No thanks. Ben has taken a huge amount of hits in that offense. Now maybe that is on Ben, maybe on the OC, but I don't want Flacco to take that many hits. It will shorten his career by multiple years.
It makes no sense for the team to announce anything until after the draft regarding eventual retirements. I would be surprised if they, team and players, don't hold off any anouncements until after the draft.
I wonder if Dickson would make a better WR than TE. At least they are still in it and they found an offense. Just need a stop or two on D to take the lead for once.
PFT While I do think there are problems on the O and I am for a new coordinator, the timing just seems weird. Why would you leak such a thing on the eve of the most important game of the season so far?
I don't know, watching the NYG vs GB game, there just seems to be some fundamental problem with the Ravens passing offense in comparison to what those two teams are doing.