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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by deeshopper

  1. Look at you in a suit! :) I like it!

  2. They better.
  3. Would love for the Jets and Broncos to lose and have the Ravens break the Stealers' hearts.
  4. Phins don't want to stop the Stealers.
  5. Do they dump Del Rio?
  6. Still want them to lose a heartbreaker.
  7. Don't you mean, Rise and Conquer?
  8. Oops. And I'm rooting for Detriot as well.
  9. Turnover. Too bad that punk Porter was the one that came up with it.
  10. In case you were wondering, this thread is open.
  11. Miami's putting up a good fight. I'm impressed.
  12. Reports coming in that Brady has broken ribs. All of this means nothing if the Ravens lose.
  13. Exactly. Sounds like it is everyone else that needs to STFU. Happy New Year!
  14. What was it that Smith said?
  15. Agreed. Although, one: the "mid-playoff" run with either not exist or be a short one, and two: Smith hasn't opened his mouth.
  16. Sorry for the lateness, but an FYI: the gameday threads open automatically at the time specified in each thread. So, there won't be a second post saying the thread is open. Hooray technology. Now, back to your regularly scheduled program.
  17. Happy Christmas everyone!
  18. Go back to your Miley Cyrus CD.
  19. ...very skilled at driving.
  20. How pitiful.
  21. Blessed with electricity, heat, phone, Internet, cable and food. A long way from being in trouble!
  22. I thought about it, but it is coming down harder than it was a few hours ago. No point!
  23. They might make an exception, but BWI is essentially closed.
  24. Yes! I beat Max! LOL.
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