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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by rastaman831226

  1. So what I'm hearing after all this aimless rambling is " I know but I just don't know. ".
  2. Bingo. Alas someone else understands football.
  3. So, you're saying that you don't know the situation and have no information to back your claim but your logic tells you that you're right on this matter? Is that what I'm hearing?
  4. Wouldn't you have been better served to have warned everyone? Don't you agree?
  5. So what is it? Can we make up for the loss in Forsett run production or not? Your explanation tells me you don't understand and you don't know. Is that what you're saying?
  6. Cut the crap DC. RobJr is old enough to be your grandaddy. He's a big boy now and probably doesn't appreciate you coddling him like some three year old. I'm disturbed that you would disrespect him in such a manner.
  7. Here it is in a nutshell. Forsett ain't staying here, he's going to Denver with Kubiak to establish the running game for the Broncos and Peyton Manning. Losing 1566 yds with a 5.4 average of production cannot be made up for either in Free Agency or the Draft. Our offense will be diminshed next season and that's not a good thing especially with our upcoming schedule.
  8. It's " you're " not " your ". " Your " makes you look reaaaaaaaaaaaally stupid. And to respond to that with a " ? " question mark makes you look extra stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid. Just sayin'.
  9. Your? Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.
  10. They can find a way to slide him in. Forsett's been playing for peanuts, a raise won't kill Denver. Besides, Kubiak's system can extend Forsett's NFL career another 2 years at a minimum. That's a sweet deal for Forsett after all, he was walking the street before we signed him.
  11. Again, Forsett will follow Kubiak to Denver for a raise in salary and a system that is ideal for his running style. This will be a major major loss for the Ravens' running attack and thus the entire offense. This is a guess but highly likely given Kubiak 's win now philosophy and the need of a running game for Payton Manning.
  12. Wha..? There's no way you can deny that Justin Forsett was the right player in the right system. His numbers bear that out. Pierce's downhill style couldn't find the holes in defenses with kubiak/Castillo's unique zone blocking scheme, Taliafero brutish downhill style found limited success with Kubiak/Castillo's unique zone blocking scheme and what's his name fell flat on his face with Kubiak/Castillo's unique ZBS. Like it or not, Forsett, as it was with Ray Rice, was a huge huge part of this offense. Kubiak knows it, Forsett knows it, the whole league knows it, and any knowledgeble Ravens fan knows it. Justin Forsett will be gravely missed.
  13. The same can be said for any position. Right player - right system. The Ravens are a prime example of this including Forsett in a Ravens' Kubiak system.
  14. Bookmark this thread. You guys are missing the boat.
  15. The best attack is a balanced attack. You cannot deny that. The majority of SB winners and contenders have proven that. Forsett will not be easily or ever replaced.
  16. All SB contenders have one thing in common - excellent running games.
  17. Don't undervalue Justin Forsett.
  18. Forsett is the perfect running back for Kubiack's system - he's gone. The running game was and has always been the backbone of the Raven's offense - no Forsett - no running game - no offense. This ain't rocket science.
  19. Now that Kubiak is the Bronco's new Head Coach, be prepared for Justin Forsett to depart for Denver as well leaving a huuuuuuge hole in the Ravens' running game. Discuss.
  20. Ta DaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH!!!!! Nailed it!!
  21. Going out on a limb here, but I believe the next Ravens' OC will be Marc Trestman.
  22. So that would mean you think Joe Flacco is the third best QB in the league. Better than Manning, Brady, Rothlesberger, Wilson etc. And you wonder why I so easily can call you a tard.
  23. Who are you? This is kid logic. How old are you?
  24. Aw Booo Hooo. You made a dumb statement, got royally pounded for it and now you get wimpy by pulling the race card. You're below dispicable. Grow a set and learn to quit gracefully when you're so far behind.... dumbass tard.
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