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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Posts posted by Dunno

  1. But the same goes for at least 3 of the losses as well.


    Had they completed one or two passes more in Jacksonville they could have won.


    Had they fumbled less on special teams in Seattle, they could have won.


    Had they been able to defend one or two of the deep balls to Kenny Britt, they could have won.


    Had they been able to play competetively vs the Chargers .... ok, in this one they simply got pwned.


    So a few plays away from 15 - 1.

  2. Phil Savage is also the reason you cannot credit Ozzie alone, but must not forget to credit the people who provide him with information.


    The drafts leading up to Savage's departure for Cleveland are probably the worst in Raven's history. I am sort of reminded of the old saying, Garbage in - Garbage out.


    Ozzie is great at taking the information and making a decision, but if the scouting info is terrible, well, so are his draft decisions.


    Recently, I think the drafts have been excellent, a result based on the scouting information obtained, which I credit primarily to the people doing the information gathering.


    Of course, all the information gathering in the world is useless if the guy at the end making the decision can't sift through all the info and make a good choice (see Matt Millen).


    Ozzie is clearly very very good at his, very crucial, role, but the credit can not be his alone.

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