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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Tornado700

  1. Thank you Preacher. Worse year in our history.
  2. One couldn't be a more competent owner than Steve B. I sometimes wonder what makes people like you tick Papa.
  3. Sports media is predicting 0-6 the rest of the way and for the firdt time in our young history, the number 1 pick in the 2016 draft.
  4. It can't get any worse than this. Flacco out with season ending knee injury. Forsett breaks his right arm, out for the season. Both Suggs and Steve Smith out for season with achilles injuries. Now rusty Matt Schaub steps in with no receivers to throw to. No backs to hand the ball off to. Next 6 games, we probably score a total of about 42 points. Tops. That # 1, 2, or 3 draft pick is getting closer by the day,
  5. Whatever they did, they need alot more of it.
  6. One thing for sure is this before we draft. Give these players extreme physicals before even considering drafting them. Look at their total game history, going back to their high school days. Interview them at length and make their health statements a condition of employment. Another words, if they lie and that lie is later determined, their contract can be immediately made null and void, and we owe them nothing.
  7. Crave- I think both have a rep of being very fair. One of the reasons Joe got what he wanted the first time around was because Bisciotti was loving life at the time. He basically handed Joe his checkbook. Times are now a different my friend.
  8. Look at the bright side. We probably get 3 or 4 picks higher next year because of this sorry call. Sorry guys, I'm all smiles.
  9. Couple points here Crave. Some rebuttal. 1.) Those seats in Baltimore are not empty because of Joe. Losing is a TEAM concept. 2.)Nobody on this entire thread has said or believes that Joe Flacco is in the same stature of Brooks, Johnny U., Cal and Ray. 3.)I would bet my house against Joe leaving for Denver. I stick to my previous words and am absolutely convinced he's staying right here.
  10. I agree that poor personnel and some pretty bad luck with injuries have ruined this season. But, Joe has also contributed to this with some awful mistakes. Interceptions, fumbles, etc. I'm a long time fan of Joe's and I can tell you this. He ain't going nowhere. He will not be cut nor traded. And his agent doesn't make the final decision, Joe does. I know one thing for sure. Joe loves playing in Baltimore and is going to want to stay to turn this ship around. And he'll start by renegotiating his contract out of a sense of loyalty to his team and his fans. Count on it.
  11. After Joe Flacco is forced to considerably renegotiate is contract. Seriously, what choice does he now have?
  12. For the life of me, I can not even imagine why anyone would be attacked for writing what I did. I really can't. First of all, you can exclude '96-'98. Craven was EXACTLY right when he said very few fans even cared what our record was back then because we were all so happy and content just to be back in the NFL. As far as me stating that I thought this was a super bowl team this year, so freakin' what? Many of us thought that. We were wrong, but you apparently love to point that out, don't you? It must make you feel like a real smart guy, huh? And then, you practically scream that I am wrong, that it is NOT because we draft close to last most years, but because it's all on Ozzie and co. It's morons like you (YES, MORON) that just love to hate on other people because their views are not in line with your perfection. Finally, you ask," so how is it we could be spoiled"? My answer is, "duh you freakin' idiot, 7 years with Joe and John, 5 playoff appearances, 3 AFC championship games, 1 superbowl victory! How's that answere for you? How can we be spoiled? You're a real jerk off.
  13. Outstanding article 82. It just gave me some real hope for this Perriman kid. Thanks.
  14. I knew the Ravens were bad when I watched the exhibition season. It's a great way to gauge the depth of a team. With that said, I want to address our future. Let's start with the fact that the way this league is set up, that NO team (unless your'e the Pats) has winning seasons every single year. The Ravens inability to win is the direct result of picking almost last in the draft year after year for the last ten years. Actually, I am surprised how much success we have had over that time. Certainly attributable to this front office. I expect the Ravens to pick in the top ten for the first time in many years. I expect the front office to remarkably improve this team. I also expect many players to renegotiate their contracts, thus freeing up alot of money to attract some very good free agents. Look, this team has a documented tract of success and I fully expect it to continue. We have to stop all this doom and gloom. It might take a couple of years, but we will turn this around. Have faith in the team you are, no doubt, spoiled by it's success. The Baltimore Ravens will be back, sooner rather than later. Have some faith.
  15. Did you read the article about the Perriman knee injury and how many people are afflicted with this type of knee ailment? How it is a life long injury? I hope the article is wrong about him, but admit that now I am starting to believe that he has this type of exact knee injury. Why would he start showing signs of progression and then, out of the blue, reinjure it just by running? That's why I said bust. Nothing to ILMAO about.
  16. I have to agree with you Crave. This team does not appear to be as self disciplined as in past years. It's almost like they came out of the gate this year with an attitude of "OK, we got this." "We're a playoff calibre team". "Everybody owes us something." BUT, it's not ALL on the coaches. I attribute this to lack of discipline, player cockiness, player stupidity, a referee attitude that makes it fashionable to blame the Ravens first, and a lack of talent that stems from picking in the bottom 32 draft over the past 10 or so years. I strongly believe that change is coming in 2016 to the Baltimore Ravens.
  17. I thought the broadcasters did a nice job of piecing this season together with all of the injuries, the annual changes to our coaching staff, etc. I wanted to mention that first. Now, the game. Not to make any excuses, but these referees were definitely playing for the home crowd. Twelve or so penalties called on us. Two on Arizona? Even Gruden and Mike T. commented on it all game. Then I hear that our earphones stopped working on our final offensive series. Yet, after all this, the Ravens stayed in this game. And you know what? They played their asses off to the last second. I appreciated that. That is what I hoped to see all year long from this team.
  18. Sorry Varaven45- I meant you. You are the author of this thread.
  19. Max- I really don't think that we are as bad as our record indicates, but nevertheless, losing is losing. Yes, we could have won all of those games but the true character of a team is measured by their ability to win those games- and not lose them. I've talked to alot of other fans and everyone feels the way I do. And that is- what happened here? I suspect that this team just lacks the self confidence and self discipline to go out there week after week and play a really good game, which is what is necessary to win in this parody driven NFL.
  20. Silly talk. Harbs isn't going anywhere. You don't fire a head coach with John's consistancy over the years because of one bad year. Pees is a different story. When comparing these two coaches, one can coach while the other lacks skills. Look, we have been good for so long that we have been getting the left overs in terms of draft picks. This is how the NFL is suppsed to work. 5-11 should get us a top ten pick in May 2016. This club will be fine, as long as Harbaugh is the head coach.
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