008 Ngata and Bannan was in top five in interceptions/PDs among the DTs.. our LBs same thing with Lewis and Suggs top five too. Something similar in 2009, we were probably less dominating but we did also have our share of injuries. Sacks is nice. But and this is where someone again is wrong.. We have had the only defense in this league who was in top 3 in both total yards and score the last two seasons. Ask the sack leading team Vikings (48 sacks) if they would not have had our defense.. or the Jets D who btw had the same number of sacks (32) like us.
  11. Agreed. Angry elf, nice one. He brings me sometimes in the same mood as the fatso from the sun.. And i guess that it is always good and at least healthy that we do disagree from time to time.
  12. This is so arrogant, and you know very well that no team in this league can be perfect in every fase, and at least not in the long term, as long as we have the salary cap era. Like Colts front seven, Steelers OL, Patriots runninggame, Bolts defense and recently runninggame, Jets QB. There are 32 teams in this league, obviously all of them with the same goal. So what is wrong with Pats (post 2004) and Bolts, when they year after year lose in POs, despite they are early SB favourite before every season, what is wrong with the Colts when they only had one SB, despite they have had ten + ten win seasons, and the Steelers what did they do wrong last season like going 2-4 in AFC North? And Titans who arguably was the best team in 2008 and was fare from that in 2009. I do agree that I am not that comfortable just now. I am sceptic about our present Kicker, Tackle, DB depth and DE situation (in no order). And injuries have been hurting us when we/I expected greater things.. like in 2005 and 2007. I am beginning to predict 8-8, hopefully I am wrong and we will make the POs again.
  13. Not really. Still not signed his tender. And he is that young and talented so he could gamble and sit next year and wait to week ten when he would become a UFA, hopefully and probably not happening, at least that would not be in the Ravens favour. What is Gaither/Rosenhaul agenda? Well this is obvious, a new contract here or else where, and most likely else where since Ozzies is not likely to give him any offer. What is not so obvious is the Ravens agenda? Do they really ever wanted him? Would they like to keep a nice talent for no money this year, no doubt! If they could trade him even better! And what I find ugly, they are fabricating all kinds of stories (Ravens together with their local media) they are keep telling us he is lazy, he has a poor work ethic, drug abuse speculations, issues with injuries. Ravens answer they are telling us they like Oher better (did they ever ask Joe?) and Cousins will do fine.
  14. Well that was his position in MD in 2006, so why not? The question is motivation.
  15. Agreed. This is a step back for our passinggame. Back to six Oliners and Heap in pass protection to help Oher. And when we had Terry, we at least had an illusion that we had LT depth. Now if..probably when we trade Gaither and Oher gets injuried, we have nothing, and I guess we will see Chester as TE again and again. Why did we even bother to upgrade our recieving corps.
  16. Gaither is our best LT! Oher is our best RT! Why f... this is up, I thougth we were proving to win some gtames now, not only next year or when ever. And in the first place, as long he has not signed his tender, there is very little room for any thougths of fantasy trades, if any!
  17. Ravens take CB Curtis Brown, Texas.. at 31th in the 2011 draft. Amusing and way too early with these speculations, what the hell obviously we are a more hot team, since when? http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/writers/andrew_perloff/04/27/2011.mock.draft/1.html
  18. Joe and me would be feeling the heat if Heap was not here next season.
  19. True. Still I know it is not making any sense, but in the same time it was when our DBs stepped up.. Fox, Carr, Landry, Zib and yes Walker too! In the last 12 games including playoffs our DBs did their part.. something very similar happend the year before.
  20. Mixed feelings. The first round is terrible for us in Europe, we would have to take a day off.. Friday much better still bad timing.. well we can live with that. Saturday is actually better now and hope my sunday will be more normal, and I am probable in much better condition on monday.. than before.
  21. geo

    Day 3

    Hopefully Webb and Fabian will be more ready than we think. Or please.. welcome back to Walker, Ivy.. hmm. Harbs told us that it after the top 100 was not really a very deep class.
  22. Kindle and Dez could very well become the O and D ROYs.. And I find it difficult to blame the FO for this move, tons of upside. F... the red flags, and the FO believes in him. I love it. As for fatso aka big tits, not a fan, but he was BPA and this is a statement, we will continue our rush D traditions, and this is a safe pick, he will contribute from game one and give Gregg some rest! Is these picks an indication we will continue to be a 3-4/4-3 team more than 4-3? Dickson migth be the most ready TE of a very talented TE class. Will he be a new Heap? Maybe not, but he will bring depth to the position, and it is the most important thing rigth now. So youth to D and depth to Heap, looking good so fare. Still some good WRs around and actually here we could take a project with some injury concerns like Danorio Alexander and IR? What about a FB?
  23. So no first round, and now we are in the game, two second round, high third, forth, two fifth and a sixth. Some how it seems like a typical Ozzie day on draftday!
  24. No! If this draft is deep we should consider trading down and get picks to next year, when the draft migth be less deep and we will need picks in round 1+2, if this draft is so deep, other teams migth do stupid decisions with next years draftpicks.
  25. As I understand it was the deadline for RFAs to sign offer sheets from other teams! I found this on the Ravens website; If a Restricted Free Agent is tendered by his team and he doesn’t sign that tender what does that mean? What is his status? For the 90 RFAs who have not signed contracts as of April 15, the original clubs retain exclusive rights to sign the player. All RFAs can sign by June 1 the contract their original club tendered before March 5 — the first day of the 2010 league year. (Click here for a complete list of RFA tender offers.) If a player does not sign by June 1, the original club can extend the qualifying offer and thereby retain exclusive rights to the player. If the original qualifying offer is greater than 110 percent of the player’s 2009 base salary and the player does not sign that contract by June 15, the team can substitute the June 1 tender with a new June 15th tender of 110 percent of the RFA’s 2009 base salary and continue to retain exclusive rights to the player. If the player does not sign by Week 10, he cannot play in 2010. Still we have a lot more FAs than all other teams. All those free agents we have, this is probably a positive problem for 2010, for 2o11 it could means a lot of trouble. http://nfllabor.com/
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