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Everything posted by Tornado700

  1. WTF Sleeping with a cop's wife might qualify as one of the stupidest...No respect bro. No respect.
  2. I thought Pittsburgh looked pretty good. They were a couple of bad luck plays away from the win. At Pittsburgh is going to be another at Denver tough match up.
  3. 27-17 Denver. I already know Denver's defensive game plan.
  4. Yeah, great hang time and it stinks.
  5. I have to agree with everything written so far. About Perriman, he was supposed to be out there to stretch the field, which would allow a bigger field for Joe to throw in. This seriously scares me. It affects both the passing game and running game. And Tsyl hit it head on. Special teams, Let's hope we don't get blown out in Denver.
  6. Here's what I don't understand. Why even have a NFL commissioner? Obviously, any future infractions by players will be tried in a court of law. Everything. This is just wrong.
  7. I'm with you Crave but can answer this one for you. A cell phone (and Brady's voice telling someone to deflate the balls) is direct evidence. Without the cell phone, evertything is speculative, therefore, circumstantial.
  8. Injuries and DEPTH. You don't win in this league without good depth. Last night in Atlanta, they started to show us something, but was it enough?
  9. Agree or disagree? I disagree in a big way. Not only does Brady and Belicheat get away with another cheating scandel, but it essentially strips the commissioner of his power to discipline players of wrong doing. This is a precedent which will have bad consequences for the NFL's future. What's your take?
  10. This years Raven vs. Saints game-remember it? I do and I'll take Ryan Grinffin in a heartbeat.
  11. Normally, I dread cut day because I hate to see players cut. This year, I actually look forward to it so they key the coaching on 53.
  12. Props to Tyrod. If he was still here, he'd be the # 2. So it worked out well for him.
  13. When did this report come out and why haven't the Ravens told the fans about this? It's amost becoming like a conspiracy theory. Who do you believe?
  14. Matt Shaub is finished in this league, period! Ravens blew this one. Renner HAS to be the back up and Ozzie has to cut his losses.
  15. And yes, this team folded like a cheap suit after the fight. Not good at all.
  16. Did you see that tackle? He could have easily broken Aiken's neck. Harbaugh went on the field to get his players. That's when Gruden said something off cuff to him, which lead to Harbaugh screaming at him.
  17. All three are AVERAGE, at best. Unlike Pittsburgh, who have at least three above average receivers. And what is the freakin' deal with Perriman? The secretcy is starting to unnerve me. Is this guy coming back to play or what? When? It makes you start to wonder if this was a true first round bust. Or am I over-reacting? As a fan, I just want somebody affiliated with the team to tell us the truth. Just level with us, please.
  18. I know it's a little early to take back my super bowl prognostication, but, man, they are not inspiring any confidence at all. The last three games have been hard to watch. Very hard to watch. Our second team defense and offense has stunk up the house big time. I can't even watch them, they are that bad! And maybe Rasta is right after all, Matt Schaub is terrible. On the other hand, look at Tyrod and what he is doing in Buffalo. Just calling it like I see it fellas.
  19. I just want to know if he is READY on Sept, 13th. Anyone know?
  20. I agree 100% with every post here. It looks like the entire team went into Philly with no urgency and a deep sense of complacency, evidenced by their number of penalties. Yes, it was one game, but an ass kicking like this has to make the coaches look harder at this team. Let's admit it. As a team, we did not look good in both games. So far, our second string defense has stunk up the field. Will it get straightened out? Absolutely, no doubt about it. But, it appears that this team has a long way to go.
  21. It forces them to think about their role and what to do to fix it. It also cuts them down to size. I anticipate a long hot physical week for these players. Every single one of them.
  22. Arguuing with this guy is an effort in futility. It's like explaining something to a child, a very young one at that. He's not real bright and is wrong about most things Raven football related.
  23. Schaub played pretty good last night. He did throw an interception, but even Quadry Ismael (an ex-receiver) said that Jeremy Butler was more at fault than Schaub for not being aggressive and going harder for the ball. I think Schaub is our # 2 for the duration.
  24. No mention of the Saint's QB. (#4). This guy is outstanding. He made alot of Raven defenders look pretty bad. Surely will be Brees' replacement. Just saying.
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