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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Tornado700

  1. I agree 100%. Highest hit in the league. SteveB. got suckered on that one.
  2. You actually stopped being a fan because you disagreed with a signing? Seriously? I've never heard anyone do that before. Scary.
  3. Papa, sometimes you make me wonder if you're really a Raven fan at all. Very seldom do you have anything nice to say about them. And if you really ARE a Raven fan, you can not expect absolute perfection every time. If so, you should move to Mashachussetts.
  4. Everybody wants to talk about getting Flacco some help. Did Flacco do anything to lessen that $25 million dollar cap hit this year? Just curious about that.
  5. Promises, promises.....
  6. Max-you're great. The fat man was amazingly funny. Still LMAO.
  7. Agree. Mel is starting to make me sick.
  8. Man- I am so glad you don't work at the Castle, unless you cut grass there.
  9. So far, this is a great draft. The Ravens will get those position of need players some how, some way, most likely in free agency. Hold your horses fellas, hold your horses. This ain't over yet.
  10. Sorry, but I don't read any of Preston's stuff.
  11. Right on the nose. He was already a really good guy. And now this. Very very sad.
  12. Now that would depend on how he plays. Don't forget, Taliferro is expected to be back.
  13. I'm not so sure I like this trade. Yes, Jernigan made alot of bone headed penalties, but trading up some 25 places in the 3rd. round, just doesn't seem adequate, even if we were going to lose him next year anyway. He started 15 games last year and was a pretty good tackle. Personally, I didn't like the guy, but he could play football. I have the gut feeling that he might not have been that good locker room material.
  14. No doubt, many of the Raven will be talking to Ralph about a buick along the way. If the high seas doesn't get them the open bar will.
  15. C'mon, that;s a little much, isn't it?
  16. First, Crave just indicated that he was found with 126 grams of pot. The "official" charge is over 3 grams, which means intent to distribute. And "supplying" to a party is distribution. It doesn't matter if you sell it or give it away. Wasn't Elam also arrested carrying a very large amount of money? Anyway, he is the Ravens top draft mistake ever.
  17. I know of at least one thing Joe might do to improve himself. Renogotiate his over paid salary so we can grab some of these top free agents from around the league. Something like this could possibly put us in playoff's next year.
  18. Deny it. He belongs right here.
  19. We desperately need a new center next year. Please don;t be Zuttah.
  20. Yes- RIP David Modell.
  21. I am not aware that Joe renegotiated his contract for a pay raise? Over the $120 million? Why would our front office do that? We were 5-11 the year before last.
  22. Can any of us look at the Ravens 2016 and think of at least one top playmaker on this team? I wish I could, but I just can't. That's why they are, as we sit now, an 8-8 team. I can't blame this record on the coaching staff, but it appears to me that, as much as I like the owner, much of this falls on him and Ozzie. Joe had a tremendous 2012 playoff run and we won the superbowl. But Steve B. allowed his emotions to get the best of him and he over rewarded Joe with a $120 million dollar guaranteed contract. This contract, sadly, is now hurting this team overall. Ozzie has not hit any home runs in the draft since then either. Joe, for the sake of his team, will have to renegotiate his contract to bring that salary cap number down significantly, or we will continue to be a mediocre football team. We need a playmaker like Reed in our secondary and another one on offense, preferably at wide receiver. Finally, we are going to have to hit free agency with a vengeance this coming year if we are going to continue our reputation as one of the best teams in the NFL.
  23. That's when we will see Mr. Harbaugh go for sure.
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